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Li Yan in front of him ran down and rushed into a canyon. Behind him, a dozen Monster Races were approaching fast.


Suddenly a thunderous sound rang above the canyon. A dozen Monster Race suddenly raised their heads, and they saw blocks the size of a house. The boulder fell towards them, covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

"Boom boom boom..."

A dozen Monster Races waved their fists, smashing the falling boulders to pieces. But the continuously huge boulders are also consuming their energy quickly. When they smashed the last boulder, they saw more than one hundred Martial Artists rushing in front of them, and the one who rushed in front was Li Yan. , A fist fiercely hit his eye socket before the elephant tribe could react, one eye was instantly shattered, and the huge head fell back.


His long nose that was flying up because of his head tilted back was grabbed by Li Yan, then turned around, bent over, and shook his arms, like the huge elephant clan The body was thrown up in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Do you really think I can't beat you? You just want to wipe out you!"

With Li Yan's voice, a big foot stepped on the elephant clan On his head.


A huge head was trampled by Li Yan. At the same time, the remaining dozen Monster Races were also beheaded by more than 100 Martial Artists. A thin Martial Artist shouted:

"Clean the battlefield!"

Then came to Li Yan's side and said: "Captain, wipe out Monster Race, we have no casualties."

"Okay!" Li Yan nodded and said: "Take a few Monster Race corpses, and go back to roast and eat."

Xiliang Mountain.

A blood shadow shuttles through a group of Demon Races. At this time, he is covered with blood, and blood is flowing continuously from the corners of his mouth, but his hand is still very stable, and the sword in his hand is still very stable. The sword is blood red. , Every stroke will take the life of a Demon Race.


A wolf fang club and Blood Sword collided in the air, causing the blood-clothed figure to retreat.


His left foot glared behind him, and his figure shot away like a sharp arrow. On the opposite side of the Demon Race, the wolf fang in his hand. Before the club had time to withdraw from the previous style, a ray of blood swept across his neck, and a huge head rolled down from his neck, spits out blood in the neck cavity.


The dashing blood-clothed figure is also a stumbling, his big foot stomped on the ground, and the figure flew up in the air, fleeing towards the distance.

On the ground, a Demon Race with seven huge bone spurs on its back suddenly roared.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The seven bone spurs on his back shot away suddenly, bursting into the air, turning into seven black light, instantly He was already behind the blood suit.

The Blood Sword in the hands of the blood suit slammed, and at the same time the figure flashed sharply in the air. The Blood Sword collapsed and flew three bone spurs, flashed past three bone spurs, and the last bone spur came from his right chest. Consistently, the face instantly changes in the blood suit turned pale, and flew towards the distance through gritted teeth.

"Mom*, I can kill you all by letting you out the Demon Race!"

The blood suit reached out and tapped a few fingers on his body, swallowing He took a medicine pill and suddenly accelerated, like a blood line, across the sky, flying quickly.


A thousand zhang sword glow slashed from the side of the blood suit, shattering the Demon Race that was chasing over to pieces. A silhouette appeared on the opposite side of the blood suit. The blood cloak stood in the air, and his pale face looked at a man with vicissitudes of life on the opposite side.

"Bloodcoat?" the man said condensedly.

"Yes!" Nodded and said: "Are you?"


"The enmity of the traitor in Martial Sect Hall? "Xueyi's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but the guard in his heart was relaxed.

"I can't talk about traitors!" Shen Qiu said lightly: "Because in my heart, I have never admitted to be from Martial Sect Hall. By the way, why are you here? You guys taught by bloodline Aren’t you looking for trouble with Martial Sect Hall?"

"I am no longer the person who teaches bloodline." Bloody said lightly.

"Then you are?"

"I'm just me, I just want to break through the shackles."

The expression of interest appeared on Shen Qiu's face : "You haven't breakthrough to Martial God yet?"

The blood suit rolled his eyes.

Shen Qiu sighed and said: "That is the shackles of bloodline Martial Artist, but your background is very deep in cultivation, and ordinary Martial God may not be your opponent..."

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu paused suddenly and froze there. Coldly snorted in blood, he was about to leave, but Shen Qiu suddenly stopped drinking.


The blood suit stopped in the air, and looked back coldly: "Although you did it, I am not grateful to you. Even if you don't do it. With these Demon Race’s cultivation bases, I can’t keep me."

Shen Qiu smiled and looked at the bloody clothes and said: "I know you bloodline teaches how to break through and shackles, how can you thank me? "

"You know?" The blood-clothed expression shook, and the muscles on his face trembled with excitement.

"Not bad!" Shen Qiu stood with his hand in his hand, showing an expert demeanor.

The blood suit was silent on the contrary, for a while, he said in a condensed voice: "I owe you three favors."

"Deal!" Shen Qiu said with a smile, "I ask you." One question."


"Have you been against Demon Race and never went to Monster Race?"

" Not bad!"

Shen Qiu couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why? Why do you always stare at Demon Race?"

"Is this a condition?" The blood-clothed face appeared embarrassed. .

"Well, count you as a favor."

The blood-clothed expression was stagnant, and he said with some displeasure: "My blood-clothed favor is not that worthless."

Looking at the proud color of the blood-clothed, Shen Qi lightly said: "If I can't cope with things that I can't cope with, you may not be able to cope with it."

The blood-clothed eyes stared: "Would you like Practicing?"

"I'm afraid you won't make it!" Shen Qiuhu stared: "But you can tell the story first."

Take off the imposing manner. Said: "I released those Demon Races, so..."

"You released them?" Shen Qiu opened his eyes in shock: "How did you release them?"

"For the sake of breakthrough, I used to go to the end of Southern Desolate and took out the broken space. I stumbled on a passage and walked in along the passage. Then I was discovered by the Demon Race there. The passage escaped. Those Demon Races chased me and found the passage. Without me, Demon Race might not have been able to find the passage, so I released the Demon Race."

"Fart! "Shen Qiu furiously said: "As far as you are capable, you released Demon Race? To tell you the truth, I released Demon Race."

"You released it. "Xueyi's eyes widened in surprise: "How did you release it?"


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