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Within ten ten thousand meters, there is nothing but this black corpse.

4 Great Spirit God, Frost Snow Divine City’s out-of-boundary powerhouse, and other previous creatures, all of them don’t exist.

And mountains, rivers and forests have already turned into fly ash.

All that was left was the scars and the gravel.

Except for Dancheng, it has completely transformed into a desert.

Although this scorched corpse, although unable to see clearly, it still has Xiao Changfeng’s breath.

For a time, everyone mourned.

“9 big brother!”

Xiao Yurong couldn’t help it anymore, and tears burst into tears.

Everyone else looked sad, with tears flashing.

At this time Xiao Yurong flew to Jiao Hei’s body and wanted to contain him.

However, it is at this time.


An invisible force suddenly appeared, like a pair of transparent big hands, Xiao Yurong was excluded from ten meters.


This abrupt mutation made everyone expression startled, stopped tears, and looked at this scorched body with surprise.

Is Xiao Changfeng still alive?

This hope instantly brightened everyone’s eyes.

The previous Immortal Tribulation is terrifying, and the 4 Spiritual Gods are so powerful.

In this case, it is too difficult to survive.

But everyone still holds that 1/10000th hope.

At this point, focal point of ten thousands, Qi Qi’s eyes fell on the scorched body.

Even Xiao Yurong stopped her tears, and her beautiful eyes shined, staring tightly at the burnt black body with hopeful eyes.

Ka-cha !

A slight cracking sound sounded, instantly making everyone tense.


A rays of light shining brightly and radiantly glowing from the scorched body.

These rays of light are extremely pure and vast.

It seems to be the glorious day that hangs above 9 days, and it is like the Supreme God sitting on the cloud.

Just a thread of aura, Xiao Yurong and the others feel so noble that words cannot explain, unable to bear want to kneel down and worship.

“9 big brother!”

Xiao Yurong was surprised, but his heart was full of worry, his hands clenched, and he looked closely at Xiao Changfeng.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

The sound of cracking became clearer.

Bright radiance is also brighter and more and more.

As if in this scorched black body, there is a very golden sun.

Not only that.

There is also a magnificent magnificence, covering the sky and the atmosphere, spreading 8 directions, affecting everyone.


Those with weak strength, affected by the breath, fell to their knees directly and kowtowed.

This is not a creeping tremor of fear and fear.

It’s like the passion and love from the heart when the fanatic sees the faith.

Not only they, Iron Heavenly Venerate and Medical Heavenly Venerate and the others, feel the same way.

As if facing yourself, it is between Heaven and Earth, the most noble existence.

That is the noble of aloof and remote, and he is only qualified to look up.

At the same time, I saw the scorched black body, which actually floated up automatically.

The speed is not fast, but it goes straight to the sky.

The bright sunlight fell on it, turning the burnt black into a black-gold color.

Hu hu!

Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth, at this time it seems to be received by mother’s summon, from all directions, madness.

Sunshine and Spiritual Qi are intertwined, like the golden cloud of Xia, brilliant and dazzling.

The eyes are too bright to open.

At this time, the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is nourishing this body.

The burnt black on its surface is also rapidly cracking and falling off.

It reveals that the fairy light is blooming in it, and the fairy bones are exuding the strange fragrance.

To the end.

All the burnt black completely fell off, and the endless Spirit Qi was also absorbed and dimmed.

Everyone squinted and looked up.

I saw a silhouette bathed in fairy light.

This silhouette is not tall, but it seems like 9 Celestial Immortal King-like, which makes people dare not look directly.

“9 big brother!”

“Alliance Leader !”

Looking at this silhouette, everyone felt a little weird.

“it’s me!”

A voice from Xiaoxianguang was Xiao Changfeng’s voice.

However, compared with before, it is a little bit more detailed and Immortal Qi.

At this time, Xianguang was constantly restrained, and Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi also gradually dissipated.

Gradually, everyone can see Xiao Changfeng.

However, all the pupils contracted suddenly, full of shock.

I saw Xiao Changfeng at the moment, although it was similar to the previous one, but it was extremely perfect.

A black hair hung down like a waterfall and swayed in the wind.

Each hairline is crystal-clear and looks like a fine craft.

And his five officials are perfect to the extreme.

The eyes are dark and deep, like a black hole in the universe, but it is very bright, just like the stars in the night sky.

If the face is sharpened, the bridge of the nose is upright.

And his body is a perfect golden ratio, not more than one point, not many inches.

The skin glowed with a faint light, and every pore was vomiting Heaven and Earth Essence.

Although it is not skin saixue, it has a different charm.

At this moment.

Xiao Changfeng black hair is flying, radiating all over, staring like a star, perfect.

It looks like a handsome out of the ordinary True Immortal, not interested in mundane affairs.

And this is only a superficial change.

Within the body of Xiao Changfeng, it is more like shedding body, exchanging bones.

The flesh is crystal clear and full of power, and every drop of blood contains unimaginable energy.

One by one, the meridian is like a river in the sky, surging and flowing.

internal organs, according to the Power of Five Elements, mutual symbiosis, infinite cycle.

Pieces of bone, bright and crystal, exuding fairy light, containing mysterious energy.

It is as indestructible as the casting of immortal fairy crystals.

apart from this.

In Xiao Changfeng’s dantian, true Essence Liquid has been disappeared.

Instead, it is a thin, light smoke, but tenacious incomparably transparent Immortal Qi.

This ray of Immortal Qi seems to be the beginning of 10000 things, and it seems to be the origin of the universe.

Full of Inextinguishable Immortal, a long-lasting breath.

At the moment, this ray of Immortal Qi is like a True Dragon, flipping around in the dantian.

Nascent Soul, who was originally sitting on Fire Lotus.

At this moment, there are 5 colors of immortal light, crystal clear and near-transparent, which contains Supreme immortality.

It is no longer Nascent Soul, but a fairy baby.


There was a cry like dragon roar’s word cry.

I saw a bronze sword light, near Immortal Qi, which was nourished and tempered.

It is the Flying Sword.

But at this time the sword body of Void Flying Sword is overflowing with fairy light, and there is a thunderbolt fairy pattern.

This semi-Immortal Grade, after going through the baptism of Immortal Tribulation, has finally become a low grade Immortal Grade.

Among the dantians, there is peace.

In Xiao Changfeng’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, it was violent and shocking.

Divine Consciousness has gone through Immortal Tribulation and became immortal knowledge.

But the prestige of thunderbolt is not decreasing but increasing, becoming more violent.

The thunderbolt Divine Consciousness of Xiao Changfeng was only the size of the thunder pool, but now it is a thunder lake.

In the middle of this Thunder Lake, a golden light figure sat cross-legged.

This villain is similar to Xiao Changfeng, it is his incarnation.

“Hurry for ten years and finally return to Wonderland!”

Feeling the changes within the body Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Xiao Changfeng faintly sighed.

This day.

Xiao Changfeng successfully passed the Immortal Tribulation and returned to Wonderland!

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