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Qin Shuang stretched out his left hand, grabbed Xiao Chuang's shoulder, and pulled it outward. At the same time, Qin Shuang pulled out the sword with his right hand and quickly made three blows.

"dang dang dang..."

The baby who bit Xiao Chuang was shot off by Qin Shuang, and blood came out of Xiao Chuang’s buttocks and feet. But he was also dragged out of the door by Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang looked inside the door and saw that there was no silhouette of Xu Nianxian inside, only a big mouth fish.


The three babies who were hit by Qin Shuang crashed into the big mouth fish, and even smashed some big mouth fish to pieces. . Qin Shuang's eyes shrank. From the tunnel she was knocked away, she saw a skeleton surrounded by big mouth fish. It must be Xu Nianxian who was eaten up by the big mouth fish.


After the three knocked-up babies rushed past, the big-mouth fish rushed towards the skeleton again. Xu Dan's gloomy face pointed towards the gate, and the gate was turned into a rock, completely blocking the gate.


The rock burst into a hole before it even existed. A baby smashed the rock, opened his hands, and turned towards Qin Shuang and Xu Dan rushed over.

“clang... ”

a sword light flashed by, and the baby was knocked back by Qin Shuang at a speed faster than flying over. Another hole was knocked out in the rock and flew in.

"ka ka ka..."

There was a continuous ka-cha sound inside, the rock disappeared instantly, and a group of big-mouthed fish rushed out of it.

"clang clang clang..."

A beam of light burst out in front of the door. At this time, in Xu Dan's eyes, Qin Shuang seemed to give birth to thousands of arms, waving thousands of arms. The long sword formed a Sword Mountain, and it slammed into the gate.

“dang dang dang ……”

There was a sound of dense metal hitting, and countless bigmouth fish were crushed by Qin Shuang's long sword, and blue blood flowed out. From time to time, several babies were smashed out, like a blast of projectiles.

Xu Dan stared blankly at what was happening in front of him. At this moment, in front of his eyes, the door was like a meat grinder. No matter how many big-mouthed fish rushed over, they would be The long sword in Qin Shuang's hands is shredded. Even the baby with an abnormally hard body will be knocked back by Qin Shuang's long sword, smashing countless big-mouth fish.

He felt a chill in his heart. Fortunately, when he met Qin Shuang, no conflict broke out immediately. At the same time, I was determined in the heart to stay away from Qin Shuang when the cultivator and Martial Artist clash. Even if it is not as good as the Island Lord of Mishima, it is about the same as the Six Sects Sect Master of the Divided Spirit Stage, right?


Xu Yi's voice came from behind. Xu Dan looked back and saw that Xu Yi had passed through the body of the thousand-eyed centipede. There is a middle-aged Xu Family cultivator running in small steps on the eyeballs of the thousand-eyed centipede. Xu Yi said in spiritual consciousness:

"You go first, and Qin Fellow Daoist and I will leave last."

Hearing Xu Dan's words, Xiao Chuang secretly sighed in relief. About a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Chuang had passed the thousand eyes centipede. Only Qin Shuang and Xu Dan are left here. Xu Dan didn't say much, turned and looked towards the thousand-eyed centipede and flew away. After he rushed past the thousand-eyed centipede, he looked back at Qin Shuang who was rushing towards the thousand-eyed centipede, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes. .

As long as he stands here, waiting for Qin Shuang to come over, he stops Qin Shuang a little bit, Qin Shuang will be frozen by the centipede's gaze, and then die.

However, Qin Shuang is his life saving benefactor. If he does this, he is ungrateful. However, he is a cultivator and a rival with Martial Artist. Even if he is the patriarch of Eight Great Families, it is inevitable to hesitate at this time. When he was hesitant, he felt that a pair of sharp rays of light had locked him in. He couldn't help but look at Qin Shuang, and saw Qin Shuang's eyes, locking him with a hint of sarcasm. Both swords were behind their backs at this time, and they were not in their hands.

His eyes could not help but look towards Qin Shuang’s right hand, and he saw that Qin Shuang’s right hand seemed tight but not tight, loose or loose, but it gave Xu Dan a feeling, like that one There will be an extra sword in the hand at any time. Recalling the speed of Qin Shuang's sword at the entrance of the great hall just now in my mind, a layer of cold sweat broke out from the vest, and the desire to stop Qin Shuang instantly dissipated.


Qin Shuang's figure was already standing in front of him, and then flew forward without a word. Looking at Qin Shuang's back, Xu Dan sighed softly in the heart, relaxed inexplicably, and chased Qin Shuang.

Six people quickly rushed out of the crystal-like palace, flew toward the entrance, rushed into the entrance, and rushed upward.

"oh la la oh la la..."

The six silhouettes washed out from the pool and landed on the shore.

"pu thump thump thump..."

Falling on the pond, he sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

"It's finally safe!"

Xiao Chuang still has lingering fears on his face. Among the remaining six people, his cultivation base is the lowest, if not for Qin Shuang. Saved him at the Great Hall door, he already had a skeleton doesn't exist. Turn to Qin Shuang and say sincerely:

"Qin Fellow Daoist, thank you. I owe you two lives."

Xu Dan slightly hesitated and said for a moment: "Qin Fellow Daoist, thank you If you use Xu Family for something in the future, as long as it does not violate morals, Xu Family will do its best."

Qin Shuang is just nodded, but has no words. For Xu Dan, it is not as comfortable as Xiao Chuang. Xiao Chuang said that he owes Qin Shuang two lives, which means that if Qin Shuang needs it in the future, he can pay it back with his life. However, Xu Dan’s gratitude has conditions. The so-called not against morality is mainly because it does not violate the morality of the cultivator, because Qin Shuang is a Martial Artist. If you want him to do something that goes against the principles and interests of the cultivator, he won't do it.

Qin Shuang was too lazy to respond, so he sank the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness into the storage ring, and smiled openly. The harvest this time is really a lot. After a cursory look, there are more than 300 turtle's back grasses, more than 300 grasses for the sage, and more than 100 water waves. And these three kinds of herbs are Top Grade, and the medicine age is very long.

I just wanted to penetrate the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness into the Monster Suppressing Tower, but heard the hum of the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then rebounded her power of Sea of ​​Consciousness. Qin Shuang was not surprised but rejoiced, which shows that Monster Suppressing Tower has begun to merge again.

Recovering the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qin Shuang feels that her cultivation base is recovering quickly. All the energy comes from the calf in the dantian, which makes her feel helpless and consumes the calf so much. Energy, my own cultivation base may not be improved much.

all around began to fall silent, Xu Dan, Xiao Chuang and the others both took medicine pill and adjusted their breath, with joy between the eyebrows. Xiao Chuang was originally caught by Xu Nianxian and the others. It was a death road. But now not only did he not die, but he also got some water spray. What made him most happy was that all three of Xu Nianxian who had tortured him died, which made him feel refreshed. And with Qin Shuang by his side, Xu Dan and the others did not dare to kill him. Although Xu Dan and the others died a few clansman, but they got a lot of water waves, which is totally worthwhile for Xu Dan.


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