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"This is..."

She saw a milk-white calf, only palm-size, lying on the ground, closed With eyes closed, he looked like he was asleep. From its body, Qin Shuang can feel extremely pure energy.

Sure enough, the demon element that was purified is here.

Qin Shuang, the imperial envoy of Monster Suppressing Tower, quietly fell towards the calf and landed on it.

next moment, the calf on the ground disappeared.

In the Monster Suppressing Tower.


The space shook suddenly, in the sky countless rune chains fell down, towards the slapped calf who was ignorant at this time Entangled. Qin Shuang can clearly feel the desire expressed by Monster Suppressing Tower.

However, how does Qin Shuang agree to give this purified monster to the Monster Suppressing Tower?

She also pointed at the calf breakthrough!

Qin Shuang not even think grabbed the calf and swallowed the calf into his mouth.

"weng weng weng ……"

The rune chains flying in the air seem to express its dissatisfaction. Eventually they dispersed, and the Monster Suppressing Tower returned to calm.


The calm in the Monster Suppressing Tower was restored, but Qin Shuang's body was agitated. The calf was running around in Qin Shuang's body. Everywhere it passed, Qin Shuang's body tissues collapsed, and blood spurted out of the seven orifices.


In the dantian of Qin Shuang.

Fleshy body Wuxiang and spiritual power Wu opened their eyes at the same time, and then saw that these two Wu opened their mouths and sucked at the same time, and a huge suction force was generated from the dantian.


The calf was sucked into Qin Shuang's inside of Dantian. The fleshy body Wuxiang moved back and stretched out a small hand to press on the bull's head, but the calf struggled very hard, and instantly broke free from the fleshy body Wuxiang's hand, and rushed towards the dantian.


spiritual power Wuxiang stretched out a hand and grabbed the calf's tail and dragged it back, while the fleshy body Wuxiang stretched out again A small hand was placed on the bull's head. But the calf still broke free from the control of the two martial arts, and rushed towards Dantian.


A string of bright lights flashes like a string of stars, but it is Qin Shuang’s ten Xuanshui Golden Pills, connected into a rope, all of a sudden Tie the four hooves of the calf together, causing the calf to fall a somersault.


fleshy body Wuxiang and spiritual power Wuxiang's two small hands, one pressed on the bull's head, and the other grabbed the calf's tail .

The calf was struggling violently, and heard the sound of "boom", the rope formed by ten Golden Pills broke, and the calf was about to break free again.


Ten Xuanshui Golden Pills hovered in the air, forming a bead chain again, tying the two hind legs of the calf together. Qin Shuang was shocked when he saw that the Maverick's power was too great. Thoughts move, immediately sent the fire Avatar Fengming and the demon Avatar Fengyan inside of Dantian. Huo Avatar Fengming stretched out a hand and grabbed one of the calf's front hoof, while the demon Avatar Fengyan stretched out a small hand and grabbed the calf's other front hoof.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The calf struggled violently, but was held down by the fleshy body Wuxiang, and was caught by the spiritual power Wuxiang After staying with the tail, Huo Avatar and Demon Avatar grabbed the two front hooves respectively, and the two hind legs were trapped by Xuanshui Golden Pill, but the struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

A trace of pure energy is absorbed from the calf's body by the Fleshy Body, Spiritual Power, Golden Pill, Fire Avatar and Magic Avatar, and a trace of power is increasing.

Qin Shuang took back Soul Power, and there was a hint of helplessness on her face. She originally wanted to absorb this calf into the spiritual power martial arts, so that the Fire Phoenix Precious Book's cultivation base breakthrough To Martial Emperor, and even breakthrough to Martial God. Now that they are divided among the five parties, I don't know how much improvement each can achieve.

"Boom boom boom..."

The space outside the Monster Suppressing Tower suddenly became violent, and the Monster Qi lost control, and the four directions were agitated. The Niu Mountains began to collapse.

Qin Shuang did not hesitate to control the Monster Suppressing Tower lasing upwards, rushing to the First Layer, and saw that the Niu Shan of the First Layer was also beginning to collapse, so he controlled the Monster Suppressing Tower towards Lasing outside.


Monster Suppressing Tower rushed out of the hole, Qin Shuang stepped out, and collected the Monster Suppressing Tower into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, towards the skull-shaped one Looking over the mountain. As soon as his eyes were bright, he saw that the mountain was also collapsing, and large chunks of rocks were falling downward.


The two crimson horns were exposed after the rock fell off the two horns that slanted into the sky, exuding hot power. And with the collapse of the mountain, the two horns also fell off. Qin Shuang flew by, and instantly collected the two horns into the storage ring, opened the Fire Phoenix body, displayed the flying phoenix dance, and swept across the sky in the sky. Feng Ying disappeared instantly.

Qin Shuang fell outside the camp and walked towards the camp. At this time, she had carried both swords behind her back, and went all the way towards her carriage.


In the sky, there was a sound of an eagle. Qin Shuang looked up and saw a huge goshawk hovering and dancing on the green onion mountain. The huge skull mountain is still collapsing.

People in the camp came out of the tent one after another and looked up towards Qingcong Mountain.


A silhouette fell by Qin Shuang's side, but it was Qin Wu. He looked up at the green mountain and said:

" Seventh Sister, what’s going on there?"

"I don’t know!"

Qin Shuang naturally can’t say that he knows that he gets such a great benefit. The less people know, the better. It is best if no one knows.

At this time, in the sky in the distance, there is a team riding a flying pegasus, stepping through the clouds and breaking the fog. The Qin in the team danced with eyebrows:

"Jingyun, I did not expect that Shuang'er was so powerful, he would have wiped out the Kingdom of the Scorching Sun, and also wiped out tens of thousands of elite troops of the Kingdom of the Shuang'er."

Yuan Ye interjected on the side: "Qin Qian, you are wrong. The lady sword hasn't been completely unsheathed, and it has wiped out most of the hot sun."

"You said, miss. Has the country been restored?" Yuan Fei said excitedly.

"I really want to see the elder sister soon!" Qin Jingyun's eyes showed longing.

"Alright." Qin Qian said: "We are almost at the border of the Liege Kingdom."

"What is that?" Yuan Fei suddenly stared into the distance. .

Everyone stared at it and saw that a cloud-piercing peak was collapsing, and Monster Qi was permeating.


A huge goshawk hovered in the air and swooped down suddenly. As it obeyed, its stature suddenly grew, its wings Unfolded, it was a kilometer long, and the wings slapped downward.


The strong wind rose suddenly, and the boulders rolled, accelerating the collapse of the mountain. The goshawk transmitted a magnificent spiritual consciousness and swept back and forth from the ground, except for Monster Qi, which was never noticed.


A scream full of anger, shaking the space.


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