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Qin Shuang fixedly looked at Xu Dan on the opposite side and said: "I suspect that the seal you were looking for was the Demon Gate. Two years ago, I was at Martial Artist Continent’s Great Wilderness Kingdom, met Mo Zizai of Ichiyo Island, and found a seal with her. Later, the Mishima Island Lord on your side disappeared for a while. It is said that I went to Martial Artist Continent, and then The Demon Gate appeared in the Green Field Kingdom, so I suspect that the Demon Gate was opened by the Island Lord of Mishima. I came here to ask for a truth."

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang's voice turned sharper. : "The battle between Martial Artist and cultivator is right and wrong. Needless to say. However, for your own benefit, opening the door of the demon and bringing the disaster of destruction to the Human Race has gone beyond the bottom line of Human Race. If this is really done by your cultivator, you are not worthy of Human Race, you are the sinners of Human Race. It would not be an exaggeration to slaughter you clean."

"What you... said is true Of?" Xu Dan looked at Qin Shuang in surprise.

"Although I have no definite evidence, I can be sure that Mishima was responsible for 80% of it. Originally, I was 80% sure, and I simply didn’t need to come here to seek the truth. I only have to expel Monster Race and After Demon Race, the human race scum on your side is bound to be slaughtered.

It’s just that I’m not sure whether this is Mishima’s work, or whether Mishima led all the cultivators on your side. For. So, I’m here to seek the truth. If it’s just Mishima’s work, then my enemy is Mishima. If you all persons participate in the knowledge, you all deserve to die."

Xu Dan's faces blushed, and at the same time dissatisfaction appeared in their eyes. The young man who came with Xu Dan said unconvincedly:

"Why do you think it is our side instead of the demon gate opening automatically? Or Monster Race is there? You broke the door of the demon?"

"You are right!" Qin Shuang was not angry, but nodded very calmly: "So, I come here to seek the truth."

The young man showed a look of ridicule on his face and said: "I think you are not here to seek the truth, but to plant!"

Xu Dan waved his hand and stopped the young man saying: "This matter Put it down for now, but I can swear in the name of the ancestors of the Xu Family, we don’t know the truth, we just obey Mishima’s orders."

Qin Shuang nodded, she didn’t speak any more, she just planted A seed. She believed that the news she had said would soon spread across the sea. Since the Island Lord Mishima did such an angry thing, everyone should know.

"Qin Fellow Daoist, the old man has a request."

"You said."

Xu Dan turned his gaze to Xiao Chuang said: "Xiao Virtuous nephew, where you found, there are a lot of water waves, or there are only one or two?"

Xiao Chuang glanced at Qin Shuang and saw that Qin Shuang didn’t care, so he nodded and said:

"There are many, and not only water waves, but also many other precious herbs. It seems to be a Medicine Garden relic. However, it is very dangerous there. Seven of us went, and only I escaped by luck. Come out."

Xu Dan turned to Qin Shuang and turned to Qin Shuang, "Qin Fellow Daoist, I don’t know if we can go with you. Xiao Chuang also said that it’s dangerous there. We are here. There are more people, and you can share some of the dangers."

Qin Shuang indifferent expression said: "Go if you want."

Xu Dan Da happily said: "many thanks Qin Fellow Daoist "

Qin Shuang stood up and said: "Then let's go."

Everyone got up, Xiao Chuang walked in front, everyone followed behind, and walked for about two Hours, the sky is getting gloomy, the clouds in the sky are like lead, and the forest seems even darker.

There is no wind in the air, like being shrouded in a leaded cover. Although these people are not invaded by the cold and heat, they feel sultry psychologically.

After walking for nearly two hours, the sky is already dark, in the sky is still enveloped by lead-colored clouds, and the stars and moons in the sky are isolated, and darkness enveloped the entire island.

Everyone gathered the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness on their eyes and saw the surrounding scenery clearly. Along the way, I have encountered some demonic beasts, but the demonic beasts are not too strong. They simply didn’t need Qin Shuang and Xu Dan to attack, and were beheaded by those from Xu Family. Xiao Chuang didn’t make a move and performed faithfully. Responsibility to lead the way.

At this time, they were standing in front of a cliff, Xiao Chuang observed it, and walked to the left for about one more than a hundred meters, then raised his head to identify it, and finally said:


"On top."

When the words fall, they fly up, flying towards the sky. Qin Shuang and the others rallied and followed closely behind Xiao Chuang.

Flying about 500 meters high, everyone saw a hole in the cliff, Xiao Chuang's figure flew into the hole, and Qin Shuang and the others followed.

This is a downward passage, spiral-shaped, as if spiraling downwards around the inside of the mountain. Qin Shuang followed Xiao Chuang, and while walking, he asked softly:

"Xiao Chuang, is there a demonic beast in this passage?"

"It turns out that there is a python Yes, it was guarded at the entrance of the cave, but we killed it. They discovered the python at the beginning, and after killing it, they discovered this passage. There is no demonic beast in this passage."

When everyone heard it, they were all sighed in relief. Because the road spiraled downwards, it took about three quarters of an hour to see everyone in a cave with a radius of one thousand meters. There are some plants growing in the cave, and green moss grows on the cave wall. There is a pool in the center of the cave. The water is very clear, but it is not bottomed.

The space of a kilometer square, everyone can see clearly when they glance at it. There are no sprays of water here, let alone the various rare herbs that Xiao Chuang said. Everyone’s eyes can’t help. Gathered on Xiao Chuang's body.

Xiao Chuang pointed to the water pool and said: "Below."

Then he used Water Repelling Arts and jumped down. Everyone used Water Repelling Arts, separated the deep water, and jumped into the pool.

The pool is very deep. It took about a quarter of an hour for everyone to fall to the bottom of the pool. On the cliff at the bottom of the pool, there is a hole that reveals the faint rays of light. Xiao Chuang walked toward the entrance of the cave with everyone. The entrance was only less than one meter thick. Everyone quickly passed through the entrance, and then stood there, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, looking ahead.

Here is a seabed valley surrounded by cliffs on all sides. The valley is huge. In the middle of the valley stands a palace. I don’t know what material the palace is made of. The precious light is like a Water Crystal Palace.

Such a palace exuding bright and bright light has never been discovered.


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