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Xiaohu has been staring at Qin Shuang. Just now at the campfire, he listened to his parents telling stories about Qin Shuang, which made his heart full of admiration for Qin Shuang.

Feeling Xiaohu staring at him, Qin Shuang opened his eyes and looked at Xiaohu. Seeing Qin Shuang open his eyes, Xiaohu's face showed joy and said:

"Elder sister, you really slapped Huo Family hundreds of Martial Gods with one palm?"

Qin Shuang couldn't help looking at Sha Yunniang differently, but Sha Yunniang's eyes showed a look of worship like Xiaohu.


Zhuang Dashu's head also came in from the car window and looked at Qin Shuang admiringly. Qin Shuang was speechless, but looking at the expected gazes of the three people, he finally opened the mouth and said to Xiaohu:

"Where is the elder sister so powerful, just surrounded by hundreds of Martial Gods Escaped."

"Oh!" Xiaohu's face was full of disappointment, then he looked at Zhuang Dashu and said: "Daddy lied."

Zhuang Dashu's face appeared. He said in a chattering expression: "I... also heard that, all... said that."

"Brother Big Tree, what's the situation here?" Qin Shuang asked softly.

Zhuang Dashu gently shook his head and said: "I am not too clear. I heard that dozens of kingdoms here want to unite and fight against Demon Race and Monster Race. I also heard that several kingdoms are fighting. "Do you know the news about the Crescent Moon Kingdom?"

"I don’t know." Zhuang Dashu shook his head and said, "The Crescent Moon Kingdom is too far away from the boundless desert. My Martial Artist came to the boundless desert."

"Elder sister, you are thin again!" A little tiger's voice sounded nearby.

Zhuang Dashu hearing this, looked at Qin Shuang carefully, then frowned slightly and said:

"Shuang'er, the blackness of your face has faded a bit, it is reasonable It is said that the toxicity has been reduced, why did you become so thin?"

Qin Shuang said with a bitter smile: "This is the reason for my cultivation technique. When I recover some cultivation base, eat some Medicine pill is fine."

"medicine pill? I have Wen Spirit Pill here."

"Wen Spirit Pill is not useful to me. If there is Wen Wang Dan, please Lend me a few."

"Wen Wang Dan...I don't have one." There was an embarrassment on Zhuang Dashu's face.

"It's okay. When dawn, I will be able to recover a little bit of the cultivation base."

The four chatted for a while, and then went to sleep.

second day.

Qin Shuang was awakened by the sound of birdsong, and then Sha Yunniang and Xiaohu also woke up.


Xiaohu let out a scream, jumped into Yunniang's arms, and looked at Qin Shuang in fear. Yun Niang also looked at Qin Shuang tremblingly.

"oh la la..."

Zhuang Dashu poked his head in from the car window, and then looked at Qin Shuang in fear.

"Mother...elder sister, is she...dead?" Little Tiger asked tremblingly.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes.

"Ah..." This time not only Xiaohu, but even Yunniang screamed.

Qin Shuang raised his hand and put it in front of his eyes, a wry smile appeared on his face. At this time, her arms were completely skin and bones, like skeletons.


Qin Shuang's heart moved, looking at his hand, there was joy on his face.

"I can move!"

Qin Shuang sat up strenuously. Yun Niang was holding Xiaohu and looking at Qin Shuang who looked like a skeleton, she couldn't help but shrink back.

Qin Shuang smiled apologetically at Yun Niang, but the smile appeared on a skull-like face, how hideous it looked, made Xiaohu scream again.

Qin Shuang thoughts move, took out a jade bottle, poured all the Wen Wang Dan in the jade bottle into his mouth, and then ran the "Fire Phoenix Precious Book" to refining Wen Wang Dan, in Zhuang Dashu, Yun Niang In He Xiaohu's eyes, he saw Qin Shuang's body gradually recovered...

half a day later.

Xiaohu sat in front of Qin Shuang who had been restored to his original appearance, chirp chirp twittered to Qin Shuang and talked about his pride, Sha Yunniang got out of the car and went to have lunch. After a while, Xiaohu jumped off the carriage again and played all around.

Qin Shuang took out a jade slip and started sending some data into the jade slip.

Poison Demon Flower: More than two meters high, it usually exists in the shape of a flower bud, with spikes inside the flower bud, and the flower bud opens into a big mouth, which can swallow people. After being swallowed, spikes will shoot out from the flower buds. Toxicity has anesthetic effect.

Magic Bat: Flying fast, other conditions are unknown.

She put the jade slip away and sighed in her heart. Even if Human Race wins in the end, it will be a great price to learn about Demon Race and Monster Race from being unfamiliar to it.

Day by day, Qin Shuang’s cultivation base is restored day by day...

With green grass, a small city sits in an endless grassland. Azure's city wall is surrounded by green grass and wild flowers swaying in the wind, making everything in front of you full of poetic and artistic flavor.

The large path paved by pieces of bluestone leads directly to the city gate of Hengjiang City. In the seams of the bluestone slabs, one after another green grass grows tenaciously.

The city gate stands with a team of guards, maintaining the order of entering and exiting the city gate.

The horseshoe hit the stone slab crisply, and a carriage followed the bluestone road towards the city gate. Sitting on the front shaft and driving the carriage was a man in his 30s. Behind him, a stubborn little boy was lying on the window of the car, looking all around curiously.

In the carriage.

Qin Shuang sits cross-legged. Although her cultivation base has not fully recovered at this time, the magic poison has also been absorbed by the magic Avatar by 40%, so her cultivation base has also recovered 40%. After receiving Wen Wangdan, he has restored his original appearance.

"Shuang'er, go to my second uncle's house." Sha Yunniang said softly.

Qin Shuang shook the head, if the chaos is going on today, Huo Family might deal with her blatantly. She doesn't want to bring this kind of danger to the Sha Yunniang family.

In the past few days, she already knew that both Zhuang Dashu and Sha Yunniang were Martial Masters, and such a cultivation base could not use a storage bag. After thinking about it, he took out a package, put some medicine pill of various types in it, and then handed it to Sha Yunniang:

"You keep these things, don’t tell anyone you’ve seen them. Me."

At this time, the carriage has entered the city. Qin Shuang pushed the car door and jumped down.

"elder sister..." Little Tiger lay down in front of the car window, reluctant to leave.

Qin Shuang smiled and waved, Zhuang Dashu and Sha Yunniang waved their hands reluctantly, and then drove the carriage forward.

Qin Shuang walks slowly down the street. There are few pedestrians on the street, giving people a sense of tranquility. It’s just that Qin Shuang knows that this is not Hengjiang City is a peaceful place. She has been to Hengjiang City, and when she chased Wu all down, she used to supplement resources here. At that time, Hengjiang City was noisy, not at all the tranquility it is today.

Actually, it is very inaccurate to use tranquility, because although there are few people in Hengjiang City at this time, there is a panic on everyone's face.

Hengjiang City, there is only tranquility, but no tranquility.


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