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The hatred of the two families, as long as they find that the other side is alone, they will definitely take action. And Xiao Chuang, who was lying on the ground, did not come out alone. It was just that his companions died in the process of coming out to experience this time. Only he escaped, but he accidentally ran into the three people Xu Nianxian.

Seeing Xiao Chuang, these three people naturally started without the slightest hesitation. The three Xu Nianxian originally suspected that Xiao Chuang, who was embarrassed, would appear here alone, so instead of killing him, they subdued him. Then they found a wave of water in Xiao Chuang’s storage bag, so these people began to toss Xiao Chuang, trying to force Xiao Chuang to tell where he got the wave of water, but Xiao Chuang was very tough and was tossed. Half dead, but still didn't say.

Now, Xiao Chuang shouted to Qin Shuang that he knew the location of the water waves. This made Xu Nianxian's expressions change and they became alert.

Qin Shuang naturally also changes her face. If there is water spray, her cultivation base will be improved in a short time. She has been worrying about the cultivation base of Xuanshui, after all, Xuanshui cultivation The base is now only the Martial King First Layer, while the Fenghuo cultivation base is already the Martial Emperor Third Layer mid-term peak. The difference between the two is too far, which will cause the spiritual power in her body to be unbalanced.

Qin Shuang's figure disappeared from the branch, and the three of Xu Nianxian seemed to see a light flashing through their eyes. It is precisely the movement method of Qin Shuang's cultivation with the endless identity of the month.

Qin Shuang has cultivated the floating light in the glimpse of the floating light to Small Success Realm. Once unfolded, it will be like a floating light that makes Xu Nianxian and the three people completely unresponsive. Qin Shuang is already standing there. Behind them, in front of Xiao Chuang. The three of Xu Nianxian turned their heads suddenly and surrounded Qin Shuang in the middle, but Qin Shuang's floating light just made their hearts full of fear, and they did not dare to immediately shoot Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang also didn’t seem to care about the three Xu Nianxian. He just looked at Xiao Chuang who was lying on the ground and looked at his physical condition. There was vomit and the sour smell made Qin Shuang unable to stop his breath.

"Can you still stand up?" Qin Shuang lightly said.

Xiao Chuang struggled to sit up from the ground, tried a few times, tried to stand up, but failed in the end. lifts the head looked at Qin Shuang, and asked weakly:

"Who are you?"

Xiao Chuang lifts the head, then presents his entire face in front of Qin Shuang . Qin Shuang saw that Xiao Chuang was a square-faced. Although his face was bloody, there was boldness between his eyebrows. This face is not a sinister person.

However, Qin Shuang has no pity for Xiao Chuang. Being not insidious does not mean that he has no scheming. Since he moved towards himself yelled out the waves of water, he wanted to drag Qin Shuang into this battle, so Qin Shuang didn't have much good impression of him.

"If you use the white waves to attract me down, you have to give me a result. Otherwise, even if I don't do anything to you, as long as I shake my hand and leave, it is estimated that you will be tossed to death by the three of them. "

Xiao Chuang looked up at Qin Shuang, and said weakly: "As long as you kill the three of them, I will take you."

Xu Nianxian's eyes are After condensing, both his eyes and the tip of the sword locked on Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Xiao Chuang, with a sarcasm smile on his face: "Do you think I am that stupid? You took advantage of it if I didn't see Jizi?"

"hehe..." Xiao Chuang smiled weakly: "I was tossed by them for more than two hours and was half dead. But they didn't get any news of the white waves from my mouth. They can’t, and you can’t agree with it. Unless I am willing to say it."

"I am not interested in the grievances between you, nor in how they toss you. I am more interested in how strong you are. Not interested. I am only interested in Bailanghua, and in accordance with the rules, I am not responsible for clearing the trouble for you first. The transaction must be fair."

"hehe..." Xiao Chuang's face also appeared. The irony: "Do you think you can still get out of things now? With the attraction of Bailanghua, even if you don't want Bailanghua now and want to leave, do you think Xu Nianxian and the three will let you go?"

"Maybe you made a mistake!" Qin Shuang lightly said: "The transaction between the two of us is based on me. If I want to leave, whether the three of them can stop me is still unknown. .But if I leave, you are dead."

"I am not afraid of death, why do you threaten me with death?" Xiao Chuang snered.

"Are you not afraid of death?" Qin Shuang's voice is very calm, without the slightest ups and downs: "Then you use white waves to attract me what are you doing down here? You can wait for the three of them to take you down. Toss to death."

"Oh, I understand." Qin Shuang said with a sudden enlightenment: "You think the three of them will definitely not let me know the news about Bailanghua, so you shout out Bailanghua is not trying to tell me about the location of Bailanghua, but to let the three of them siege me and create a chance for you to escape, even if there is only a glimmer of hope."

Qin Shuang There was a trace of pity in his eyes: “Don’t think about meaningless things. With your own ability, there is simply no hope of survival.”

“I do know the location of the white waves, we Six people came out together, five of them died there, but do you think I would tell you stupidly? You got the news of the white waves, will you still care about me?"

"no no no!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "You got it wrong. Even if you tell me the location of the white waves, I won't believe it. Who knows if you lie?"

Xiao Chuang's gaze Just shrinking, a fear of being seen through came to my heart.

"What do you want?"

"Take me there."

"hahaha......" Xiao Chuang laughed until he got angry He didn't catch his breath, but Qin Shuang looked at him so quietly, without the slightest change in his eyes, Xiao Chuang's laughter was gradually low and inaudible, and he took a few rough breaths "hu hu":

"Would you not be naive to the point of an idiot? Do you think the three of them will let you take me away?"

"You are stupid." Qin Shuang said calmly: "They will be very happy that you take me wherever you go, because they don't believe what you say, and follow us there. It is the best choice."

The three of Xu Nianxian's eyes moved, then Xiao Chuang But his face became paler in an instant. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"Heal me, I need to regain my mobility before I can take you there."

Qin Shuang took out a Healing Pill and handed it to him. , The man swallowed it in his mouth, and then sat cross-legged laboriously, not looking at the three Xu Nianxian at all, and began to use medicinal power to heal his injuries.


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