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In Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is still a rumbling sound, that is, Blood Qin is roaring.

Actually, when Tian Ci just hugged Qin Shuang in his arms, Blood Qin felt the breath of bloodfiend. The breath was so familiar, Blood Qin was immediately excited.

"It's the breath of bloodfiend, bloodfiend. This kid has the breath of adult bloodfiend in his body. Is he a bloodfiend that hasn't grown up yet? I'm going to find him, only bloodfiend is my real master ......"

Blood Qin stopped abruptly, and then sighed: "Girl, it was you who brought me out that made me meet Lord Bloodfiend. You gave me a chance, I Naturally I want to give you a chance."

Then I saw Blood Qin's hands dancing. Gradually, a virtual image of Blood Qin appeared between his hands, and the virtual image became more and more condensed. Actually...

The quiet atmosphere began to agitate. This agitation came from the vast continent, antlers continent and Wanxing continent, some cultivators and Martial Artists with a relatively low cultivation base. They are in the black composed of demonic weapons. The dragon body has been invaded by demonic energy. Although it is not completely demonic, it has deep roots, making them violent, impulsive and bloodthirsty.

Actually, not only the Martial Artists and cultivators on these three continents, but also Martial Artist Continent, among the nearly 200 people, there are also many Martial Artists whose binoculars have become crimson gradually. Turning to Qin Shuang in Tian Ci's arms, greed and bloodthirsty appeared in his eyes.

Tian Ci is totally ignorant of this. Ever since he jumped out of the pit holding Qin Shuang in his arms, he has stood there blankly, like a stone sculpture. It's just that his eyes changed continuously, black and white for a while, and red as blood for a while.

In his dantian, the two colors above the Nascent Soul are constantly attacking each other. For a while, Bai Ruyu occupies most of the Nascent Soul, pushing the red blood to a corner, and then the Red Ruxue occupies most of the Nascent Soul, and the white Ruyu forced to a corner.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly a voice rang out in the silence, and everyone's eyes instantly gathered on that person, who was Lan Mingyue. Lan Mingyue glanced at dozens of Martial Artist Continent people, and those dozens of Martial Artists had their eyes red as blood, looking greedy and bloodthirsty at Qin Shuang in Tian Ci's arms.

Lan Mingyue's cry out in surprise, not only shocked everyone, but also awakened a trace of Tian Ci's consciousness. That trace of Tian Ci's consciousness has been resisting the two energies of Bai Ruyu and Chi Rublo. He knows that he must persist. Once his last trace of consciousness dissipates, even if he is still alive, it is only the body alive, but the soul is no longer there. He Tian Ci.

However, Lan Mingyue's angry voice made him have to separate a trace of consciousness to look around, and instantly understand the surrounding situation. Although he didn't know that those people were demonic, he knew that those people were eroded by the aura of demonic weapon. At this time, even among Martial Artist Continent, he became very insecure. He didn't know when, around The person who once trusted will be demonized and stabbed in his back.

In his mind, he was seriously injured and unconscious in the crescent moon space. Qin Shuang was carrying him on his back and fleeing all the way, whispered:

"Shuang'er, it's my turn to protect you this time!"


Tian Ci's figure suddenly rose from the sky and flew towards the distance.

"Where to go!"

There are countless shouts, and then I see all kinds of spells passing towards Tian Ci strikes, and all kinds of Magical Artifacts piercing the sky , Hit Tian Ci's back, this is the spell and the art of imperial weapon released by the cultivator of the vast continent and the antler continent. At the same time, there are all kinds of gangmans cutting through the sky and chasing Tian Ci. This is the person of Martial Artist Continent and Wanxing Continent. During the period, there are also three Monster Race Life Source Divine Ability.

These attacks came from all directions, closing any blind spots.


Tian Ci’s imposing manner of the Martial Emperor erupted in his body. He held Qin Shuang in his arms with his left hand and opened the turtle's back arm of his left arm. The shield tightly enveloped Qin Shuang inside. The right hand held the giant crocodile sword with his backhand, and the giant dragon arm opened, pushing his power up a step again.


The giant crocodile sword is out of its sheath.


Tian Ci's sword-holding hand was exploded by the power of the giant crocodile sword, and the injured muscles collapsed.

However, the giant crocodile sword seemed to light up the sky as soon as it was out of its sheath. The sword intent on your giant crocodile sword was wrapped around, and the sword glow burst into the sky, like a great jade pillar, and struck the person who intercepted him forward.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless attacks landed on Tian Ci's back, but in an instant, Tian Ci's back and thighs were bloodied and exposed by strikes. To the bones. However, at the same time, Tian Ci's sword also fell, and the sky on the opposite side seemed to have been cut out of a passage. Anyone who stood in front of that passage was turned into powder, even if they were not in the middle. The people on that passage also flew around, bursting with blood.


Tian Ci's figure has turned into a black spot in an instant.


Countless silhouettes chased in the direction of Tian Ci's escape.

"Dare you guys!"

Qín Lie and Lan Mingyue and the others rushed towards those people angrily, but the overwhelming majority were tricked by the cultivator of the vast continent and the antler continent Forced to retreat, and didn't want to fight with the people of Martial Artist Continent, chasing in the direction of Tian Ci. How many people can even Qín Lie, Han Ling, Jin Longxing and the others stop?

Tian Ci's figure is already as fast as a shooting star, but there are still three people chasing after him, and the remaining chasing people have long been thrown away. The breath erupting from these three people is the Divine Transformation First Layer, which is the cultivator of the vast continent and the antler continent, so Tian Ci simply does not have a slight advantage in speed. He is now just the breakthrough Divine Transformation level.

Fortunately, the floating breath of the three cultivators at the back is not very stable. Will know when you see it is also just breakthrough after the Immemorial space has gained the rest.

The distance between the two parties is getting closer and closer, and gradually it is almost within the attack range.

Tian Ci's face showed extreme pain. In his dantian, the two energies of white jade and red blood were inextricably fought, which made Tian Ci's mind start to be in a trance. He bit his teeth, bit the tip of his tongue, regained a sense of sobriety, and shot forward.


Tian Ci's heart was beating, and he heard the violent fluctuations in the space behind him. During the speeding, he suddenly turned his figure, and the already boneless right hand once again grabbed the giant crocodile sword behind his back.



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