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Their strength and sturdiness have allowed them to stand out in battle after battle. In a short period of time, they have been promoted. The army occupies an important position.


When they saw Shi Yun and others who came here from Bingyuan and told them that the Emperor was waiting for them in the first fortress, one person immediately left. The army gathered towards the first fortress.

This incident was far more influential than Fan Xiushan and Tang Tianhe's separation from the army, because in such a short period of time, there were too many Martial Artists leaving the army.

Not only the nearly two thousand original Martial Artists from the ice field, but also the life and death friends that these Martial Artists made in the life line, the total number has exceeded five thousand.

This influence has shaken the military's mind, and soon it was learned by the senior management.

At the same time, in Spirit Peak, outside of the Imperial Capital of Frost Empire, a thin woman is walking up. Looking closely, the woman is not walking on the ground, but the distance between her feet. There is an inch on the ground, and every step is stepped out, and a spirit mark is born under the foot.

Under Spirit Peak.

At the entrance of Panshan Road, a team of Martial Artists are guarding. From a distance, I saw a silhouette walking straight toward this side. The leading Martial Artist shouted:

" People stop, Pan Spirit Peak is the empire’s important place, and idle people wait to retreat."

When he said the first "coming", the woman was still far away from Pan Spirit Peak, only a small one. A vague shadow, but when his last word "avoid" fell, the woman had already walked in front of him, the spirit mark under her feet was misty, and her figure had passed by the side of the Martial Artist, towards the Spirit. Go to the entrance of Peak's winding road.


The Martial Artist looked shocked, and instantly pulled out the long sword, and screamed: "Stop her!"

"clang clang clang ......"

Hundreds of people pulled out their long swords and swarmed towards the woman.


The spirit mark suddenly appeared around the woman's body, hiding the woman inside.

"Boom boom boom......"

one after another sword glow strikes on the spirit mark, shattered the spirit mark, but disappeared the silhouette of the woman , The leader suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Panshan Road, and saw the woman's back. There was a look of horror on his face. He is not the Spirit Mark Master. He simply couldn't get in this Spirit Peak. He couldn't help but shouted to the back of the woman:

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Qin Jiao!"

The line of defense of life.

The first fortress.

On the wide street, in front of the huge city gate leading to the line of life defense, Tian Ci stands with his hand in his hand. There were more than 5,000 people standing behind him. At this time, Martial Artist continuously rushed over and stood behind Tian Ci with Tian Ci paid respect.

"Brother Pang Shi!"

There was a call from behind. Tian Ci turned around and looked around, and saw the nine silhouettes rushing towards this side. Tian Ci's indifferent eyes showed a hint of anger. The people who came were Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huozhongyu, Sun Qiaomu, Huajinxiu, the fifth daring, and ancient Qianjiu people.

"Brother Pang!" Nine people came to Tian Ci's body and said: "Since you have come to the life line, why don't you find us? If it weren't for us to get the news, rush to the first fortress, you are Isn’t it that you still don’t want to see us?"

Tian Ci’s eyes are Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huo Zhongyu, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu, Fifth Jindan, Gu Qian The faces of nine people swept across.

Qín Lie's face is less flying, but more vicissitudes and fortitude. The imposing manner on Duan Hong's body is even more violent, like a round of scorching sun. Zhao Zirou looks like a jasper after carving, with an ancient meaning in the gentleness and elegance. The jade in the fire is like an extinct volcano, an extinct volcano that will erupt at any time. The dead silence on the outside, but the destruction inside. Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu, Fifth Jindan and Gu Qian also disappeared from the original flying, and the whole person became much calmer.

"Everyone is well!"

"Brother Pang is well!"

"Where are the others?" Tian Ci's eyes are still searching, he and These people have experienced a lot together, and they have feelings in their hearts.

"All...dead!" Hua Jinxiu's voice was a little choked.

Tian Ci's expression was somber, and he sighed softly, the after-rhyme lingered on the city gate, and the atmosphere became heavy for a while.

"Brother Pangshi, you are going to..."


Suddenly there was a shout out loudly in the air, and a silhouette appeared Above everyone's heads, they looked down at Tian Ci sharply.


The sound of dense footsteps came, and the Martial Artist of Battallion emerged from the streets and lanes, surrounded by more than 5,000 people including Tian Ci Up. The Martial Artist floating in the air shouted:

"Emperor Pang, you dare to instigate a mutiny, are you convicted?"

Tian Ci looked up at the Martial Artist in the sky, Seeing a small sword embroidered on the chest of the Martial Artist, a coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth.

"Entering and leaving the military is the freedom of every Martial Artist. Are you deceiving me without courage?"


The Martial Artist in the air exploded like a mountain of pressure, oppressing Tian Ci. Shouted loudly:

"Do you want to die?"


Tian Ci's imposing manner of spiritual power erupted from his body, falling into the air When they collided in an imposing manner, the Martial Artist in the air couldn't help but sway, his face turned blushing, and he raised a hand.


The soldiers around showed their weapons, pointing at Tian Ci and the others. There was a grin on the face of the Martial Artist in the air.

"Martial Artist enters and leaves the military voluntarily, but I suspect that you are all spies sent by Wu, you are the scum of Human Race, everyone will be blamed!"

"hahaha..." Tian Ci suddenly laughed wanton, his figure floated slowly, and looked at the Martial Artist in the air, with sarcasm in his eyes:

"This is your Martial Sect Hall’s face! If you want to fight, you don’t need a reason, come!"

"clang clang clang..."

Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huo Zhongyu, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu, the fifth formation, Gu Qianjiu people showed their weapons, Qín Lie solemnly said:

"Luo Mi, do you think we are also owned by Wu? A spy? The scum of Human Race?"

Romi stared at Qín Lie gloomily and said: "Qín Lie, don't let yourself be wrong. Now the Great Qin Empire is gone, and you are no longer. The Crown Prince of Great Qin. Don’t give you trouble for Qin Family!"

"I am not dead, Great Qin is there!" Qín Lie lightly glanced at Luo Mi, suddenly raised his arms and shouted:

"Great Qin!"

"Great Qin!" Suddenly there were countless voices.

"Great Qin!" I saw Martial Artists from all directions shouting and converging here.

"Great Qin!" Even among the teams surrounding Tian Ci and the others, 30% of them also raised their arms and shouted.

"Great Qin!"

"Great Qin!"

"Great Qin!"



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