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The moon rises to the sky.

A silhouette appeared abruptly in front of the Huo Family store, all around there was no one, everything was silent, and the lantern hanging in front of the store door was swaying in the night breeze.

Qin Shuang's figure has a vague afterimage in the moonlight, and the jade pieces engraved with the spirit mark are broken into each node by her. In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang's figure appeared under the wall, flicking his sleeves, his figure jumped up, and fell silently inside the wall.

After one hour.

Qin Shuang left the Huo Family shop, his figure circled the Huo Family shop, gathered up the jade pieces, and then turned into a line of fire and left.

The night was chased by the day and retreated, and the pedestrians on the street began to increase. A bloody smell diffused from the Huo Family store.

Soon, I saw a team of King City City Guards come to the door of the Huo Family store, and immediately a general looked very ugly, and the bloody smell assaults the senses. You don't need to go in to know something must have happened in the Huo Family store.

Huo Family!

Can the Xiliang Kingdom be able to afford it?

If this is not the cause of investigation, Xiliang Kingdom will wait for Huo Family's revenge.

"Knock on the door!" The general shouted loudly.

A soldier walked up the steps and started knocking on the door. But after dozens of knocks, there was no sound coming out of it. At this time, many people stopped and looked around in the street, talking in low voices one by one. The general's anxiety grew louder and louder, and he shouted: "Knock the door!"


The one who knocked on the door When the soldier hit his shoulder, the gate was knocked open. The general rolled over and got off his horse, and rushed in with the soldiers.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the general was pale and completely lost his blood. There was no living person in the entire Huo Family shop, and the floor was full of blood.

"It's a major event!" The general was already shaking.

"General, there is a word here!"

Someone shouted from a room, and the general rushed into the room, and the muscles on his face twitched. I saw a line written in blood on the opposite wall:

"Kill me Crescent Moon, I will kill you Huo Family Hundred People."


The general was lightly sighed in relief. Although he did not realize what the crescent moon was at this time, he knew that Huo Family must have offended the crescent moon, and then the crescent moon began to retaliate. As long as it has nothing to do with Xiliang, it has nothing to do with him.

"Bury the corpse, guard this place, and wait for the Huo Family to come."

After the general's order was completed, he immediately mounted his horse and headed towards the kingdom.

About an hour later, a goshawk flew from the Imperial Palace towards the Great Qin Imperial Capital Qincheng. At this time, Qin Shuang had ransacked the three Huo Family stores overnight, and was already in an Inn in the King City of the Eastern Han Dynasty where the fourth store of Huo Family was located.


Qin Shuang exhaled and finally recovered his cultivation base, then took out the heart of the fire phoenix tree and began to purify the Golden Pill.

Great Qin Empire Imperial Capital Qincheng.

Huo Family.

The discussion great hall inner Qi atmosphere is extremely dull, as if there is a little fire star, it will explode.

A burly old man within both eyes flashing a killing intent and said: "So, second brother, they should have been killed by Qin Shuang?"

"It's also necessary to say Huo Family patriarch’s complexion ashen: "In the past few days, there has been news continuously from the Imperial Palace that 15 shops and two mines in our Huo Family have been looted, and all resources have been looted. Silver tael did not stay, everyone was killed, only the sentence "Kill me, I kill the Huo Family 100 people", besides Qin Shuang, who else? If the second child is not dead, what? Could something like this happen? Every time I see the face of Qín Lie who comes to tell us the news, I can’t wait to slap him to death."

"Will this be fake?"

"No!" Huo Family patriarch shook his head and said: "This must be every kingdom sent the news to the Imperial Palace, and then Qín Lie will inform us."

"Patriarch, we send someone Go and slaughter the Crescent Moon Kingdom."

Huo Family patriarch looked at the man like a fool, and said half loudly: "The third child, if we do that, Qin Shuang will really be a success. Created a loose cultivator without any concerns. There is no scruples about the last one, the unscrupulous loose cultivator, Qin Shuang doesn’t need to do anything else, just travels around the kingdoms and slaughters the shops and mines of our Huo Family in each kingdom. Then our Huo Family is really a trapped beast in the Imperial Capital. Without those resources, our Huo Family will become a rateless family without several decades, and then be divided among the Imperial Capital families. "

"Then...we invite the family senior to encircle and suppress Qin Shuang."

Huo Family patriarch shook his head and said: "She can sweep our Huo Family for fifteen in just a few days. A shop, two mines, several tens of thousands of li, we can see that her speed is extremely fast. If she wants to escape, we Huo Fam ily senior Even though the cultivation base is higher than her, it is difficult to catch her. "

"What should I do? "Huo Family and several Elders want to show anxiety on their faces.

Huo Family patriarch's eyes flashed with rays of light: "The only way to introduce her to our Huo Family, and then turn on Huo Family is in the big battle, and she doesn't worry about her being able to escape. "

"Qin Shuang...she is a half-step Great Grandmaster..."

"That is only the Spirit Mark Grandmaster, not the Formation Dao Grandmaster. Even if she can escape from our Huo Family array, she can't do it in a short time. And in our Huo Family, will we give her time to study breaking the formation? "

"Good! "The Elder eyes shined, but then dimmed again: "But, how to introduce her to our Huo Family? "

"The third child! "Huo Family patriarch set his gaze on Third Elder, and said: "You immediately meet Qin Shuang on the route of Qin Shuang and tell her, as long as she dares to come to Moongaze Mountain, our Huo Family clan, but What is the final outcome? We Huo Family swear that we will never move the crescent moon again until she is not dead. If she doesn't dare to come, we will bring the Crescent Moon Kingdom up and down and kill even chicken and dog doesn't remain. "

"Good! ”

Great Qin Imperial Capital.

Teahouses and wine shops, everywhere are no longer talking about the Huo Family and Qin Shuang.

Xianju Building Three Inside the private room.

Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Sun Qiaomu, Lu Xu, Li Dieer, Hua Jinxiu, Xuanyuanling, Aao, Qín Jiaoyue, Zheng Tong, fifth With guts, Gu Qian and Yue Qingqing are getting together. Duan Hong took a glass of wine and drank it, put down the glass and said: "Huo Family patriarch came to my house yesterday. "

"What is he going to do?" "Lan Mingyue frowned and asked.

"Invite us Duan Family to deal with Qin Shuang together. "

"Your father agreed? "Everyone's faces are not pretty.


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