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"I don't know what changes will happen after this integration?"

Qin Shuang's eyebrows are filled with joy.

"What's the matter?" Qin Qian asked when Qin Shuang's expression changed.

"Nothing." Qin Shuang smiled and shook his head.

"Shuang'er!" Qin Wu's eyes showed expectation: "You said Fourth Sister, if she heard you here, would she come?"

"It should be!" Qin Shuang nodded and said without thinking.

Holy Mountain.

A woman from far to near.


Under Holy Mountain, a team of Martial Sect Hall Martial Artists stopped the woman. The woman paused, and lightly looked at the team of Martial Sect Hall Martial Artists in front of her and said:

"I want to see Wu Hall Lord."

"chi... "The leading Martial Artist sneered, looked at Qin Jiao's young face, and a look of ridicule appeared in his eyes:

"Wu Hall Lord can you see if you meet? Anyone who wants to see Wu Hall Lord and Wu Hall Lord must see Wu Hall Lord, then Wu Hall Lord does not need to command to resist the great cause of Demon. Walk around, hurry up. Don't make trouble here."

Qin Jiao swept past calmly. After facing the people in front of him, his hands moved in front of him.

“clang... ”

The Martial Artist on the opposite side pulled out the long sword and looked at Qin Jiao guardly.

Qin Jiao didn't even lift his eyelids. He pulled his hands in front of him, and his fingertips were beating wisps of spirit marks. Then those spirit marks formed a bird, and Qin Jiao said to the bird:

"Wu Hall Lord, Qin Jiao, please see me."

Then raised his hands up, the colorful bird looked towards Holy Mountain and flew away.

Those Martial Artists wanted to intercept, but the colorful bird had gone away, and could not help but encircle Qinjiao angrily while holding a weapon. Qin Shuang hands behind back, looking at the Holy Mountain indifferently, without looking at the Martial Artists at all. This kind of indifferent temperament makes those Martial Artists dare not rush to do it, especially the ability of Qin Jiao’s spirit mark just now. It also made them feel jealous.

The scene fell silent like this, and both parties were waiting for news on Holy Mountain.

Above Holy Mountain.

A colorful bird flew over rows of tall houses, and continuously made the sound of Qinjiao from his mouth:

"Wu Hall Lord, Qinjiao, please see you!"

A glorious great hall.

Two doors suddenly opened, and a stalwart silhouette slowly walked out from inside, looking up at the colorful bird hovering in the air, his eyes shrank, and the condensed voice shouted:

"This saint Wu Dongying."

The colorful bird that hovered in the sky grabbed its wings, swooped down towards Wu Dongying, and came to Wu Dongying's body, flapping two Little wings, keeping his body floating in the air, said:

"Wu Hall Lord, Qin Jiao, please see me."

Wu Dongying did not speak, but seriously measured what was in front of him. A colorful bird, the more you look at it, the more startled the eye is. Although he is not proficient in spirit marks, he is not at all unfamiliar. He can see that the colorful bird in front of him is not real, but is composed of spirit marks.

"What a high spirit mark realm!"

Wu Dongying's expression became serious, Soul Power spreads under the Holy Mountain, and he saw Qin Jiao's hands behind back , Surrounded by Martial Artist of Martial Sect Hall.

"Please Qin Grandmaster go up the mountain for a while."

Wu Dongying spoke softly, but his voice clearly reached everyone down the mountain. The expressions of those Martial Artists were on one side, retreating to the sides, and there was a look of respect on their faces.

Qin Jiao Shi Shiran followed the mountain road to the mountain, and on the top of the mountain, the colorful bird disappeared silently, turning into a silky spirit mark hovering in the air, and finally disappeared without a trace. This makes the rays of light in Wu Dongying's eyes more prosperous.

There was no sound, only a silhouette slowly appeared in Wu Dongying's eyes. Wu Dongying looked at Qin Jiao's feet, and saw Qin Jiao stepping out of each step, his feet did not touch down, a spirit mark was born under his feet, supporting Qin Jiao's body.

Wu Dongying reduced the surprise in his heart, with a gentle smile on his face:

"Piano Grandmaster, please!"

"Wu Hall Lord, Please!"

In the huge hall, there are only two people, Wu Dongying and Qin Jiao. Wu Dongying looked at Qin Jiao with a friendly smile on his face and said:

"Qin Grandmaster, are you Spirit Mark Grandmaster?"

"Spirit Mark Grandmaster!" Qin Jiao pondered for a moment and said, "Is it true."

"Is it true?" Wu Dongying's eyes narrowed.

Qin Jiao looked at Wu Dongying calmly and said: "What realm I am now, I don't know, and I am not very clear about the specific division of spirit mark realm Grandmaster Level."

Wu Dongying frowned slightly. The Qin Jiao on the opposite side can walk to this realm. It should be taught by the Master, or at least has an inheritance cheat?

How can the division of realm be unclear?


What she just said is that the specific division of Grandmaster realm is not clear, which shows that she is still clear about the realm division below Master Level.

Could it be said that her realm today is only the Spirit Mark Great Master?

That's not right!

How can it be the realm of Grandmaster to be able to build such a spirit mark bird!

"Who...who did you learn from?"

"No one!" Qin Jiao said lightly.

Wu Dongying's expression startled and said: " are the Spirit Mark Technique from harmony?"

Qin Jiao's eyes are as calm as an ancient well, and lightly said: "I I have loved Spirit Mark Technique since I was a child, and I think I am a spirit mark genius..."

Speaking of this, Qin Jiao's expression was in a trance and said: "Of course, I’m innate on Spirit Mark Technique. The talent is still not as good as the Seventh Sister."

"Seventh Sister?" Wu Dongying looked at him for a moment. Could anyone still have more innate talent on the Spirit Mark Technique than the one in front of him? I could not help asking softly:

"Who is Seventh Sister, please?"

"I said that Laiwu Hall Lord also knows her, and she is Qin Shuang."

"Qin Shuang?" Wu Dongying had a pair of eyes: "Yuehuang Qin Shuang?"

"Yuehuang?" Qin Jiao stared at Wu Dongying blankly.

"Don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

Qin Jiao’s coldness surprised Wu Dongying. How many years have passed since, No one talks to him like that? But the things in front of me are more important, so he stared at Qin Jiao’s face and said:

"Your Seventh Sister was the Qin Shuang who won the first place in the continental spirit mark grand competition?"

"Yes!" Qin Jiao nodded and said: "At that time, my spirit mark innate talent was not as good as her, and my realm was not as good as her."

"At that time?" Wu Dongying Hearing the difference: "What about now?"

"Now..." Qin Jiao frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, there was an extreme self-belief on his face:

"She should be inferior to me."

Wu Dongying looked at Qin Jiao carefully and said: "I think you will come to Holy Mountain this time, you must have something to ask for."

" Yes!" Qin Jiao calmly nodded.

"What do you want?"

"I want to enter the spirit mark tower."

Wu Dongying felt like a loose heart in his heart, and at the same time, he was stunned. For a Spirit Mark Master, what is more attractive than the Spirit Mark Tower?

"It's not impossible!" Wu Dongying suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously: "But, the spirit mark tower of Martial Sect Hall can't be used for you?"


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