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"Forget it!" Blood Qin lightly said: "My condition is that I am waiting to get rid of the Monster Suppressing Tower prohibition and allow me to leave a trace of branding. On it."

"A piece of Immortal Artifact can still leave two different marks?"

"Yes, but the first person to leave the mark needs to agree."

"Why do you leave a mark?"

"The black inflammation still has a great effect on my recovery, but I need to absorb a little bit of refining. I want to leave a mark , It’s just convenient for me to extract the black inflammation a little bit."

Qin Shuang thought for a while, and felt that the black inflammation was of no use to him, and he didn't have any loss. As long as he collects the black flame, he can see the dao chart case on the Fire Phoenix, and decisively nodded and said:

"Okay! Tell me how to break the prohibition."

"It's very simple. You can't break the ban on Monster Suppressing Tower. That's because your Sea of ​​Consciousness is too weak. You can let that turtle break the ban."

" Yes!" Qin Shuang's spirits lifted, and then he remembered Blood Qin and said: "Senior, you can also help me crack it."

"Why should I crack it? It's not that I want to see that. The last time of Fire Phoenix. You said to the tortoise that if you want to see the last time of the Fire Phoenix, come here to break the restriction. If you don’t want to see, we will go now."

"Ugh..." There was a sigh in Hao Ranzhi's heart, and then I saw the tortoise enter Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and said with a bitter face:

"I'm coming!"

The tortoise was also simply, after making a decision, without hesitation, after entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he said:

"Girl, take your brand back first."

Qin Shuang thoughts move, he took back the brand that he had left on the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then saw that the turtle’s Strength of Primordial Spirit blasted towards the Monster Suppressing Tower.

"How long does it take?" Qin Shuang asked Blood Qin.

"The strength of Primordial Spirit of this tortoise is not weak, it should be fast."

Qin Shuang glanced at the strength of Primordial Spirit, which is facing from the bottom. The Monster Suppressing Tower rippling at the top, and then pondered for a little bit:

"senior, then you give me some of the refined element of the refining British Magic Flower Human Race, I take this opportunity to polish and refine Golden Pill."


Blood Qin admired Qin Shuang for not wasting a little time to improve his cultivation base, and he immediately unlocked a trace of the seal and let the heroes Flower's Human Race essence is poured into Qin Shuang's body.

Qin Shuang immediately felt the extremely rich and pure energy explode in his body, hurriedly withdrew his consciousness, and began to use Soul Power to focus on infusing the pure English magic flower energy into the dantian, Then this rich energy was transformed into four strands, which were absorbed by Sea of ​​Consciousness, Heart of Haoran, Yin God and Golden Pill.

Soon after, Qin Shuang began to condense the mist in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and at the same time separated a trace of Sea of ​​Consciousness to pay attention to the released talisman shield. When the talisman shield is about to collapse, immediately release another talisman.

Once you are immersed in the cultivation, you don’t know the years, and time goes by quickly in the silence.

Outside the lonely mountain.

A young man sits on a rock. When he opens his eyes, his eyes are like stars in the sky. Looking at the crack in the middle of the lonely mountain, the color of difference appeared on his face.

"It's been seven days, that person hasn't come out yet, is he already dead inside?"

This person is exactly the cultivator Qin Shuang encountered in the passage. His cultivation base has been fully restored, but he is not reconciled to leave like this, and wants to see if Qin Shuang can benefit from it. But after seven days, Qin Shuang still did not appear, which not only shakes her confidence. After all, ninety-nine percent of the things inside he thought that Qin Shuang was impossible to get, and maybe they were already dead inside at this time. Waiting here like this is a waste of time looking for other opportunities. However, there was always a trace of unwillingness in his heart, his face tangled for a while, and finally decided to wait.

In these seven days, Qin Shuang's gains are tremendous. The fineness of each of her Golden Pills has improved to 28%, which is already very close to 30%.

At the same time, the tortoise finally broke the Second Layer ban. Blood Qin immediately notified Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang was overjoyed. He hurriedly stopped the cultivation and moved his consciousness into the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Immediately left a mark in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Then thoughts move, the Monster Suppressing Tower appeared in Qin Shuang's hands. Looking at the Monster Suppressing Tower in his hand, Qin Shuang's face showed joy, but then her face became stiff, because she found that she could only move Monster Suppressing. Tower, as for the rest of Monster Suppressing Tower's functions, she has no idea and can't control it. In other words, for Qin Shuang, this Monster Suppressing Tower can only be held like a rock to smash people.

"It seems that we still need to break the Third Layer ban." The faint voice of Blood Qin came from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Qin Shuang couldn't, so he took the Monster Suppressing Tower back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness and erased the brand. The tortoise also sighed tiredly, and once again began to break the prohibition, and Qin Shuang also began another round of polishing and purifying the Golden Pill.

Nine Heavens has passed like this.

A silhouette appeared in the passage leading to the underground, but it was the young man waiting outside. When he saw the black flame in the passage from a distance, he immediately turned around and fled.


The young man rushed out of the passage, flew directly to the top of the peak, landed on a rock, and looked down the crack , Seeing Heiyan did not chase them out, these sighed.

"Black Flame is still there, so even if there is treasure in it, the Martial Artist did not get it. Then he died in it, he still has enough talisman, and he still looks for it to get rid of it. How to block black ice? Should I wait any longer?"

After thinking for a while, the young man took out a palm-size puppet from the storage ring. Once he floated, he landed again. Before the hole, he looked around and placed the puppet in a crack, then his figure flew up into the air, looking towards all around, and finally flew away in one direction. In a crack at the entrance of the cave, a mouse-like puppet looked at the entrance not far away.

At this time, Qin Shuang was experimenting with the Monster Suppressing Tower again, and after breaking the Third Layer ban, Qin Shuang found that he was able to control the Monster Suppressing Tower becoming bigger and smaller, but it was limited to this. . Just continue to let that tortoise get rid of the prohibition. And at this time the tortoise was not only fatigued, it had already begun to become weak. In this way, a group of Blood Qin who had refined the English magic flower had to join in and crack the Monster Suppressing Tower ban with the tortoise.

And Qin Shuang is happily continuing to polish and purify the Golden Pill with the magic flower energy poured in by Blood Qin. Now each of her Golden Pills has been refined to 30%. In her opinion, this is her biggest gain in the Immemorial space. Even if there is no gain in the future, Qin Shuang is satisfied.


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