"It seems that Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng have already broken into the next level. Huh? This is the remaining breath of talisman."

Qin Shuang carefully checked and confirmed Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng Talisman is also used. Then her gaze stayed on these puppets.

"The materials used by these puppets are all ordinary, why did I forget to collect these puppets!"

Glanced at the nine passages opposite, Xu Kaitian and Bingling thought. Feng also wanted to get to the destination first, and forgot to collect these puppets. Anyway, he was already behind, so let's collect these puppets first.

Qin Shuang took these puppets equivalent to Martial God Peak into the Blood Qin space, and then stood at the entrance of a passage with a nervous expression on his face.

"Go in from here, and you will encounter Martial Sage level puppets! My teacher-level talisman is all used up, I hope my Master Rank talisman is enough."


Qin Shuang's figure swept into a passage.

At this time, at the end of the third passage, Xu Kaitian was holding a talisman in his hand, with reluctance and hesitation in his eyes.

"This is my last Grade 1 spirit talisman. If after defeating the puppet in front of me, I still haven't reached the destination, I have to return it. But, I have lost a lot!"

Xu Kaitian wailed, aroused the talisman, and threw it at the puppet on the opposite side.


The talisman turned into a huge golden spear and shot at the puppet.


The puppet moved, but just raised the giant knife in his hand, the golden spear has penetrated his body, controlling the puppet The center is crushed.

"My Spirit Stone!"

That golden spear blasted the Spirit Stone in the control center into the powder, causing Xu Kaitian to cry again. The figure flew forward while muttering in his mouth.

"Don't have any more puppets! Don't have any more puppets..."


Xu Kaitian stopped abruptly, his face There was a pleasant surprise. He saw the exit, and then his expression became serious again, because the exit showed a faint blood red, and he could smell a trace of blood.

"Step by step..."

Xu Kaitian step by step, cautiously walked towards the exit. After more than twenty breaths, Xu Kaitian was already standing at the exit, staring inside. Look over.


The sweat on Xu Kaitian's body stood up, and there was a huge underground space outside of the exit. The edge was not visible at a glance, and there was a layer floating around. Very pale blood, where you can see is a sarcophagus, one by one, one by one, and you can't see the end.

Took a deep breath, Xu Kaitian held the broad sword tightly and stepped out. He suddenly floated to the right, facing to the left. The broad sword in his hand was already raised. From the exit of the second passage, a silhouette cautiously came out, and his hairs burst suddenly, and a thin sword pointed towards Xu Kaitian. Both of them were sighed in relief afterwards. In this weird place, encountering the same kind, both of them felt that the pressure in their hearts was reduced a little.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, how long have you been here?" Bing Lingfeng whispered.

Xu Kaitian didn't dare to loudly said: "Just arrived, you were there."

"Where is this?" Bing Lingfeng looked at the sarcophagi.

"I don't know, it should be the place guarded by the puppets. Shall we open a sarcophagus to see?"

"Go open! I will protect the law for you."


A trace of unnaturalness appeared on Bing Lingfeng's face. No matter how high her cultivation base is, she still has an instinctive fear of coffins.


Xu Kaitian nodded, walked to a nearby sarcophagus, stretched out a hand to grab a corner of the sarcophagus cover, and suddenly applied force.


The sarcophagus floated one after another and the runes flowed, and the blood-colored brilliance suddenly skyrocketed, forming a blood-colored mask that expanded outward.


Xu Kaitian's figure was blown out and hit the rock wall, his face swelled, he bounced back from the rock wall, and fell. On the ground, he staggered two steps.

The blood runes on the sarcophagus gradually disappeared.

"Are you... okay?" There was a tremor in Bing Lingfeng's voice.

"It's okay!"

Xu Kaitian suppressed the blood churning in his body, and walked to the sarcophagus again, staring at it. Bing Lingfeng also walked to the sarcophagus and stared at it.

"There are runes carved on it!"

Xu Kaitian nodded, looking at the sarcophagus, which is full of runes, Xu Kaitian circled the sarcophagus a few times:

"This is the forbidden rune pattern and the stripping rune pattern."

Then he looked at the ground, the ground showed a dark red, and Bing Lingfeng's face paled:


"You mean something is sealed in this sarcophagus, and then something is stripped from that thing?"

"en!" Xu Kaitian nodded, his expression became particularly solemn, and he turned his head Looking into the depths of the space, he whispered:

"The stripped things should flow from the ground to a place, and this ground also has runes."

"We... Would you like to open the sarcophagus to have a look?"

"Be careful, I will open the sarcophagus."


Bing Lingfeng holds a rapier in one hand Holding a talisman in one hand, he looked at the sarcophagus vigilantly.

Xu Kaitian stretched out a finger and swiped in the air. As his finger swiped in the air, a talisman spawned in the air.

"Void picture talisman!" Bing Lingfeng's heart jumped.

"pa!" Xu Kaitian slapped the talisman on the sarcophagus with a backhand.


The sarcophagus trembled and the runes flickered. The runes on the sarcophagus had a tendency to dissipate, but they struggled to hit the runes photographed by Xu Kaitian. Let the empty picture talisman have the tendency to collapse.


Xu Kaitian held a corner of the sarcophagus with one hand, with a strong hand, and with a "peng" sound, the lid of the sarcophagus was lifted by Xu Kaitian, and the eyes of the two people were directed at the same time. Looking inside the sarcophagus, I saw that there was a huge heart inside, which filled the entire sarcophagus. Although the huge heart had dried up and had no less than one percent of blood remaining, it was still beating. The sound of peng peng followed The opening of the sarcophagus was breathtaking.


From the shriveled heart, a blood energy burst out, turned into a python, and took a bite towards Xu Kaitian.

The muscles on Xu Kaitian's face were compressed and deformed, and his heart almost stopped beating due to the tremendous power. When he loosened his hand, his figure could not help but flew back.


The sarcophagus cover was re-covered, but the python, which was formed by a trace of blood, swooped towards Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng.


Two sword glows slashed towards the python, one thick and one thin, but both contain ten heavy sword meanings, and the sword glow cuts open the one Python, but the body where the python was cut only swayed, then connected to another place, and continued to dive down towards the two people, but the diving imposing manner made Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng unable to stand. The body staggered backward involuntarily.


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