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"Jingyun left Crescent Moon with some of the elites of Qin Family. I don't know where they are, but Seventh Sister arranged it, and I must be living very well now. "

"Seventh Sister arranged for Jingyun?" A surprise appeared on Qin Wu's face.

"en!" Qin Fine Jade Nodded said: "So I have no worries in my heart, only guilt. Second Brother, don't embarrass the eldest sister, the eldest sister can't survive."

"That's the case!" Qin Wu said with a vigor: "Let us face it together, I want to see what Lie Xiao is capable of!"

"That's right!" Qin Fine Jade renewed his spirit: "Where did you get so many Level 10 Master spirit mark jade tokens?"

"It was made by Spirit Mark Master of Seventh Sister Fuchu."

"There is a Spirit Mark Great Master in the Seventh Sister's mansion?"

"Well, there is a Level 10 Spirit Mark Great Master replaced by the left stringer, and a Level 3 Spirit Mark Great Master named Liu Feier "

"Then...Is there a spirit mark jade token?"

Qin Wu said with a bitter smile: "There is only less than 500 yuan left, only Master Zuo It takes a lot of time for one person to make a piece of spirit mark jade token. These spirit mark jade tokens are hard to accumulate."

"Give me those spirit mark jade tokens!"

"Big Sister!"

"Second Brother, you listen to Big Sister, if Seventh Sister is still alive, Jingyun and they are still there, they will definitely come back. When they find that the kingdom is destroyed, they will definitely Looking for us, our Qin Family needs a person alive to welcome Seventh Sister. And you have been in Heavenly Qin Town for so long, you should have established a secret base?"

Qin Wu nodded, Qin fine jade eyes shined Said: "So, you should go back even more. Your people are not familiar to me. They are your confidants and should also know the things between the two of us. Do you think they will obey my command? Will be willing Help me?

Also, I don’t know your secret base or your plans for the future. If you let me go back, everything will have to be understood from the beginning, and it will cost nothing to know How long will it take to get your subordinates trust. For example, the left stringer Master, will he trust me?

The kingdom of the burning sun is pressing harder and harder, and there is no time for me to understand it slowly, and slowly gain the trust of those people. If you let me go to Heavenly Qin Town, and once you are surrounded by the army of the Scorching Sun Kingdom, your sacrifice will be in vain.

Second Brother, only you are the most suitable thing to leave a seed. Be objective and don't be arrogant. "

The hall fell into silence, Qin Fine Jade stared at Qin Wu, and Qin Wu's mouth slowly showed a trace of helplessness, stood up from the chair, and walked towards the door:


"I'll go! "

"Slow! "Qin Fine Jade also stood up and said, "Let Qin Xiong go with you." "

"I won't go! Qin Xiong said lightly, "I believe my younger brother Qin Qian will avenge me. "

Qin Fine Jade turned his head and looked at Qin Xiong, seeing that Qin Xiong's eyes were firm, he had to sigh...


The sound of the rumbling horseshoes stopped abruptly. Qin Wu, who was riding on the horse, looked back towards Gaosha City, and vaguely saw the fine jade on the city wall.

"Sister, you go well. I will definitely cut off the heads of Liexiao and Linghuhui to pay tribute to you! "

Eighteen days later.

Gaosha city is broken.

The whole city is full of two armies colliding, this time Qin Fine Jade didn’t stop. Fleeing, in fact, she could not escape. There were only less than a thousand people left beside her. The army of the Sun Kingdom was approaching her from all directions and continuously. Around her, the Martial Artist of the Crescent Moon was one One fell down.

Qin Xiong flew with a big spear, like a thousand army galloping, and the Martial Artists on the opposite side were provoked one by one, forcibly smashing out a passage and rushing towards the city gate. Qin fine jade followed closely behind Qinxiong, with a long sword in his hand, raising a thousand sword glow, strangling Martial Artists one by one.

Behind them, Liexiao and Linghuhui rode on the horse with their faces With a smirk, I watched the hundreds of thousands of troops rushing towards Qin Fine Jade continuously like a sea tide.


Qin Xiong swept away with the big gun in his hand. The army on the opposite side fell down like a low tide wave.


Qin Xiong suddenly turned around and stood in front of the city gate.



"Your Majesty, you go, I'll break it. "

"Old Wu! "Lie Xiao said lightly in the distance: "This is already the last power of Crescent Moon Kingdom, and the game should be over. "

"Yes, Your Majesty! "

The Old Wu who was beside Lie Xiao swung his big sleeves, and his figure rose up into the air, moving towards the city gate far away with a punch.


The air was suddenly exploded, making an ear-splitting roar, and a huge fist hit the city gate like a mountain.

"Protection Your Majesty! "

Qin Xiong shouted, stepped diagonally, and stopped in front of Qin Fine Jade, the big gun flicked, thousands of troops galloped, one after another aura condensed the spear tip, greeted like mountains and seas. Towards that huge fist.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The hundreds of quarter moon Martial Artists who stood in front of them, their bodies were beaten by huge fists one after another. Burst, brazenly strikes above a sea of ​​guns.


The sea of ​​guns flows back and splashes around.



The big gun in Qinxiong's hand took off and flew into the air.


Qinxiong's body burst into pieces.


Yu Li still knocked the long sword in Qin fine jade's hand into the air.


Qin fine jade He spurted blood from his mouth and nose, his body rolled upside down and flew out and fell heavily to the ground.


Qinxiong's big gun fell from the air , Inserted next to Qin Fine Jade, trembling.

Old Wu swings his big sleeves, and falls back elegantly, landing on the back of the horse next to Lie Xiao. lightly said:

"Fortunately, I am not insulted. "

Lee Xiao nodded, his big hand waved in the air.


The army pushed forward, enclosing Qin Fine Jade in the middle .Qin fine jade stood up from the ground, holding the big gun next to him with one hand.


Qin fine jade He drew a big gun from the ground.


The army rushed towards Qin Fine Jade from all directions, and Qin Fine Jade twisted the big gun with both hands, stirring the surroundings.

After the army.

Lee Xiao stood on horseback and lightly watched the Qin Fine Jade, who was constantly impacted by the army, struggling like a leaf boat.

The setting sun is like blood, and the baleful aura is like a knife.

From the high hanging of the red sun to the setting sun, Qin Fine Jade was covered in blood, and the armor on his body was torn, and some wounds had exposed bones. Her I have staggered, my body is on the verge of collapse, my physical strength has been completely overdrawn, and I am on the verge of death.

"Lee Xiao! "

Qin Fine Jade suddenly shouted loudly, and the surrounding army acted like a meal. Qin Fine Jade's figure slowly turned to Liexiao's direction, his eyes like ice.

"Lee Xiao, Crescent Moon has a million blood. When Qin Shuang returns, he will surely pay the blood debts! "


Qin Fine Jade spits out mouthful of blood in his mouth, and his figure is falling backwards.


Qin Fine Jade struggling to raise the big gun, and a gun was inserted into the back of his instep. The big gun pierced the back of the instep and plunged into the ground, stopping the tendency of Qin Fine Jade to fall to the ground.


Qin Fine Jade stands upright like a gun, with a pair of cold eyes looking at Liexiao, but the expression in those eyes quickly dissipates and becomes dull.

Outside Gaosha city.

Qin Fine Jade and Qin Xiong both died in battle!


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