
The lobster's large pair of tongs were suddenly chopped down, and the upper body was planted downward.

"si si hiss..."

The sword glow flashed by at an extremely fast speed, and Qin Shuang's two large pliers and head were cut off by Qin Shuang. Sweeping his gaze over the pair of large pliers, he found that only a shallow trace was left on the sword just now.

"It's hard!"

Qin Shuang waved in his heart and waved the two big tongs into the storage ring, and then the corpse of the lobster monster into the Monster Suppressing Tower. I looked towards the frozen shrimp soldiers and crab generals and rushed over. Every time I rushed through a row, I took a row of shrimp soldiers and crab generals into the Monster Suppressing Tower, but it took less than a quarter of an hour. , So all shrimp soldiers and crab generals were collected into the Monster Suppressing Tower.

"Thank you!" Xiao Chuang looked at Qin Shuang this time sincerely.

"Where is the Medicine Garden?"


Xiao Chuang displayed Water Repelling Arts, breaking the water forward, and Qin Shuang followed closely Behind.

"Hua hua..."

There was the sound of water waves behind them. Qin Shuang and Xiao Chuang looked back and saw that the six Xu Dan were breaking the water towards them. Then, there was no lobster monster behind them, Xiao Chuang also saw Xu Dan and the others, but did not slow down at all, and moved forward.

A moon gate appeared in front of him, and Xiao Chuang said: "Qin Shuang, after entering the Medicine Garden, don't stop, pick a few herbs at the fastest speed, and leave immediately."

"Why?" Qin Shuang asked closely behind Xiao Chuang.

"There is a kind of coated fruit in it which is very scary. Several of my companions died under the coated fruit."

"What is a coated fruit?" Qin Shuang Asked curiously.

"A kind of Spirit Fruit in the legend, I don’t know the specifics. I just heard one of my companions shout that, and many babies came out and killed people. Later, my companion He is also dead. He is the one who was killed by the water blue vine demon in the great hall."

Qin Shuang's heart was stunned, and he followed Xiao Chuang closely. Chuang points to both sides, and a passage appeared in the middle. Xiao Chuang and Qin Shuang's figures swept forward quickly and rushed into the moon gate.

As soon as entering the moon gate, Qin Shuang was startled by a azure blue. The entire Medicine Garden is full of a hundred acres, growing cyan herbs, swaying slightly in the water, as if entering a fairy tale world.

Not far from them, there was a wave of water on the left. Xiao Chuang had already flew towards the wave of water, took out a small shovel, and started digging for the water wave.

Qin Shuang didn't act immediately. Although Xiao Chuang had reminded her, she still wanted to observe. Sweeping my eyes to the Medicine Garden, I saw that there are about five or six kinds of herbs in this Medicine Garden. There are blue sword grass like long sword, water spray like a wave, and turtle's back grass like a turtle's back. , There is a grass that looks like a blue cloud, and there is a kind of grass that Qin Shuang doesn’t recognize. It is one after another very short, only about half a meter high, but it is like one after another small tree, and there are on each small tree. More than a dozen head-sized flower bones.

"Is that the coated fruit?"

At this time, Xu Dan and the others also entered the moon gate, and the six people immediately diverted towards the spray of water. Qin Shuang rushed towards the turtle's back grass. She still listened to Xiao Chuang's words, and did not pick the herbs one by one, although that would not harm the herbs. But she was afraid that some kind of coated fruit would suddenly appear, looked towards the turtle's back grass and stretched out a hand to grab it.

A Great Hand Seal appeared above the Medicine Garden. One claw grabbed one third turtle's back grass, grabbed it to his side, and put it into the storage ring.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The flower bones on the small trees suddenly fell from the branches, and Qin Shuang stared at the drops. The Huaguduo that came down, with a Great Hand Seal covering the sky on one side, grabbed the Sheyuancao.

I just grabbed a handful of Semengrass, and saw that the flower bones that fell on the ground actually bloomed, and the petals unfolded layer by layer, and from the inside popped out one by one adult fist sized babies, facial features Clear, with all four limbs in place, looking at Qin Shuang, her breasts yelled milkily:


I ran towards Qin Shuang Although these suddenly appeared babies were very small, they ran extremely fast, but in less than five breaths, they ran to Qin Shuang's body.

"Qin Shuang, run fast, that's the fruit!"

I heard Xiao Chuang’s horrified cries, turned his head, and saw that Xiao Chuang was already facing The moon gate ran away quickly. And Xu Dan and those people were looking at the babies in a daze, looking a little dazed.


A baby jumped on Qin Shuang's instep, got down, and moved towards Qin Shuang's instep and took a bite. With the strength of the peak of Qin Shuang Martial God Seventh Layer in the later period, I felt a piercing pain from the instep, and instinctively lifted the foot to throw the baby off. It was the one that should be biting her instep tightly.

Qin Shuang felt a tingle on the back of his instep, which made Qin Shuang's heart a trace of terror.


Qin Shuang swung his sword and slashed at the baby.


As if hitting a golden iron, the baby was knocked out like a projectile, but this situation made Qin Shuang's heart frightened. In her opinion, it is just a plant fruit. With this sword, there is simply no possibility that the baby will be knocked into the air. It should be cut in two sections, but it is different from what Qin Shuang thought. There is nothing on the baby. The damage was just knocked out like a ball.


One by one, the babies stretched out their arms, opened their arms, and rushed towards Qin Shuang, with a pure smile on their faces , There are more than one hundred, and at this time, there are still Huagu Duo falling towards the ground.

Qin Shuang's sweat stood up all over, raised one foot, and kicked a baby who ran up to her with a "peng", kicking the baby away , But felt that she was kicking on an unusually hard object, which made her toes hurt.

The baby who was first flew by Qin Shuang with a sword fell to the ground, got up from the ground very neatly, stepped on two short legs, yelled "mother" in his mouth, very fast Ran towards Qin Shuang, the speed is like a rocket.

"What the hell is this?"

Qin Shuang only felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, his tailbone swelled, and he rushed to the top of his head along his spine, and his scalp was numb. He raised one foot and stepped on the baby who ran up to him.


The baby not only was not trampled on by Qin Shuang, but instead caused her feet to ache. Qin Shuang turned over and fled, seeing Xiao Chuang and their silhouettes have escaped from the moon gate, behind her there was a cry of "mother mother".


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