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“Is this Xiao Changfeng?”

In addition to the Xuanhuang Great World, among the allied forces of the gods, the god of fire and fire, sitting on top of the gods, was also the first time he saw Xiao Changfeng.

In front of him, the sacred fire lingered, turning into a circle of fire.

In the circle of fire, it is a clear picture.

In the picture, it is Xiao Changfeng stepping into the air, the scene of 5 colorful shining sky.

This is the message from the flame gods he left on the four blood shadow gods.

With this Magical Powers, he can see everything that the 4 Great Spiritual Gods can see with his own eyes.

At this time, he saw Xiao Changfeng!

“Trifling is an aboriginal who has not yet passed the Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment to achieve the gods.”

With just a glance, the God of Industry Fire judged Xiao Changfeng’s strength.

Suddenly the corner of his mouth swept slightly, letting go.

He was also a little surprised when he heard about Xiao Changfeng’s feat of slaughtering the gods against the sky.

After all, even in All Heavens Myriad Realms, this situation has never happened.

Therefore, he is also more worried, if Xiao Changfeng breaks through to the gods.

I am afraid that the 4 Blood Shadow Gods will have difficulty catching him.

And now, he is still just a mortal.

Facing the 4 Great Spiritual Gods, he was destined to be difficult to escape.

The God of Industry Fire is watching from outside the world, and the four Spiritual Gods are facing Xiao Changfeng directly at this moment.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

Xiao Changfeng turned into a Changhong and arrived quickly, at this time he directly used Magical Powers.

In his eyes, the cold flame divine fire and the corpse burning divine flame burned, turning into two pillars of fire, rising into the sky.

The pillars of fire are intertwined and condensed into a Blazing Vermilion Bird.

The power of Vermilion Bird, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, a dive, is to go straight to the powerhouse outside the Frost Snow Divine City.


These powerhouses outside the world are of average strength, even if they hold Divine Item in their hands, how can they stop the Xiao Changfeng Divine Ability technique at this time.

Suddenly many people issued mournful scream, which was burned to ashes.

The others were also seriously injured, retreated quickly, not daring to stay any longer.

“Two kinds of sacred fire, but the chance is not small!”

Frost and Snow Divine City suffered heavy casualties, but the four Spiritual Gods showed no signs of action.

To them, the others are all ants, even if they all die, they won’t care.

Only Xiao Changfeng is their goal.

As for this Magical Powers technique, although it is out of the ordinary, it is still not in their eyes.

At this time, the powerhouses of Shuangxue Divine City also understood that something was wrong.

Suddenly he stopped entering the city of Pill, but retreated from it, watching from a distance.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength is not something they can resist.

At this time, they hope that the four Spiritual Gods can take action, and after capturing Xiao Changfeng, they will go to slaughter Dan City.

“9 big brother!”

“Sir Alliance Lord !”

“the host!”

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Changfeng, Xiao Yurong and the others in Dancheng were very excited.

“Sir Alliance Lord is back!”

Throughout the city of Dan, the surviving martial artists uttered cheers, as if the appearance of Xiao Changfeng could change the situation of the battle.

“Not good, Alliance Leader has not yet become a god, facing the 4 Great Spiritual Gods, bode ill rather than well!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate senses the breath of Xiao Changfeng at this time. Although powerful, it is not as good as Spiritual God.

Obviously there is no real god.

Before Xiao Changfeng beheaded the golden light god, but he also exhausted his means and went all out.

The enemies at this time are the 4 Great Spiritual Gods.

For a while, everyone was complexion changed.

But at this moment the battle has arrived, and I can’t leave if I want to.

“I thought I could kill the waste of the golden light god, how capable it can be, it turned out to be just a waste.”

The Blood Shadow God stared at Xiao Changfeng gloomily and sneered constantly.

Although Xiao Changfeng has the feat of defying the sky and slaughtering the gods, he has confidence in his own strength.

even more how This time the arrival of the 4 Great Spiritual Gods, he is even more fearless.

The god against the sky is already unprecedented, if he kills 4 gods at once.

Then All Heavens Myriad Realms doesn’t have to worry about this Xuanhuang Great World. Everyone should just kill them.

“Low grade divine technique: Blood River!”

The blood shadow god couldn’t hold back, and took the lead.

Suddenly, a long river of blood appeared again, surging and traversing the sky.

Every drop of river water is sticky blood, and the bloody smell is pungent and disgusting.

The law of blood evil contained in it is destroying myriad things, which is desperate.

Strong Stone God and the others stand by and want to try Xiao Changfeng’s strength.

They don’t want to follow the golden light god.

And even if it is injured, it is not acceptable to them.

After all, there are 4 people in this trip, and they are both partners and competitive.

No one wants to be weak.


The river of blood is several thousand meters long and very wide, just like a big river, with the rule of blood evil, head down.

“The Burning Corpse Flame!”

Xiao Changfeng stood on the spot, the expression remained unchanged.

However, Scarlet’s corpse-burning blaze rose into the sky and turned into a fire sea.

The flame covered the sky and the sun, and greeted the river of blood.

Suddenly chi chi’s voice kept ringing, but there was no white mist, only the space was distorted in large areas.

Burning corpse god inflammation, specializing in burning flesh and blood, devouring the power of qi and blood.

It is the nemesis of the blood.

However, the law of blood evil is contained in the long river of blood, which has also destroyed a lot of corpse gods.

This requires Xiao Changfeng’s majestic Five Elements True Yuan as a support to maintain the formidable power of the corpse god flame.

But at this time, the real Essence Liquid of Xiao Changfeng within the body has reached the limit of 100000.

So there is no worry at all, the blazing flame will burn the whole river of blood to ashes.

“Sure enough, I can bear it!”

The evaporation of the long river of blood makes the blood shadow god eyes slightly narrowed, and the severe light in his eyes becomes stronger and stronger.

Spiritual Qi alone can stop his bloodstream, no wonder the golden light god will die in his hands.

“Don’t play, don’t forget the task of the commander-in-chief, take a shot together, capture him as soon as possible, and return to life early!”

The black brows slightly wrinkle, unwilling to waste any more time, at this time he proposed.

“it is good!”

The strong stone god and the thunder god nodded, agreeing with her proposal.

Suddenly, the divine of the four people skyrocketed, covering the sky and covering the entire Heaven and Earth.


4 people rushed out voluntarily and took the initiative to take Xiao Changfeng down and return to life.

And the first person caught must be able to get more rewards.

Therefore, 4 people did not make random shots, but went all out.

It’s just that they didn’t take Xiao Changfeng in their eyes at this moment, all they were fighting for were three people beside them.

“9 big brother!”

Xiao Yurong’s heart tightened and exclaimed worry.

Everyone else raised their hearts.

Faced with the 4 Spiritual Gods, can this time Xiao Changfeng still create miracles?

Everyone is nervous for Xiao Changfeng.

However, at this time Xiao Changfeng was expression as usual, no change, and was not afraid of the killing of the 4 Spiritual Gods.

Because he was already prepared.


Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly at the 4 Spirit God.

Immediately no longer suppress, release his own breath.

At the time of the retreat, his true Essence Liquid and Divine Consciousness had reached the limit of 100000.

But he has been suppressing, for this time.

With Immortal Tribulation, destroy Spiritual God!

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