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"It seems that you don’t want to break through to the Martial King realm! Don’t break through Martial King, wait to meet two Monster Race continents and two magic cultivator continents. People who are weak are weak chickens!"

Remembering the Gong Jiu encountered before, if Gong Jiu didn't understand his Feifengwu and Quick Sword, he would be impossible to behead the opponent so easily.

"Ai, even the people of Wanxingcontinent are not weak!"

"puff puff puff......"

Qin Shuang farts continuously under his ass , But the fart released was full of fragrance, and Qin Shuang's face showed reluctance.

"It's a pity for these auras!"

It took about half a quarter of an hour before Qin Shuang's body no longer seeped aura, Qin Shuang stood up and came to the cave. At the door, extend the hand palm and push outwards, "With a boom, Qin Shuang pushed the huge boulder out and walked out.

"I don’t know how much corn I need to eat to break through. ! "

Qin Shuang shook the head, as soon as he stepped on the void, his figure flew into the air, while in the heart recalling the map of Xuan Martial Palace, while looking towards all around, discerning the direction. However, After about a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang’s face drooped. She simply couldn’t tell the direction, and she didn’t know which direction Xuan Martial Palace should go.

“It seems that I was sent to a The developed area. Feel free to find a direction! "

Qin Shuang looked for a direction and flew away. Twenty days later, Qin Shuang was completely unaware of the direction, but only locked in one direction to fly. Every two hours she passed along the way, Casually taking fifty sticks of maize corn, I was able to break through to Martial King realm on the ninth day, but was blocked by Blood Qin. According to Blood Qin, with these maize corn, Qin Shuang can completely suppress the breakthrough. , Polish the Golden Pill and improve the color of the Golden Pill. If the Golden Pill can be upgraded to Perfection Realm, then Qin Shuang will be developed.

Qin Shuang is also very happy to hear it, and eats the corn. , While running the "Fire Phoenix Precious Book" along the way to polish the Golden Pill, now it has entered the Immemorial space for 20 days. With the help of the corn syrup, each Golden Pill of Qin Shuang was originally only five points pure, nine points five. Void has now become seven points pure, ninety percent three voids. Ten Golden Pills combined in one place have been equivalent to 70% of the strength of the traditional cultivation technique.

On the way, she also picked A lot of herbs and a lot of demonic beasts were killed, but no one was encountered. At this time, it was the interval between her intake of corn. She flew and scanned all around, but she didn’t find anything worthwhile. What I paid attention to. I suddenly thought of the bow nine, thoughts move, and took out the bow. I looked carefully, and my face was a joy. This bow turned out to be an Earth Grade Peak Spiritual Artifact.

"It seems That bow nine is not simple in the background of Wanxing continent! "

Put the bow away, take out the storage ring of Gongjiu, Soul Power probed it in, and the eyes lit up, and there were five thousand low grade Spirit Stones inside.

"There is a Spirit Stone, and the background is not simple. "

Qin Shuang continued to look. There were ten bottles of Wen Wang Dan, ten bottles of Detoxification Pill, ten bottles of Spirit Recovery Pill and ten bottles of Healing Pill. And the grades were not low. There were nearly a thousand bottles. The huge long arrow, and finally a book made of demonic beast leather, Qin Shuang took out that book and saw three big characters written on the cover:

divine bow tactics.

Qin Shuang raised his eyebrows and landed on a big tree, sit cross-legged on a thick branch, and looked through it.

A round of red sun gradually fell behind Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang’s body was covered with a layer of pink clouds.


Qin Shuang suddenly raised his right hand, inside his body The spiritual power flows along the right arm, generating a spiral force, and the air around the right arm becomes distorted.

"This is the divine bow technique! really strong, it turned out to be Heaven Grade high grade Peak cultivation technique! "

Qin Shuang thoughts move, he held the bow with his left hand, and then took out a long arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow, pulled the bowstring completely, and relaxed the fingers.


This arrow is like rainbow piercing the sun, penetrating the space and forming a one by one black hole, which is the power of the arrow shot by Gongjiu before.

"Kuanri! "Qin Shuang's eyebrows are beating with joy.

This is exactly the First Layer skill of the divine bow technique: Guanri.

Qin Shuang puts away the longbow and starts to read again. The divine bow tactic, the sun has set at this time, and the earth is enveloped in darkness, but it does not prevent Qin Shuang from seeing the divine bow tactic clearly. At her cultivation base, she has reached the night vision ability.

divine bow tactics Second Layer: Tracking!

Qin Shuang’s eyes are bright, divine bow tactics First Layer skills go through the sun, emphasizing power, and there is a tendency to go through the sun. Martial Artist How high the spiritual power cultivation base is, the power of Guanri is stronger. But the divine bow technique Second Layer skill is tracking, and it uses not only spiritual power, but also the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness. But this The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness does not increase power, but adds a tracking skill, which is to imprint a trace of Sea of ​​Consciousness on the arrow, and then the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness controls the arrow to change direction. Track the target.

"The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness! "

Qin Shuang's heart jumped, and he immediately concluded that this divine bow tactic is definitely not Wanxing continent's later cultivation technique, it should belong to Wanxing continent's cultivation technique in the ancient period, and not even Wanxing continent's. Cultivation technique, because Wanxing continent is the same as Martial Artist Continent and Martial Artist is respected.

"No wonder that Gongjiu didn’t use this skill. There should be no cultivation to produce Sea of ​​Consciousness. Otherwise, with this skill, maybe I have died under his arrow. "

Qin Shuang continued to look at it, and then the bitterness appeared on his face. For those who cultivation the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, this Second Layer is not difficult. Qin Shuang can easily remove the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The power of Consciousness is imprinted on the arrow, but the distance she controls the arrow is very short. Now she is a Level 6 Taoist priest, and the fog filament in Sea of ​​Consciousness is one foot and two long. However, this one is two feet long. It's thick, even if you pull it thin, you can't shoot it far.

Qin Shuang exhaled and took out the bow and arrow again. The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness penetrated from the center of the eyebrows and imprinted on an arrow. And then bend the bow and set the arrow, the spiritual power in the body spirals in the meridian, and rushes into the arrow through her right arm.


Qin Shuang's fingers are relaxed, the strings tremble lightly, and the arrows shoot out like meteors. The mist within the Sea of ​​Consciousness becomes invisible and colorless, and is stretched extremely slender...


Qin Shuang is the pain of Sea of ​​Consciousness. When the arrow shot out nearly 50 meters, it has reached the limit of Qin Shuang Sea of ​​Consciousness. If you let it go When the arrow continues to move forward, her Sea of ​​Consciousness thread will break, and Sea of ​​Consciousness will be injured.

thoughts move, that arrow will be surrounded by the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness Qin Shuang's body is turning fast, and the space is full of the afterimages of arrows in an instant.


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