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About one hour later, I saw the door on the left opened, and a young man full of joy came out.


The young man's body became stiff, and the joy on his face froze there. Looking blankly at thousands of people outside, thousands of eyes focused on him with scorching heat.

This moment.

He has a feeling that he will be melted by these thousands of eyes...

"Xin Senior Brother!" The three silhouettes flew towards Xin Suifeng, Falling in front of Xin Suifeng, it was just the yellow colored clothes, tall buildings and red-colored robes of the Foundation Establishment. It was Huang Caiyi opening the mouth and said at this time:

"But you were in the breakthrough just now?"

"Yes!" Xin Suifeng nodded.

"What kind of cultivation base are"

Huang Caiyi's voice trembled a bit, and Gao Zhonglou and Chi Vale looked at Xin Suifeng's gaze. It's full of complexity.

"Has Xin Suifeng reached such a realm?"

Thousands of cultivators around also held their breath, staring at Xin Suifeng with scorching eyes. Xin Suifeng's heart was even more confused, and even a little frightened. He didn't know that he was just a breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Stage Third Layer. Why did he cause such concern? When he broke through Foundation Establishment Stage Second Layer before, no one paid any attention?

This made him nervous, his voice stuttering a bit.

"I...Foundation Establishment Stage Third Layer!"


The surrounding cultivators all have a feeling of being pinched their necks suddenly .

Foundation Establishment Stage Third Layer?

Foundation Establishment Stage Third Layer will have such a momentum?


As if the movement of eyes would produce sound, thousands of eyes immediately converged to the door on the right.

Seeing thousands of eyes moving away from her body, Xin Suifeng felt that a mountain was removed from her body, and the whole person relaxed, looking at Huang Caiyi:


"What's the matter? Why did they look at me like that just now?"

Huang Caiyi, the tall buildings and the red are all sighed in relief. Obviously they just made such a big push People are not Xin Suifeng, which brings back the confidence they had lost just now. Huang Caiyi recounted what happened just now, and Xin Suifeng's eyes became weird.

"What's wrong?" Gao Zhonglou saw the weirdness in Xin Suifeng's eyes, and asked: "Do you know who the breakthrough person is?"

"I live in that room It’s Yue Wu Endless!” Xin Suifeng’s expression hesitated and said: “But I haven’t seen her for a year. I’ve knocked on the door and there’s no response. But... the kind of movement you just mentioned, Junior Sister Yue should... can't get it out, right? She was in the Foundation Establishment with me."

At this time, Xiuxian walked over and said, "Did you not find anyone else living next door to you? ?"

"Have you moved to another person?" Xin Suifeng looked astonished.

Xiuxian’s face is a gangster: "I am asking you."

"Oh!" Xin Suifeng reacted: "I didn't pay attention."

Xiu Xian flicked his robe, walked aside, and looked at Qin Shuang's portal. Everyone also heard what Xin Suifeng said at this time, but they didn't get the slightest useful information, and they all looked at Qin Shuang's door.

This look is two hours.

Everyone's expressions changed, and humming discussions gradually sounded.

"Will there be no one in there, right?"

"Why? Do you think Xin Suifeng will make such a big show?"

" But... it's been two hours, why haven't they come out?"

"Is it because Heart Demon has not been smashed?"

"Maybe it's true! Inside! The Senior Brother can make such a big momentum, the Heart Demon Jie must also be very cruel, maybe it will really cultivation deviation!"

"'s a pity!"

"Would you like to go in and have a look!"

"Who dare?"

The man just kept silent and broke out during cultivator cultivation. If it interferes with cultivator cultivation, it is a vengeance. Even more how, people are breaking through?

If you let sect know, you will definitely be punished severely.

At this time, Qin Shuang had already cut off Heart Demon. The Foundation Establishment Stage 12th-layer is being constructed. With her cultivation base, she can only build a three-story Foundation Establishment platform at a time. One more layer will make the Foundation Establishment platform unstable and have a tendency to collapse.

One day, two days, three days...

The outside cultivator has dispersed a lot, and almost everyone thinks that Qin Shuang cultivation deviation is. It's just that no one dares to violate the rules of sect and break in. However, it also reported the news to Sect Elder. Sect Elder inside also watched it. Standing outside the door, under careful sensing, he perceives that the person inside is not cultivation deviation, but is breaking through. He told the outside cultivator not to disturb, and pulled away.

However, this news spread quickly in the Foundation Establishment Stage dísciple, which shocked every cultivator. It turned out that the Senior Brother inside wanted continuous breakthrough.

Now, every cultivator came to Qin Shuang’s house again, with Qin Shuang and Xin Suifeng’s house as the center, sitting cross-legged in circles, or quietly cultivation, Or communicate in a low voice. They all wanted to know immediately who was in the room, and they were also looking forward to the breakthrough of the people inside at the same age. That kind of opportunity for Dao Rhyme to drop down is not often seen. When this Dao Rhyme descends, everyone in the vicinity can benefit. When Qin Shuang broke through before, they have already got the benefits, so they look forward to it more.

Xiu Xian sat at the place closest to Qin Shuang’s door. Qin Shuang’s previous breakthrough gave him a chance for a breakthrough, and the shackles that had not been through have been loosened. He has a feeling that if the person inside the door can break through again and cause the Dao Rhyme to sag like before, he will have a great chance of getting a breakthrough.

This time it took longer. About a month later, Qin Shuang completed the last combination of building the 12th-layer Foundation Establishment platform, which was composed of 4,194,000 The Foundation Establishment platform constructed by Dao Talisman in 304 days. It's like a precision machine running.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

A vast Foundation Establishment platform of Twelfth Layer stands there, exuding red rays of light, and a magnificent imposing manner incomparable. The Foundation Establishment platform of each layer seems to lead to the unknown Immortal World.


The aura of in the sky began to flow crazily again, and Dao Rhyme appeared in Dao Rhyme, which was formed on the house of Qin Shuang in Dao Rhyme A huge funnel-shaped vortex about eight miles in radius, Sisi Dao Rhyme dropped down from the vortex.

"It's a breakthrough! It's a breakthrough again!"

Thousands of people outside the door uttered low roars almost at the same time, and their faces showed admiration and respect. One by one closed his eyes, but caught Sisi Dao Rhyme hanging down.

Twelfth Layer Foundation Establishment station is gradually fit under the nourishment of Dao Rhyme. With the help of December fruit, Qin Shuang continuously adjusts the Foundation Establishment station layer by layer to make them a perfect fit Approaching. I don’t know how long it has passed, Qin Shuang whispered:


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