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Only Qin Shuang said nothing, because she didn't know what to say. Since she was sober, she has recovered all her memories, and later in this small town, the imposed memories are like illusions. So, she didn't know how to splice it at all. Before figuring out the town, she still wanted to observe it for a while.


Qin Shuang's face suddenly changed, and she felt that the aura in her body was leaking...


Not only the spiritual power in her body, but also her Soul Power, the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness is leaking out. It seems that there is an inexplicable power that absorbs some of her body, and the degree of absorption is extremely Slowly, if it is not for Qin Shuang in a fully awake state, simply can't find it.

Qin Shuang's heart has repeated warning signs, at this rate of absorption, within a month, her Qin Shuang will die, and even her body will be decomposed, turned into energy and absorbed, and then between There is no such person as Qin Shuang in Heaven and Earth.

"It's amazing!"

Qin Shuang's heart jumped violently. Qin Shuang quickly thought about the way to get out of here. She couldn't guarantee that if this time Charge ahead by yourself and run out of town, you will be able to run out, because so far, Qin Shuang still doesn't know who the enemy is.

The mother and daughter did not make Qin Shuang feel dangerous, so she doesn't think that mother and daughter are their enemies, maybe they are also the cultivator trapped here.

The unknown enemy made Qin Shuang not dare to act rashly, even dare not to cling to his own cultivation base, to avoid the leakage of his own Sea of ​​Consciousness, Soul Power and spiritual power, anyway, he wanted to absorb Qin. Shuang is a cultivation base, and it takes at least one month to lose one or two days. Qin Shuang can easily replenish it. Therefore, Qin Shuang allowed the spiritual power, Sea of ​​Consciousness and Soul Power in his body to spread out. But he kept his gaze earnestly observing everyone around the table.

After perceiving carefully, I can really feel that Xiao Chuang and the eight people of Xu Family are exuding a trace of Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual power, at the moment of exuding from the body. , Then dissipated in the space, as if something had been swallowing their Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual power beside them.

Qin Shuang's gaze fell on that daughter, but she did not perceive the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness or the radiating of spiritual power from her body.

Qin Shuang's eyes shrank, secretly said in one's heart: "Is it all controlled by this mother and daughter?"

And just at this time, the mother walked out with a pot of mushroom soup. And the daughter stood up, went to the kitchen to bring out the bowl, and the soup spoon.

The mother filled everyone with a bowl of mushroom soup and placed it in front of everyone. Qin Shuang looked at the bowl in front of him and saw five mushrooms floating in the soup.

Qin Shuang looked at the mushrooms in the bowl with a surprised look in his eyes. When she was outside just now, she didn't pay attention to the mushrooms in the basket. At this time, she saw that each round mushroom had the same facial features as a human face.

Qin Shuang picked up the soup spoon to scoop the mushrooms in the bowl, and saw that the mushroom suddenly opened its mouth and made a mournful scream sound. The voice was tender and shrill, as if a baby was crying.

Qin Shuang's hand holding the soup spoon is just a meal. He looked up towards the people around the table and saw the mother and daughter happily putting a mushroom into his mouth, and Xiao The same is true for Chuang and Xu Nianxian and the others. Along with their chewing, there was a tender and shrill cry from their mouths.

Qin Shuang felt the sweat on his body stand up, and the hand holding the soup spoon froze in the air. When I perceive Xu Nianxian and the others carefully, I can see the Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual power flowing out of Xu Nianxian and the others faster and doubled, but the expressions on Xu Nianxian and the others' faces are even greater. I am very happy, without knowing that their Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual power are flowing outwards, and their bodies are fading away.

Qin Shuang's heart suddenly frightened. Suddenly turned his head to look at the pair of mother and daughter, and saw that smiles appeared on the faces of the pair of mothers and daughters, but they all looked like So spooky. The mother looked at Qin Shuang and said in a quiet voice:

"Shuang'er, eat!"

"Eat!" The daughter also said with a smile.

"Eat!" The middle age person of Xu Family said with a smile.

"Eat!" Xu Nianxian said.

"Eat!" Xiao Chuang said.


Everyone smiled and persuaded Qin Shuang, but the smile on his face made people feel that they have one's hair stand on end. The expression on Qin Shuang’s face smiled and said stiffly:

"I'm not hungry!"

"This mushroom is delicious, hehehe..."

The mother once again advised, and then laughed "hehehe".

"Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious, hehehe..."

That daughter, as well as Xiao Chuang and Xu Family, all eight people also boasted, and then 11 All his faces looked at Qin Shuang, with an inexplicable smile, his mouth let out a "hehehe" laugh.

Qin Shuang felt that her consciousness was a little confused, and in their "hehehe" laughter, her memory once again had a vague tendency.

"Ding dong dong..."

In her heart, the piano sound was agitated, dispelling the ambiguity, making Qin Shuang sober again.


Qin Shuang, who woke up, was even more anxious because she didn't know how to get rid of this situation. She didn't know what happened, everything was so unknown to her, as if she couldn't see the enemy, but was tied up by the enemy and beaten to death alive.

This kind of helplessness made Qin Shuang feel a little bit at a loss, instinctively sinking consciousness into Haoran's heart, to check the qin, which is her last support now.


Qin Shuang's heart passed a trace of surprise, and found that almost all the energy in his body was leaking out, but only Grand Virtue Qi did not leak out. Just continuously nourish the violin on the golden bucket.


The laughter of eleven people echoed throughout the wood house. The laughter seemed to have an oppression force, oppression towards Qin Shuang, and let Qin Shuang felt that his consciousness was blurred again.

Gather the thoughts in your heart towards your heart.

"dong dong dong..."

Qin Shuang's heart beat violently and forcefully.

"Ding dong dong......"

The piano in Haoran's heart was played more vigorously, and the sound became more exciting. A trace of golden Grand Virtue Qi spread out from Qin Shuang’s heart. In front of Qin Shuang, those traces of golden Grand Virtue Qi constructed a piano, one that is somewhat illusory, with only one layer of pale- gold piano.

The pale-gold piano gathers on Qin Shuang’s chest, and does not fall towards Qin Shuang’s legs, but floats towards her head, and finally hangs on her head. , With Qin Shuang's movement, the exciting Dragon Phoenix chant was played.



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