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"whiz whiz whiz..."

Silhouettes rose into the air and flew towards the head of the iron wall.

The entire Iron Wall City is running orderly and quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Iron Wall City has already stood in great numbers.

A white flood flows out in front of the Iron Wall City, and the head of the person is riding a tall snow wolf, looking up towards the city wall.

Qin Shuang's look on the city wall is a joy, and his figure jumps down from the city wall.

"Tian Ci!"


Up and down the city wall, there is a shock.

Shi Yun behind Tian Ci and the others looked at Qin Shuang and Tian Ci in amazement, one by one secretly said in one's heart:

"Who is Tian Ci?"

Yuan Fei and the others on the city wall secretly said in one's heart: "Isn't this the emperor?"

"Are you the emperor of the moon?" Tian Ci stared With Qin Shuang.

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"hahaha......" Qin Shuang Tian Ci laughed loudly.

"Pang Tongling..." Shi Yun behind said weakly: "Why does she call you Tian Ci?"

Qin Shuang and Tian Ci were both taken aback. In their excitement, the two people forgot to hide Tian Ci's identity. Then, smiles appeared on the faces of both people, a kind of free and easy smile.

Incognito, enough!

Tian Ci raised his hand on his face and slowly wiped lightly from top to bottom. When his hand was put down, Tian Ci had changed his appearance.

It is much simpler than the previous Panghuang, but the scar from the corner of the eyebrow to the corner of the chin makes him look cold and severe.

A kind of simple and honest and cold and severe interlaced, full of contradictions.

Tian Ci turned to look at Shiyun and the others, and said: "My real identity is Tian Ci, and I have blood and blood feuds with Wu Dongying, the master of Martial Sect Hall Main Hall, so I changed my appearance and concealed my name. . Now I have my appearance and name restored. Brothers, are you still willing to follow me?"

Shi Yun was shocked for a moment, then smiled brightly.

"Pang Tongling, we have not had a conflict with Martial Sect Hall. In the eyes of Martial Sect Hall, we are probably a spoiler."

"hahaha ......"

The nearly three thousand people behind Shi Yun burst into laughter, and Tian Ci also showed a happy smile on his face.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

On the city wall, one by one silhouette flew down.

Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye, Qin Wu, Qin Qian, Qin Jingyun and others who know Tian Ci have fallen around Tian Ci.

"Tian Ci!"

"Brother Qin Wu, Brother Qin Qian..."

"Brother Ye!"

Qin Shuang turned his eyes to see Ye Xingpo, and then he saw several people around Ye Xingpo.

"Brother Fan, Brother Tang, Brother Situ, you guys are here too!"

"Yes!" Fan Xiushan smiled and said, "We are together again."

Qin Shuang’s eyes appeared in front of the silhouettes of Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue, Duan Hong and the others, secretly said in one's heart. I don’t know when everyone can get together again.

"Sister Qin!" Seeing Qin Shuang somewhat absent-minded, Tang Tianhe whispered.

A smile appeared on Qin Shuang’s face, nodded and said: "Yeah, we are together again. Last time, we went to the Immemorial space to experience, this time we are shouldering the responsibility to revive the Human Race Responsibility."

The atmosphere on the scene became solemn.

That night.

Imperial Palace feasted, when Tian Ci left the line of life, there were nearly 6,000 people, but now there are only less than 3,000 people left. This is still their day and night. However, the remaining three Thousand Martial Practitioners, apart from Tian Ci which is the Martial Emperor Fourth Layer, there are more than 400 Martial Kings, and the rest are all in the late Martial Master stage, and even one third person has reached it. After Martial Master Peak, as long as there are enough resources, these people will have a great opportunity to break through to Martial King in a short time.

Is Qin Shuang lack of resources?


For the millions of troops gathered in the Iron Wall nowadays, the resources she has are obviously not enough. But for helping hundreds of people break through to Martial King, for her resources, it is nothing.

She got a lot of herbs in the underground ruins of the endless desert and in the Immemorial space. And they are all medicines that are over a thousand years old, even most of them are over thousands of years, and there are still over ten thousand years. These herbs, Qin Shuang is reserved for his own use, and would not easily pill concocting these herbs for others. However, this time Qin Shuang plans to use these herbs to refine a batch of medicine pill to help those Martial Artists, as well as the breakthrough Martial King realm for all those who have reached the late Martial Master Peak in the Iron Wall City.

Of course, the provision of medicine pill is just to give those people a basis for a breakthrough. It is not that a medicine pill will definitely be able to break through. Before Martial King, it was only the accumulation of spiritual power, but if you want to breakthrough Martial King, you need an understanding of Heavenly Dao.

It’s just that if some of these people start a breakthrough, those who don’t have a breakthrough can get a trace of Heavenly Dao around the Martial Artist of the breakthrough. If there are more people in the breakthrough, they can get more The Heavenly Dao realized that, eventually accumulated to be able to break through.

So, Qin Shuang is very happy with the arrival of Tian Ci, because this is likely to be an opportunity for the Crescent Moon Empire to take off. According to Tian Ci, these people only have enough medicine pill to support, and breakthrough Martial King should not be a problem, because they have been fighting in the ice field all year round, and they have gained the understanding of Heavenly Dao from the battle, and they have reached the state of mind. The critical point of breakthrough is the accumulation of spiritual power and the assistance of medicine pill.

From this aspect, it can be seen that the Martial Artist on the side of the boundless desert is much worse. This is a desert place of Martial Dao. Not only is the accumulation of spiritual power slower, it is also for Heavenly Dao's understanding is also shallow.

Actually, it’s not that everyone here is not smart enough, but the cultivation environment here. Martial Dao inheritance belongs to the bottom of Martial Artist Continent. It is the so-called four treasures of Taoism, the place of wealth for Dharma lovers.

Inheritance is low-level, but the law is not enough. Without the gathering of elites from all walks of life, there will be not enough companions. In the desert place, there is not enough natural wealth, lack of spiritual energy, and naturally not enough.

However, this situation is changing rapidly now.

Qin Shuang, Chen Chou, Bloody Clothes, Li Yan, Ye Xing Po, Fan Xiushan, Situ Lue and the others all brought cultivation techniques. Especially Qin Shuang, Chen Qiu and Xueyi brought so many cultivation techniques.

Qin Shuang owns the Qixian space. Chen Qiu was originally in Martial Sect Hall, and Martial Sect Hall is the world’s cultivation technique Converging Ground. How could this person who has always had ulterior motives for Martial Sect Hall? Don't collect a lot of cultivation techniques?

The blood suit was pursued and killed by Martial Sect Hall, Frost Empire and Great Qin Empire for hundreds of years. During this period, he did not know how many people were killed, and the people who chased him were not weak at all, so he got a lot of cultivation technique.

The three of them have chosen to take out a batch of cultivation techniques and put them in the Empire Book Collection Pavilion, which is open to the entire empire. Of course, if you want to obtain the cultivation technique of the Book Collection Pavilion, you need a contribution point. However, in today's wars of war, Human Race and Monster Race, as long as they don't die, how can they lack contribution points?


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