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Heaven and Earth is dark, showing the respect of the sun.

Endless Leihai, now becomes the background.

From afar, a ray of sunlight rises from the earth into the sky and shines through the entire world.

This spectacle has attracted countless eyes.

Whether it is the nearby Dan City, or the city and creatures further away.

Everyone looked up together and witnessed the birth of a new powerhouse.


Xiao Changfeng looked at this scene and felt the peaceful and unmistakable atmosphere of Third Sister in the beam of light, which was also relaxed, and put down the stone in his heart.

After the rain clears, the rainbow will come naturally.

7 The threat of Spiritual God is broken, and Xiao Yurong’s Immortal Tribulation has also successfully survived.

There is no better ending than this.


I saw the beam of light rushed to the sky, as if standing side by side with the sun.

The scorching brilliance renders the clouds, making the entire sky look like a thick oil painting.

And in this beam of light.

A huge silhouette, born in the rays of light.

This is Xiao Yurong, but not Xiao Yurong!

I saw that this silhouette is 1000 meters in size, with wings spread like a cloud in the sky.

Underneath, there were 3 feet.

Each foot shines like a divine gold sculpture with a breath of immortality.

With a light touch, it seems to be able to grab shaker void and smash Divine Item.

And on her body, a golden feather, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, blooming brilliant golden light.

Wisps of Supreme-Yang True Fire, jumping on feathers, like dancing elves.

Xiao Yurong at the moment is no longer human.

It turned into a Three-legged Golden Crow that only exists in mythology!

And this is not looks impressive but is worthless, but is alive and well.

Feathers, claws, True Fire, flesh and blood are all real.

At this time, Xiao Yurong was equivalent to a young Three-legged Golden Crow.

Although young and lack of strength, it is the real Divine Beast!

But this is not to say that Xiao Yurong became a Three-legged Golden Crow.

This is the new Magical Powers she obtained after passing through Immortal Tribulation.

Name: Golden Crow God!

With this method, she can incarnation as Three-legged Golden Crow, and her strength has been greatly improved in all aspects.


Xiao Yurong spread his wings slightly, and suddenly the whole person turned into a golden light, flying out ten thousand meters.

And that’s just that’s all in a flash.

Although Xiao Yurong’s speed at this time had never reached the speed of light, it was also terrifyingly fast.

Even Xiao Changfeng’s mysterious body is not necessarily able to catch up.

“Supreme-Yang True Fire!”

Xiao Yurong stood still and spit out.

Suddenly, the golden flame spewed out, and the space in front of him was burned directly. Even the space storm and the turbulent flow in the void were also burned and annihilated.

Although Xiao Yurong does not have Golden Crow Shenhuo, the Supreme-Yang True Fire’s formidable power is more powerful than Golden Crow Shenhuo.

It is Spiritual God, who is contaminated with Supreme-Yang True Fire, and will also be seriously injured.

Whiz whiz whiz !

Xiao Yurong spread his wings and flew True Fire, adapting to the state of Golden Crow.

It is a pity that there are no enemies to let her practice her hands, otherwise the effect will be better.

Soon, she stopped adapting and saw her burning all over, True Fire raging.

Then the Three-legged Golden Crow gradually disappeared, revealing Xiao Yurong’s original silhouette.

Xiao Yurong was originally wearing a red dress.

But at this time, the long dress disappeared, condensed into a red fairy armor by the flame.

Above the immortal armor, there is the pattern of Three-legged Golden Crow, lifelike, as if it can fly out of the immortal armor at any time.

This immortal armor is very heroic and worn on Xiao Yurong, making her like War Goddess, valiant and formidable looking, domineering exposed.

And her long hair, turned into red at this time, like a hot flame, followed by Feng Feiyang.

White skin like jade, but with a touch of golden.

Full of noble temperament.

After Transcending Tribulation became a fairy, Xiao Yurong’s 9-yang Divine Physique also reached Perfection Realm.

Although its appearance has not changed much, it is more beautiful, just like Goddess.

“9 big brother, I am a fairy!”

Xiao Yurong flew towards Xiao Changfeng for the first time, his face filled with excitement and joy.

In front of others, she is the fearless War God, but in front of Xiao Changfeng, she is still the lively Third Sister.

“Golden Crow looks very good, Divine Ability has reached the top grade, and more cultivation in the future will become stronger.”

Xiao Changfeng is also happy for Xiao Yurong’s Transcending Tribulation success and the earth-shattering changes.

Immortal Tribulation is difficult to get through, but after that, it is a new Heaven and Earth.

Now that Third Sister has become a fairy, he is also at ease.

“9 big brother, I can fight with you in the future!”

Xiao Yurong became stronger to help Xiao Changfeng.

The appearance of the 7 Spiritual Gods before made her distracted, but more still worried.

Although 9 ghosts and 7 people were all killed by Xiao Changfeng.

But she thought she would help the 9 big brother fight together without having to watch the battle in the future.

“Today your Transcending Tribulation is successful, it is a day of great joy, go, 9 big brother celebrates for you.”

Xiao Changfeng took Xiao Yurong back to Dancheng.

Soon, Dancheng was completely boiling inside and outside.

Tianmeng gave birth to the second god powerhouse, and there is nothing more exciting than this.

For a time, the gongs and drums in the city of Dan were loud, the firecrackers sounded together, and the excitement was extraordinary.

The medical Holy City side soon got the news.

Iron Heavenly Venerate 3 people, also the first time to return to Dancheng through Transmission Array to celebrate together.

The news of the birth of the second godland in the Sky League is like a hurricane.

Instantly spread to 8 parties.

Countless people were shocked, which also led to more people wanting to join Tianmeng.

After all, Heavenly Dao lifted the ban and the gods came. At this time, only by holding the thighs can you survive the chaos.

And Tianmeng is currently the biggest thigh.

For a time, a thousand thousand li, a hustle and bustle, full of excitement.

And in Dancheng.

Xiao Changfeng, with Xiao Yurong, also walked in front of everyone again.

“From now on, Third Sister will be the Vice Alliance Lord of Sky Alliance. When I am away, I will respect her.”

In the face of high-level Tianmeng leaders such as Su Qingli and Tie Heavenly Venerate, Xiao Changfeng officially announced this long-considered decision.

“Meet Vice Alliance Lord!”

Xiao Yurong is everyone’s Old Acquaintance.

Although later on, the elderly such as Iron Heavenly Venerate and Medical Heavenly Venerate tasted slightly.

But its strength is here, and it is Xiao Changfeng’s Third Sister.

Naturally, no one has any objections, all of them salute, and agree with this Vice Alliance Lord.

“Next, I will refine Immortal Pill, one for each person. Whether you can break through the limit depends on your own creation.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke again, making everyone shine.

God, who hasn’t longed for it since ancient times?

Even if there was no chance before, it would be fine.

Now that Spirit Qi is recovering, Heavenly Dao is lifted, and everyone has the opportunity to become a god.

Therefore, after hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, everyone was ecstatic.

And this is also Xiao Changfeng’s preparation for leaving.

Now Third Sister has become a fairy, able to protect the sky alliance.

He has no worries anymore, so he should leave for other places to find opportunities!

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