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Qin Shuang was more happy in his heart, and hurriedly sank into in the depth of one's soul, and saw that the realm of Yin God had not improved, it was still Martial Sage Sixth Layer, this makes Qin Shuang greatly sighed in relief. She was really afraid that her soul realm would rise again, wouldn't she have to eat Wen Wang Dan every time she breathed?

Do you need to do anything else?

It's just...

Qin Shuang heart startled, that ghost has been refined a lot, originally just an illusory appearance, now it has two points of solidity. Qin Shuang experienced it with heart, and his heart was filled with joy. Although Yin God's realm has not increased, its power has definitely increased. So, Qin Shuang couldn't help but have a speculation, if he wants to finally smashing void, is it also necessary to temper Yin God to the extreme?

After a little thought, he put the matter down. Entering Haoran's heart, I saw the tortoise lying weakly asleep. Qin Shuang knew this was because it had consumed too much spiritual consciousness to break the ban, so he didn't bother it. Instead, he went to the golden bucket and checked the Grand Virtue Qi in each bucket.

"What a joyous event!"

Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh, the Grand Virtue Qi in each golden bucket has reached the 94th regiment, only 6 regiments short, she just Reached the Ten Dou Grandmaster.

"I really look forward to it!"

Qin Shuang entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness and suddenly felt a little weird.

The center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is still the Merit Tablet constructed by talisman, and there are four water thunder beads floating on the right. On the left is the Monster Suppressing Tower floating.

“en? ”

Qin Shuang suddenly understood why she felt weird, because she found that her brand on the Monster Suppressing Tower was gone. His eyes fell on the Blood Qin.




However, that Blood Qin is not at all In response, Qin Shuang finally felt the difference. The previous Blood Qin sometimes appeared in her Sea of ​​Consciousness as a piano. However, the Blood Qin gives people a sense of life. However, this Ancient Qin in Sea of ​​Consciousness now gives Qin Shuang the feeling of a dead thing.

"What happened to the Blood Qin?"

Qin Shuang was surprised when he came to the blood Qin, and whispered:

"senior !"



I still didn’t hear Blood Qin’s response. Qin Shuang was anxious and couldn’t help but call A string was moved.


Qin Shuang felt a trance, and found himself in a space. This space is just a passage, very long and long, as if there is no end to the passage. A voice rang in the space.

"Girl, I found bloodfiend, so I left and went to find my master. I have a few things to explain to you.

First, the heavenly punishment Break the first restriction on the four water thunder beads, and you can leave a mark on those four water thunder beads.

Secondly, the Fifth Layer restriction of Monster Suppressing Tower has been heavily punished. Broken, the Second Layer Monster Suppressing Tower has been opened."

At this time, Qin Shuang's heart suddenly felt. It is also because Qin Shuang has not broken all the restrictions of the Monster Suppressing Tower and fully grasps the Monster Suppressing Tower. Otherwise, even if it is heavenly punishment, only Qin Shuang is not dead, and it will not be able to wash away the brand of Qin Shuang.

"Third." Blood Qin's voice continued: "I left you a space, this is this piano. There are seven strings in this piano, which are seven independent strings. Space. Except for the unique cultivation technique of bloodfiend lineage, I can’t leave it to you. All the inheritances collected from my birth to now are left in these seven spaces, namely Wu, Dan, Talisman, Qi, Array, Sound, Miscellaneous. You can slowly comprehend the deduction.

I’m leaving, I hope we will never see each other, otherwise I’m afraid we will be enemies and not friends."

Blood Qin’s voice disappeared. Up.




Qin Shuang's heart is full of loss, Blood Qin Actually left.

It has found its owner...


Qin Shuang immediately left a cold sweat all over his body.

Its owner...


Is bloodfiend born?

Is this bloodfiend in the Immemorial space?

Then Tian Ci was captured by bloodfiend?

Qin Shuang suddenly withdrew his consciousness and tried to stand up, but was dizzy again. This time, he couldn't even sit still and lay directly on the ground.

"Why am I so weak?"

Qin Shuang once again sank his consciousness into his body, checked it carefully, and suddenly felt that he had stripped the seven kinds of bloodlines, causing I lost my blood. After investigating this, Qin Shuang sighed in relief, knowing that this blood loss would not kill her. One way is to find a grassland that can replenish blood energy, and one way is to slowly recover.


Qin Shuang's heart moved, myriad forms should be useful, right?

She took out a myriad forms fruit and swallowed it, then felt it carefully, and then sighed. The myriad forms fruit is useful, but the effect is minimal. It can save lives, but for the blood loss caused by this stripping of bloodline, a myriad forms can only restore one percent of the blood. And it can’t be taken continuously. You need to take a second one after the energy consumption of one myriad forms fruit is clean. In other words, Qin Shuang needs to take one hundred myriad forms fruit to restore the body's qi and blood, and it has to take one at three-hour intervals. You can only take four pills a day, and it takes twenty-five days to fill up the blood that you have lost.

Let go of this matter, and consciousness once again enters the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Looking at the Blood Qin floating in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he sighed, and then left a mark on the Monster Suppressing Tower. Thoughts moved, he entered the Monster Suppressing Tower First Layer.

Qin Shuang was surprised as soon as he entered the Monster Suppressing Tower First Layer.

At this time, in the Monster Suppressing Tower First Layer space, the aura is so strong that Qin Shuang has never seen it before. The aura concentration here is not only catching up with the aura concentration in the Immemorial space, but also its second That is to say, the aura concentration in this First Layer is already twenty times that of Martial Artist Continent.

The ground is no longer cracked, but the ground is completely restored, and even a small stream is formed on the ground due to the gathering of spiritual energy.

There was no body of Demon Beast. Qin Shuang understood that the demonic beast and Monster Race bodies brought in by Blood Qin should have been refining by Monster Suppressing Tower, so that the First Layer was restored.

She meticulously senses the First Layer, and the Monster Suppressing Tower absorbs the aura of the outside world more than ten times faster, but the concentration of the aura in the First Layer no longer changes. It just keeps twice the Immemorial space. The concentration of aura, the aura that has been absorbed all rushes towards the Second Layer.

Suddenly, Qin Shuang's heart beats violently, and an unbelievable color appeared on his face. After I sensed it for a while, I left the Monster Suppressing Tower, sensed the Immemorial space carefully, and then entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, with a look of shock on his face, unbelieving it, and I went outside the Monster Suppressing Tower to sense it, and then After entering the Monster Suppressing Tower again, he finally saw ecstasy on his face.


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