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The sword crocodile god brows tightly knit, looking forward in surprise.

He felt his sharp claw seem to be caught on an indestructible wall of God, to no avail.

How can this be?

Although he is not a special Divine Physique, but relying on the Bloodline of the crocodile family, his Fleshy body is stronger than the average person.

Coupled with the breakthrough god realm, the body is quenched with divine force and transformed into the Spiritual God body, which is also more powerful.

In addition to direa gold and other treasures, what else can be so easy to resist oneself’s sharp claw.

His eyes crossed and landed on his sharp claw.

I saw that before my sharp claw, it was an unpretentious palm.

This palm is very common, and like most humans, there is nothing special about it.

There is not even any divine light fairy light.

However, it was such a fleshy palm that easily blocked the sharp claw of the sword crocodile god.

And make it impossible to go further.

This result shocked the sword crocodile Divine Heart, and he suddenly looked up.

Found that the owner of this palm turned out to be a handsome young man.

Isn’t this the young man with Heavenly Venerate?

The sword crocodile had seen Xiao Changfeng before, but Xiao Changfeng’s breath was restrained and not obvious at all.

Coupled with Linlang Heavenly Venerate and Qingming God’s attention.

Therefore, he directly ignored Xiao Changfeng’s existence.

But at this time, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

No one can resist oneself sharp claw with just one hand.

And he hadn’t shot before, and he didn’t show any extraordinary things.

Obviously the opponent’s strength is so strong that he didn’t find it.


Thinking of this, the sword crocodile is scalp numbness.

He was not the youth temperament of the Qingming God. He experiencedd, knowing that the situation was not right at this time, and immediately withdrew immediately to a safe distance.

This abrupt scene also made everyone stunned.

Everyone thought that the sword crocodile shot mercilessly, and Heavenly Venerate and the others will definitely die.

didn’t expect It was just a moment, the sword crocodile god retreated even faster than the rabbit.

“Xiao…Xiao Changfeng?”

At this time Linlang Heavenly Venerate is also started.

Among the beautiful eyes, burst out a strong shock, looking at Xiao Changfeng in disbelief.

The same goes for Heavenly Venerate and Li Jinde.

No one didn’t expect.

In this desperate situation, Xiao Changfeng actually stood up and blocked the sword crocodile’s lore.

All this is too dreamy and makes people feel very unreal.

“Are you a god?”

Qingming God awakened from muddleheaded, staring at Xiao Changfeng at this time, his face full of surprise.

He and Xiao Changfeng have been together for so long, but they have not discovered this fact.

This caused him a heavy blow.

Today, he lost to the Sword Crocodile God and met Xiao Changfeng.

The blow from one after another was a bit heavy for him.

His childish heart was also suddenly split all up and in pieces.

“Shenjing? I’m not.”

Xiao Changfeng shook the head, making everyone more puzzled.

The fairy he cultivated is naturally not a god.

“But there are many gods I slaughtered.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke again, letting everyone open their mouths, like listening to Heavenly Book.

Have you slaughtered more than one god?

This… how is this possible!

The Shenjing powerhouse is not a roadside cabbage, nor an ordinary martial artist.

Heavenly Dao, how long has the ban been lifted, and there is not much magic in the entire world!

Even god wars are extremely rare, not to mention the god of slaughter.

Everyone shook their heads instinctively, thinking that Xiao Changfeng was bragging. After all, this news was too shocking to be accepted by anyone.

But Xiao Changfeng did not intend to explain to them.

Why should powerhouse explain to the weak?

“I came this time, the original purpose was to rescue the Jade Girl Sect, but it seems that it is not too late.”

Xiao Changfeng Chong Linlang Heavenly Venerate smiled slightly.

If he didn’t meet Linlang Heavenly Venerate and Qingming God, he would come alone.

But the current situation is not bad.

Although Qingming was defeated, it was not a bad thing for him.

He experienced too few setbacks and his mind was not mature enough.

After experiencing this, he must have improved a lot.

Nowadays, local creatures are weak, and finally there is a divine powerhouse, and Xiao Changfeng will not naturally watch his fall.

even more how he had a relationship with Qingming God.

Therefore, although Qingming God was continuously injured, Xiao Changfeng had no plans to rescue him.

It wasn’t until Qingming God really had no power to fight back, he shot and saved his life.


Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Linlang Heavenly Venerate was slightly stunned, and his heart was in a mess, not knowing what to say.

All her hopes for this General were pinned on Qingming God.

It was just an accident to meet Xiao Changfeng.

But didn’t expect the Qingming God defeated in the end, but Xiao Changfeng shot to rescue.

And the other party came not far ten thousand li, dedicated to rescue the Jade Girl Sect.

This graciousness also made her remember it.

“You heal your wounds, as for other things, leave it to me!”

Xiao Changfeng stretched out his hand and waved abruptly, but he was in the body of Qingming God.

Suddenly Qing Qingshen’s heavy injuries were stopped and he was recovering.

Xiao Changfeng did not choose to give Qingming Divine Immortal Dan a cure directly, which would make Qingming God dependent.

Now this can not only heal the wound, but also allow him to experience Heart Tribulation well, 2 the best of both worlds.

“Many thanks Xiao Master!”

Seeing Qingming God’s complexion improved, Heavenly Venerate and Li Jinde were both happy and thankful.

After all, Qingming God is their spiritual pillar, if Qingming God falls.

So I am afraid that Feng Fengzong will soon die.

“Be careful, he is not easy to deal with!”

Linlang Heavenly Venerate biting the lips tightly, at this time to Xiao Changfeng a loud reminder.

She did not want Xiao Changfeng to enter the footsteps of Qingming God.

After all, the strength of the Sword Crocodile God is obvious to everyone, and it is too strong.

Although Xiao Changfeng is likely to be a god powerhouse, it may not be able to deal with the sword crocodile god.

Xiao Changfeng did not answer, but just waved at her.

At this moment.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Xiao Changfeng.

This young man who suddenly stood up surprised everyone.

Who is he?

Can he beat the sword crocodile?

Or did he say that he would end like a Qingming God with a fiasco?

Ignoring the eyes of everyone, Xiao Changfeng walked towards the sword crocodile.

His expression was calm, his eyes were indifferent, and it seemed that he hadn’t put the sword crocodile in his eyes at all.

“Another Aboriginal Pseudo-God? Do you think you can win me by the wheel battle, really overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Although the sword crocodile was alert, he continued to use words to stimulate, hoping that Xiao Changfeng could reveal the weak spot on his own.

However, Xiao Changfeng continued to move forward and did not answer at all.


I saw that although Xiao Changfeng took a relaxed step, it was extremely fast.

in a flash is in front of the sword crocodile god.

“Five Elements Dao Quan!”

Xiao Changfeng has no nonsense, right hand fists and punched out directly.


In the shocked eyes of everyone, the sword crocodile god was directly hit with a punch, knocking all the city walls into a huge hole.

Seeing this scene, the audience is dead!

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