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Although Xiao Changfeng has just passed the Immortal Tribulation and became True Immortal.

But its true strength is far beyond this realm.

He already owns Five Elements immortal physique and many Divine Item.

Even more how he also awakened part of Immortal Emperor’s memory. Most of the methods in it are only performed after becoming an immortal.

Now Xiao Changfeng has finally become a fairy, and its strength is a geometric multiple growth.

9 Nine Gods 7 people are all Spiritual God Realm 2 heavy strength.

But in front of Xiao Changfeng, it was simply not enough to look at.

Especially after Xiao Changfeng exhibited One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

A Xiao Changfeng will allow 7 of them to resist.

Even more how is 3.

Therefore, although 7 people tried their best, Xiao Changfeng was still defeated and fell into the disadvantage.

Hong long long !

In the distance, Goddess Goddess is holding a Light God sword, and is fighting the magic body of Xiao Changfeng.

But it was not at all enemies, with injuries.

The evil god was suppressed by the Human King Palace. Although she tried her best and tried her best, she still could not break free.

This Human King Palace is originally the Divine Item.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was urged by True Immortal Realm, its formidable power was stronger, and the internal suppression rules were also inspired more.

Law King of God King Realm powerhouse, even if it is just a ray.

Its quality is enough to suppress the poisonous god.

At this moment.

The venomous god is suppressed, and the goddess Goddess is difficult to parry and kill the god injury has not recovered.

9 Wraith 4 people are also difficult to resist.

Originally 7 people came solemnly vowed, all thought they could easily win Xiao Changfeng.

But don’t want the situation to become like this.

Suddenly everyone’s face was ugly, and a heart sank even more.

Especially the poisonous god.

Although she did not recognize the Human King Palace, at this moment the law of suppression fell on her, like a five-finger mountain, making her impossible to move.

Let alone escaped.

If Goddess can’t hold Xiao Changfeng’s law body, I am afraid that he will fall here today.

“Quickly use the divine technique!”

The wicked god tried his best to roar, and the voice spread to 8 directions.

She doesn’t want to be fallen here.

At this moment, it is clear that everyone cannot take advantage of their own strength.

Let alone rescue her from the Human King Palace.

Therefore, she can only pin her hopes on the divine technique given by the commander-in-chief.

“it is good!”

9 Underworld nodded, agreed to the proposal of the evil god.

Since the fall of the blood shadow god and the others, the karma fire god passed the divine technique to them.

During this time, they practiced day and night and are already familiar.

This is their trump card method, which was originally intended to be used last.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng’s strength has far exceeded their expectations.

Now I have to use it in advance.

Otherwise, if one person dies, the array will no longer be perfect, and the formidable power will be insufficient.

“Big Dipper technique!”

9 The god of the underworld loudly shouts, the divine force is running, and a light that condenses to the extreme suddenly burst out from his heart.

This light is shaped like a starlight, as thin as a hair, extremely bright.

The entire Heaven and Earth like a dimmed, from day to night.

This makes this light more conspicuous, like a bright star in the night sky.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The same situation appeared in Golden Horned Dragon God and the others.

Even the evil god who was suppressed by the Human King Palace, a light burst from his heart.

Between the 7 people, the light is connected to each other to form a special large array.

From a distance, it looks like a Big Dipper.

And this, similar to a battle formation, is a divine technique of combined attack.

Using Big Dipper as a guide, connect the divine force of 7 people together.

In this way, 7 people are like one, and the divine force can also be superimposed on each other.


I saw 6 rays of light suddenly lit up, and the majestic divine force penetrated the light and all entered within the body of the evil god.

7 The superposition of divine forces in the Great Divine Realm is so massive.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura burst out of the evil spirit god.

The strength of this aura made the Human King Palace start to become unstable and shake violently.

In the end, the evil spirit god supported the Human King Palace with the green snake scepter, and successfully escaped.

“hu hu! ”

Escape alive, the evil spirit is also in a cold sweat.

At this time, the divine force of the 6 people also returned to each within the body.

“Xiao Changfeng, you really deserve the title of Child of Destiny, but you are only one person after all. Two punches are hard to beat 4 hands. I am waiting for this Big Dipper technique, which is bestowed by the commander, specially for you.”

“Now I am waiting for 7 people in one, and the strength is comparable to the Spiritual God Realm 5th layer. You have no chance. Those who know you will be obediently surrender, otherwise when I wait for you to be captured, I will definitely kill the crossing tribulation and make you feel unhappy. .”

9 The underworld is condescending, overlooking Xiao Changfeng.

At this moment, among the 7 people, there is light connected, standing in the sky, like 7 dazzling stars, with the breath of ancient times, people can only look up and worship.

“Trifling is a battle formation that’s all connected by divine force. If you can attract the power of Big Dipper, you may be able to fight me. You dare to use such a crude method to laugh generously.”

Xiao Changfeng is sneered, showing disdain.

This Big Dipper technique is just nice to say.

In fact, it’s just a battle formation connected by divine force, just like Big Dipper that’s all.

The real Big Dipper is the pride of the sky, and any one has the Power of Stars of Supreme.

That power, in Spiritual God Realm, is almost unstoppable.

For example, in Xiao Changfeng’s Ganges Star Sands, the Power of Stars remains.

And it’s just surviving, not complete.

Otherwise, its formidable power will be more terrifying.

Based on Xiao Changfeng’s knowledge, this Big Dipper technique is extremely crude.

It’s like a child playing in mud.

He casually came up with a method of battle formation, and he did not know how many times the brilliant was more than this.

“Crazy boy, it seems that you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin.”

Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, the cold glow burst in 9 Divine Eyes.

Suddenly coldly snorted, no more words.


I saw the divine force of 7 people connected together, at this time shot together.

The light is connected, like a large net, and it is descending from the sky at the moment and is looming down towards Xiao Changfeng.

This big net is very peculiar, condensed with pure divine force, like a strength breaking myriad laws.

Space is unstoppable and time cannot be added.

And the big net fell, and the entire Heaven and Earth seemed to become an encircling circle.

No matter what method you use, you will not be able to escape from the net.

It can only wait like death in the net like a fish in the net.

The dive force of 7 people, with Law Power among them, echoes each other, crosses and closes, invincible.

At this moment.

Facing this big net, it is like facing a powerhouse of Spiritual God Realm 5th layer.

9 The god of darkness and the others believe that Xiao Changfeng will inevitably escape if the big net falls.

“Fortunately, there is Big Dipper, otherwise this time will really fall miserably in a very easy task.”

Looking at Xiao Changfeng like a turtle in the urn and a fish in the net.

7 people are slightly relaxed in their hearts, thankfully there is this last resort.

this moment.

The 7 Great God performed the Big Dipper technique, and the divine force interweaves into a big net.

Xiao Changfeng is in a desperate situation!

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