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Heavenly Venerate comes from outside the world. Although it has average strength, it has Innate Ability. Any subtle voice can be clearly discerned by him.

He had just flown outside the city, but he just heard the drunk talk of the old man and the youth.

Suddenly anger, sudden killing, it is a direct shot without hesitation.

After all, he is now under the sword crocodile god.

“Da da!”

The powerful and terrifying breath of Heavenly Venerate, plus the cold killing intent.

The old man and the young man’s scalp tingled and shuddered, and the wine woke up instantly.

At the moment, 2 people were trembling and their teeth were trembling, and they couldn’t even speak half a sentence.

They are just the strength of Saint Boundary.

Has been bullied by powerhouses outside the world, and a lot of dissatisfaction and depression in the heart.

Drinking today and drinking too much at once, didn’t expect the trouble to come out of the mouth, even attracting the magic bat Heavenly Venerate.

Faced with the challenge of Heavenly Venerate, the two were full of fear and despair, and where did they dare to answer.

At this time, other people in the city, seeing Heavenly Venerate, also fled quickly and dared not step forward.

Terrifying outside the powerhouse, they have already realized that if they are brought to disaster to innocent people, then it is really bad luck.


At this moment, a loud drink sounded from the center of the city.

I saw a long rainbow thread, quickly surpassing the lightning, flying over the sky, and quickly came to the front of the small building.

The comer is an old man wearing an azure robe.

Although the old man had white hair, his eyes were shining and his imposing manner was amazing.

“City Lord Liu is here!”

Seeing the azure robe old man, the old man and the youth in front of Heavenly Venerate, the demon bats, were all ecstatic, as if they had caught the straw.

This azure robe old man is the City Lord who occupies this city.

Not only humans, but also the strength of Demi-God.

Although it is just a Demi-God just after the breakthrough, but I think it is enough to deal with the Heavenly Venerate of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

“Heavenly Venerate, this is not your wild place, leave quickly!”

City Lord Liu flew in front of Heavenly Venerate, and looked at the restaurant, which turned into ruins, suddenly brows slightly wrinkle, and screamed.

However, the devil Heavenly Venerate did not have any fear of it.

Not even fearful.

“Liu Rusheng? Do you think you will be able to fight me when you reach Demi-God?”

Heavenly Venerate snorted with a sneer and immediately reached out.

I saw a palm-size black speaker in his hand.

An appalling divine might emanated from the black trumpet.

In an instant, Liu Rusheng’s face was ugly and he had to back away.

This is the magic sound god pit, but Divine Item of Heavenly Venerate.

Although Liu Rusheng is a Demi-God powerhouse, after all, the foundation is insufficient. Not to mention Divine Item, there is not even one Demi-God Artifact.

And soon after his new breakthrough, his strength is no greater than that of Heavenly Venerate.

Instead, the devil Heavenly Venerate holds Divine Item and can even defeat him.

So Liu Rusheng’s face was ugly at the moment, full of fear.

He didn’t even want to show up, but this city is his place. If he doesn’t show up, it will make other people chill.

When the time comes when the people leave the city, he is a short City Lord.

However, at this time, facing the powerful devil Heavenly Venerate, he is somewhat difficult.

“Liu Rusheng, I advise you to think more about yourself. The God of Sword Crocodile has made a decision to fight in 8 directions, and a powerhouse will come here soon, when the time comes If you can still be the City Lord, I will follow Your surname.”

The arrogant color in the eyes of the magic bat Heavenly Venerate is more intense, at this time the domineering said to Liu Rusheng.

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Rusheng’s complexion greatly changed.

Although he is Demi-God powerhouse, but it is only a local tyrant.

Facing Heavenly Venerate is a bit difficult, not to mention other powerhouses outside the realm.

And this time is still the command of the sword crocodile god.

That’s a real powerhouse!

I am afraid that with one hand, you can crush yourself.

For a time Liu Rusheng complexion azure-white, caught in struggle and hesitation.

At this time, Heavenly Venerate, the magic bat, was contemptuous and ignored Liu Rusheng.

He never took these humble aborigines in his eyes.

Like Liu Rusheng, although not much different from his strength, in his view, it is just a bigger ant that’s all.

And myself, is the god of aloof and remote!

Humble, inferior, and weak aborigines should worship and contribute to everything, even their lives!

With this in mind, the devil Heavenly Venerate turned around and set his eyes on the old man and the youth again.

“You two little ants, dare to slander the great sword crocodile god behind your back, it seems that you are already tired.”

Heavenly Venerate’s voice, like the sigh of death, made the old man and the young man tremble, and their fears overflowed their eyes.

They originally thought that Liu Rusheng’s arrival would save his life.

But didn’t expect. In the eyes of powerhouses outside the world, the local creatures are humble like grass mustard and weak like ants, they can be killed and killed at any time.

At this moment, their hearts were full of despair.

“Hehe, let me end your sad life!”

The devil Heavenly Venerate grinned, showing its sharp teeth.

He reached out and grabbed the young man.

“City Lord Liu, help!”

The young man’s face was pale, and at this time, with a little effort, Zhao Liu Rusheng desperately called for help.

However, Liu Rusheng stood on the spot. Although he couldn’t bear it, he didn’t move.

See this scene.

The youth’s heart is ashamed, and the luster in their eyes is completely dimmed.

Ka-cha !

Heavenly Venerate opened his mouth, biting directly on the youth.

Suddenly, the youth’s eyes protruded like dead fish eyes.

And his original muscular body collapsed quickly.

All the blood was sucked up by the devil Heavenly Venerate.

In the end, the youth turned into a corpse, skinny and terrifying.


Heavenly Venerate is only blood-sucking and does not eat meat.

After sucking up the youth’s blood, he threw it away.

The young man’s body was like a rag sack and was thrown aside, send cold shivers down one’s spine.

His eyes were still glaring, looking at the sky dome, full of unwillingness before death.

Seeing this scene, Liu Rusheng closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at it.

He was helpless, and could only watch the Heavenly Venerate domineering in his own territory.

Others in the city were screaming and fled quickly, daring not to stay here.

In their minds, the fear of out-of-boundary powerhouse is deeper.


The youth was dead, and the rest of the old man could not bear the fear. As soon as his legs were soft, he was sitting on the ground.

In his eyes, there was a dead gray.

It was the color of death that was terrified to the extreme. He knew that in the face of the powerful devil Heavenly Venerate, even City Lord Liu could not save himself, but only died.

Heavenly Venerate licked his lips with a satisfied face.

Looking at the old man’s sullen glance, he laughed proudly. This feeling is really wonderful.

“If you want to blame, blame you for being a native of this world. Weak people have no right to survive.”

The devil Heavenly Venerate grinned and immediately threw it again, to be prepared in the same way as to suck up the old man’s blood.

However, it is at this time.

A sudden voice sounded in his ear:

“Oh, really?”

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