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Third Sister is a relative of Xiao Changfeng, and his reverse scale.

Moreover, as a native of this world, he is a natural opposite to Spiritual God, who came as an intruder.

Not to mention 9 Ghost and the others actually threatened him with Third Sister.

Therefore, from at first, he did not intend to let 9 Wraith 7 people leave alive.

“Arrogant and conceited, let me crush your bones.”

The mortal god smiled wildly, stepped out, and shot directly at Xiao Changfeng.

He was originally a stubborn stone, not only contains a strong killing intent.

And the whole body is extremely hard, like a divine iron.

At this moment, he directly fists, as if to punch Xiao Changfeng.

shuaa ~!

The killing rule of the killing gods assaults the senses, which affects Xiao Changfeng’s mind.

Ordinary people are affected by this law of thirst, will become manic and impatient, want to destroy everything, and slaughter all the creatures they see.

This can be considered Innate Ability to kill the god of life.

Unfortunately, this formidable power, to Xiao Changfeng, is like a breeze blowing, no influence at all.

“Low grade divine technique: kill fist!”

The scarlet killing intent in the Divine Eyes is getting stronger, the divine force is running, and this fist is fully urged.

I saw the fist of the killing god, glowing with bright blood glow, as if it could congeal blood.

Among the blood glow, there are pictures of Asura’s hell.

That was the afterimage left by the creatures who died in the hands of the killing god.

This afterimage makes the formidable power of this fist more terrifying.


The space collapsed in an instant and turned into a black hole.

Wherever the fist went, everything was destroyed, 10000 things did not exist.

This is still in the air, if it is on the ground or in a city where the population is concentrated.

With just one punch, you can kill 1000000 creatures.

After all, this is Spiritual God’s blow!

The strength of Spiritual God can be destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

But Xiao Changfeng now Transcending Tribulation has become a fairy, reaching the weight of True Immortal Realm.

Although on realm, the equivalent to Spiritual God Realm has a weight.

But its true battle strength is far beyond this.

At this moment, the killing god came from a punch.

The killing intent in Xiao Changfeng’s eyes also broke out suddenly.

It’s just that this killing intent is not influenced by the law of bloodthirsty, but by Xiao Changfeng’s heart.

“Five Elements Dao Quan!”

Right hand Fist, Xiao Changfeng intends to use fist to fist.

I saw the white and jade-like palms clenched tightly, 5 colorful fairy lights blooming above the fists, gorgeous and dazzling.

Xiao Changfeng repairs immortals without Law Power.

But he has his own way.

The power of the Tao is his own strength, far superior to the law.

This fist, no power word formula, Five Elements magic boxing, and Magical Powers: The Great Earthquake.

Because in the fairyland, the role of ordinary means has been minimal.

This Five Elements Daoquan was born from strongest fist, but it is the student surpasses the master.

The formidable power of this fist is much stronger than the previous strongest fist.

Xiao Changfeng punched with one punch, and the space was unharmed.

It seems that not at all what formidable power is, it doesn’t work.

However, when it collided with the killing fist of the killing god, the Divine might kill suddenly.


I saw that the killing god was hit by this fist and flew out, penetrated the space, flew 1000 meters across, and smashed into the void black hole.

And his right hand, which was originally used for killing fists, even cracked at the moment, as if to be broken.

“How can this be?”

Meitian Goddess beautiful eyes are wide, unbelievable.

The killing god is the strongest body among the seven because of extraordinary natural talent.

Even the Golden Horned Dragon God of Dragon Race is inferior to him.

And the law of bloodthirsty can affect the mind, it is also you can’t guard against it, it is difficult to resist.

Under the rigid front, fight Fleshy body, that is, Nine Gods are not inferior to the Killing Gods.

However, Xiao Changfeng not only stiffened his head positively, but also punched the killing god with a punch, wounding him.

This… this is incredible!

“His fleshy body is very strong, try not to fight him close!”

9 The Hades battle experience is rich, he made a judgment instantly, and backed away, pulling away some distance from Xiao Changfeng.

Although the killing god is extraordinary natural talent, it is a killing stone.

But no matter how strong his Fleshy body is, how can it be comparable to Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique.

Although after becoming a fairy, Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique did not reach detachment.

But it also took a big step forward.

From the detached realm, only half of that’s all left.

And the fleshy body before him can shake the low grade Divine Item.

Going further at this point, under the middle grade Divine Item, it was almost difficult to hurt him.

Unless it is some special magic treasure.

As for strength, Xiao Changfeng’s footsteps on Dao of Five Elements are unstoppable.


With a loud noise, the killing creature rushed out of the void black hole.

Although the void is terrifying, it does not have such a big impact on the powerhouse.

But the right hand of the killing god was injured, but it made him look very ugly.

“Damn ants, dare to hurt me, I want to crush your bones a little bit, let your wailing sound resounding through the earth.”

The killing god roared, sounding 8 squares, full of endless killing intent.

Fortunately, due to the arrival of Immortal Tribulation, all around creatures escaped early.

Otherwise, affected by the law of bloodthirst, I am afraid that it will pose some threats to Xiao Yurong.


The Zombie reached out and grabbed his Divine Item.

This is a pair of glove glowing cold light.

On the glove, there is a sharp thorn made of divine gold.

This stabbing glove was bought by the killing god with all his net worth.

Not only is the destructive power amazing, but the thorns on it can also penetrate.

At this moment, the killing god puts on the stab gloves, the divine force is running, and the whole body is shining with the divine glow. The bloodthirsty law affects Zhou Tian.

Like a slain god coming to the world, he will slaughter a party.

“Low grade divine technique: kill fist!”

The killing god came again, this time wearing a stab glove, formidable power is more terrifying.

With one punch, the entire region can be destroyed.

If they are ordinary people, I am afraid they can’t resist them at all.

Xiao Changfeng, who was before Cheng Xian, could hardly stop this deadly punch.

but now.

In the eyes of Xiao Changfeng, the killing god is unable to withstand a single blow.

“Magical Powers: Great earthquake!”

Xiao Changfeng clenched his fist again, and performed Five Elements fairy fist.

But this time, it is a fusion of Magical Powers.

When Xiao Changfeng Transcending Tribulation became immortal, its Magical Powers technique was also improved by advanced by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng stomping on the ground can trigger a major earthquake and destroy one side.

The fusion of Five Elements Xianquan is to make this fist’s formidable power tenfold.

In the eyes of everyone shocked

2 people’s fists bumped together again.

Like a meteorite smashing the ground, rumbling sound is shocking and deafening.

However, in this rumbling sound, the cracking sound of ka-cha is clear and clear.

I saw that the fist of the killing god, along with the entire right arm, was shattered.

Even the stab glove was twisted and was close to scrapping.


The sound of mournful scream, coming from the mouth of the killing god, is sharp and piercing.

Everyone’s eyes widened and they looked at the scene in amazement.

The killing god is defeated?

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