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"Shuang'er, where are you? Are you really dead? Huo Family!" Tian Ci's eyes suddenly burst into a fierce killing intent.

"Have you heard? On the other side of the endless desert, a crescent moon empire has been established, headed by a self-proclaimed moon emperor called Qin Shuang."


Tian Ci's eyes flickered, suddenly turned his head, and looked not far away, where three Martial Artists were drinking and talking.

"Really?" Another Martial Artist shook his head in disbelief, and with a deep disdain on his face: "The Great Qin Empire is gone. I ran to our Frost Empire for protection. And Demon Races' strength, how could Human Race re-establish the empire over there?"

"Qin Shuang?" The third Martial Artist showed a thoughtful color on his face: "Why is this name so? Familiar, I must have heard of it somewhere, let me think..."

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and said, "I remember, Qin Shuang used to be the number one in the continental spirit mark grand competition. One, it is said that once challenged the Great Qin Empire Huo Family with one person, but finally left calmly. Don’t say, if it is really her, it is really possible to build an empire."

Tian Ci No more Unable to bear it, got up and came to the three people, cups the hands said:

"Three brothers, please."

The three people felt the surging breath of Tian Ci. , His face changed involuntarily, and they stood up and said politely:

"I have seen Brother Shi."

Tian Ci looked at the first Martial Artist and said: "Brother Shi, you just now Where did the news of Qin Shuang’s establishment of the Crescent Moon Empire come from?"

The Martial Artist’s expression was a slack and said: "This matter is now very well dressed, and it is said that the source is flower attack. People brought it back."

"Hua Xiren?"

"Yes, Hua Xiren is Heaven's Chosen from Martial Sect Hall Main Hall Heaven's Chosen, who was sent to Great Qin Empire collects news from the Human Demon tribe. I heard that it is not only Huaxiren and the others, but also several teams. One of them is Liu immortal fate from the Martial Sect Hall Heaven's Chosen team. , Liu immortal fate aptitude is extraordinary, and the cultivation base is amazing. In Martial Sect Hall, he can compete with the young Hall Lord Jin Longxing.

It is said that Liu immortal fate is in the endless sand. Mo fought with a Human Race woman. Not only was she defeated, but the long whip in the hands of her companion He Xiangtai was also captured by the Human Race woman. And Liu immortal fate learned from the information collected later that the Human Race woman was Qin Shuang. She not only proclaimed herself the Moon Emperor and established the Crescent Moon Empire, but also took in Martial Sect Hall’s traitor Chen Qi and the enemy's blood cloak, so the three Liu immortal fate hurried back, but the news was known by Hua Xi, this Hua Xi People were from the Hall Lord camp, so naturally they spread the news and made fun of Liu immortal fate. "

Holy Mountain.

Martial Sect Hall great hall.

Wu Chuanlie looked at the Main Hall Lord Wu Dongying sitting at the top and said: "Main Hall Lord , Let me go to the opposite side of the boundless desert and bring back Qin Shuang, Chen Qiu and the head of the blood-clothed man. "

Wu Dongying was silent, Wu Chuanlie said in a deep voice: "Main Hall Lord, the blood cloak killed countless of us, and even once killed the semi-sage of our Martial Sect Hall. He must die, otherwise Martial Sect Hall how to save face? How to lead Human Race against Monster and Demon Races with prestige? Shen Qiu is a traitor to Martial Sect Hall. If we in Martial Sect Hall can't even kill our traitors, then it is not a matter of face, but will be laughed at by the whole world. Then Qin Shuang dared to take them in, even more damn it. "

Wu Dongying lightly glanced at Wu Chuanlie and said: "You also said that the blood suit once beheaded Half Saint, are you going?" "

Wu Chuanlie's face blushed with a "teng", but he still said unconvincedly:

"He must be a crafty plots and machinations, otherwise he will Martial Emperor, how could it be possible to kill a semi-holy? I confronted him face-to-face, and I would surely be able to kill him. "

"Where is Shen Qiu?" Do you think you are the opponent of Shen Qiu? And Qin Shuang, I received the news, but it is said that she killed the goshawk, the cultivation base of the goshawk, do you know? "

Wu Chuanlie's face turned into purple, Wu Dongying sighed lightly:

"Let's let this matter go first. There is nothing wrong with having them contain Monster and Demon Races over there. "

Several days passed.

Ice Field.



A team riding a snow wolf rushed towards the two snow bears. This team had only 18 people. It was extremely sturdy. After a few rounds of rushing and killing, the two snow bears were killed in the ice field. .

"Shi Yun! "

There was a voice behind him, Shi Yun heard it overjoyed, turned his head suddenly, and then urged the crotch Snow Wolf to run towards a young man who had come to snow.

"Pang big brother. "

The visitor was Tian Ci, who was nicknamed hesitating. He came to Shi Yun with a big smile. Shi Yun jumped from the snow wolf's back, and leaped towards Tian Ci, Tian Ci laughed. After opening his arms, the two of them hugged each other tightly and laughed loudly.

"Big Brother Pang, you are back! "

"Well, I came back to tell you that I am leaving Frost Empire. Will you follow me? "

"Go! big brother where to go, where do i go! "

"Notify brothers! "

In the vast ice field, Tian Ci's big sleeves are fluttering, beside him is Shi Yun riding a snow wolf, behind them, there are seventeen sturdy men riding on the snow. The wolf is running on the ice field.

On an ice hill, Tian Ci stands with his hands in his hands. Eighteen people ride away on the snow wolves.

Two hours later.


A running team appeared on the ice field, like a white torrent rolling towards the ice mound. It was more than a thousand sturdy men in white clothed riding snow wolves. They came to the ice mound. They all jumped off the snow wolves and shouted in unison:

"Pang big brother! "

When a huge snow wolf saw Tian Ci, Sa Huan ran to the ice hill, rubbed his head against Tian Ci's thigh, and his tail shook happily. Tian Ci extended the hand and stroked that one. Snow wolf, the snow wolf squinted his eyes. Tian Ci looked at Shi Yun who came up to him and said:

"Thank you for helping me take care of Daxue. "

Shi Yun reached out and touched Xuelang's head and said, "It should be." "

Tian Ci glanced over the surrounding Martial Artist and said: "Where are the other brothers?" "

"They all went to the life line, we go there, and then call them together. "

"Good! "Tian Ci turned on Snow Wolf's back and rushed forward, his exhilarating voice oscillated in the air:

"Get out! "


More than a thousand snow wolves galloping on the ice sheet.

The Crescent Moon Empire.

Iron Wall City.

In Monster Suppressing Tower, Moon Tower.

Qin Shuang is still in pill concocting, outside time has passed another month, and the time in Monster Suppressing Tower has passed sixteen Months.


Qin Shuang slapped a palm on the alchemic furnace, the lid flew up, and ten medicine pills lay there, Qin Shuang took the medicine Pill took it out with a hint of joy on her face. She finally entered Level 3 Pill Refining Great Master realm. The Pill Formation rate reached 30%, and there are three middle grade Divine Pills in ten medicine pills.


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