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In the other mask, Bing Lingfeng sits in the center, and the rest of the people transfer spiritual power into Bing Lingfeng's body to maintain the mirror.

It's just that the conditions in the two masks are not very good now, and everyone's face is pale. Take medicine pill from time to time to replenish the consumed aura.

The cultivators of the vast continent are all in the mask released by Xu Kaitian, the cultivators of the antler continent are all in the mask released by Bing Lingfeng, and the Martial Artist Continent and Martial Artist of the Wanxing continent are more chaotic. In the two light curtains, there are Martial Artist Continent and Martial Artist of Wanxing continent.

It was Tian Ci who called Qin Shuang just now. At this time, not only Tian Ci is present, but Lan Mingyue and Qín ​​Lie and the others are all in this mask.

"What happened?" Qin Shuang asked condensedly.

"We finally found this place. When we walked out of the valley within the valley, we found that Xu Kaitian and the others were being attacked by the beast tide. And the demonic beasts immediately attacked us after they discovered us. If not, Xu Kaitian opened the light curtain and let us in. I am afraid that at this time we have already turned into the feces of demonic beasts." Lan Mingyue said with lingering fear.

Qin Shuang looked at Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaitian moved towards Qin Shuang Zhanyan said with a smile:

"Qin Shuang, in the Immemorial space, our Human Race and Monster Race is a mortal enemy. And since the discovery of Xuan Martial Palace, where "Black Tortoise Collection" was born, those Monster Races believed that "Black Tortoise Collection" was their Monster Race cultivation technique, and they always wanted to monopolize Xuan Martial Palace. For this reason, there have been many conflicts with our Human Race. However, they can't stop our Human Race every time. I didn’t expect that Monster Race had planned for a long time this time, and even made a big formation. Monster Race has no original formation. I’m not proficient, and I don’t know why, the formation method we set up this time left. We simply couldn’t get out, and Monster Race drove the demonic beasts to form a tide of beasts. There were too many demonic beasts. Able to defend passively."

"Have you found the path to the big formation now?" Qin Shuang asked anxiously.

A wry smile appeared on Xu Kaitian’s face: "No, we can only hide in the shield now, and simply can’t get out, how can we find a way out of the big formation? And... once When our spiritual power is exhausted, this shield will disappear."

Xu Kaiyun didn’t say any more, but everyone knew in their hearts that now they rely on this pearl shield for survival. Once the light shield dissipates At that time, their aura was also consumed cleanly. Undoubtedly, unlike the ordinary person, at that time, they could only become the ration in the mouth of the demonic beast. All of a sudden, there was a look of fear on everyone's face.

"Passive! Too passive!" Xu Kaitian's face showed a heroic end: "I didn't expect Xu Kaitian to have such a passive day."

The mask fell silent. , The tragic atmosphere gradually solidified. Qin Shuang's expression is also very solemn, looking out of the mask, simply can't see how many demonic beasts there are, densely packed, endlessly rushing out of the vast expanse of whiteness.

"Qin Shuang, what are you doing stupidly standing there?" At this time, a harsh voice suddenly sounded: "Don't hurry to deliver spiritual power?"

Qin Shuang Follows the reputation Go, eyes fell on Xu Kaiyun's body. Xu Kaiyun's eyebrows were cold and right:

"What to look at? If it weren't for our containment, your Martial Artist Continent people would have died at this time. Even you are no exception. You stand there with a little strength. No way, is it to save strength and run away after waiting for the shield to dissipate?"

The complexion of Tian Ci and the others immediately became ugly, Lan Mingyue coldly said:

"Don't say it nicely, without the participation of our Martial Artist Continent, how long can you guys maintain the mask? The spiritual power was consumed long ago, and it was swallowed by the demonic beast and turned into feces."

"chi..." Xu Kaiyun sneered: "You too value yourself too much, just like Martial Artist Continent's rubbish Martial Artist, how much spiritual power can it provide?"

Speaking of which, fiercely stared Lan Mingyue said: "It's really a group of ungrateful people. Now that you have the backbone, get out now and see if we die first or you become dung first?"



Xu Kaiyun’s tone barely fell, and saw a Martial Artist Continent who had consumed spiritual power and the medicine pill on his body. When he closed his eyes, he passed out.

"Garbage!" Xu Kaiyun cursed bitterly, then stared at Qin Shuang and said: "Black girl, immediately take the place of that garbage."

Qin Shuang's figure floats. , Fell on the side of the unconscious Martial Artist, took out a piece of Wen Wang Dan and stuffed it into his mouth, looking at Xu Kaitian.

Xu Kaitian only frowned slightly when Xu Kaiyun scolded Qin Shuang. He didn't like the rudeness in Xu Kaiyun's mouth, but in his heart he believed that Xu Kaiyun's words were not rude, and the meaning in his words was correct. Now that it is time to join forces against the enemy, Qin Shuang always sits on the sidelines, this is not right. Seeing that Qin Shuang heard Xu Kaiyun's reprimand and did not refute, but obediently went to the side of the Martial Artist who had fainted, and the slightly frowned brows relaxed.

"Brother Xu, how long have you been in this situation?" Qin Shuang asked condensedly.

When Xu Kaitian saw Qin Shuang only fed the Martial Artist a medicine pill, and did not take over the position of the Martial Artist, his brows were slightly frowned, and then they stretched out again.

"It's been more than a month, we are the first to come here."

Xu Kaitian's voice is very calm and his tone is very stable. It was as if he was not facing an endless wave of animals, but sitting in amidst flowers and in the moonlight and drinking alcohol, his aristocratic spirit made the people around him feel calm.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly and said: "If you can't defeat Monster Race, the beast tide will not end. Such passive defense is just drinking poison to quench thirst."

" That's good!" Xu Kaishan said loudly, tired and unable to hide the curiosity flying between his eyebrows: "But we have never seen such a big formation, and there is such a beast attack, and there is simply no room for investigation. Big brother... "

Speaking of this, Xu Kaishan turned his head and looked at Xu Kai Heavenly Dao: "It is inevitable that we will die if we shrink here. It is better to kill out, kill one is enough, kill two to earn."

"don't be impatient!" Xu Kaitian said calmly: "This large formation suppresses the spiritual consciousness, but through visual observation, I also found a trace of the movement of the large formation, and then give it to me After a while, it may not be impossible to find a way to break out."

"Have you heard!" Xu Kaiyun shouted sharply, "Don't you hurry up to take the place of the trash and buy time for my big brother?"

Qin Shuang glanced over three people, secretly said in one's heart, even if these three people are not biological brothers, they should be paternal male cousin. It's just that the three temperaments are quite different. Xu Kaitian was very noble, Xu Kaishan was bold and bold, but Xu Kaiyun was a dude. Seeing the three brothers with different temperaments, the disgust towards Xu Kaiyun disappeared in his heart, waving his hand to stop the anger of Lan Mingyue and the others. in the heart asked the tortoise:

"Master Black Tortoise, since you recognize this ten thousand monster formation, you should understand this great formation, right?"


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