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Xuan Huang Great World.

The Allied Alliance of Gods composed of 100000 gods is still staring at the Great World of Xuanhuang in glare like a tiger watching his prey.

The Allied Gods Army is composed of the top ten upper world and 90 middle-world send powerhouses.

Behind each one represents a Great Influence.

After all, this fat piece of Xuanhuang Great World is so tempting, no one wants to miss it.

Therefore, after some discussion, the top 100 world finally decided on the plan.

In the early stage, the alliance of the gods was the mainstay. When the Xuanhuang Great World could bear the Divine Sovereign Realm powerhouse, all parties really entered the venue.

The commander-in-chief of the Allied Gods Army is naturally a god of karma.

He does not belong to any party, but a free Spirit God.

But he is powerful, known as Divine Sovereign Realm under Number One Person.

No one can stop the walking days.

Therefore, after some discussion of all influence, he was appointed commander in chief.

After all, in this way, Yehuo Tianshen will not favor any party, which makes each Great Influence psychologically balanced.

At this time in the center of the coalition of gods, the god of fire is still sitting on the god.

He swallowed the free huanghuang gas in the universe, while cultivation, while waiting.

Xuanhuang Great World Now though Heavenly Dao has lifted the ban.

But it is not a complete lifting of the ban, which allows all powerhouses to enter it.

At present, only the powerhouse of Spiritual God Realm can enter.

As for others, they have to continue to wait.

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao suppresses it, leaving it disappeared before entering.

Even the God Venerable Realm powerhouse does not dare to confront Heavenly Dao easily.

Even more how is Heavenly Dao, the mother of Myriad Realms.


Suddenly, the closed eyes of the god of fire opened suddenly.

A bright fire flashed in my eyes, as if he could burn the sky and destroy the world.


Yehuo Tianshen waved his hand, and immediately a light picture appeared in front of him.

I saw above the light map, one after another, the light spot was extremely bright, just like the stars in the night sky.

However, among these, there is a star dim and lost rays of light.

“Golden light God has fallen?”

Yehuo Tianshen brows tightly knit, staring straight at this dim light spot.

Each light spot on this light map represents a godland powerhouse within the Allied Gods Army.

As the commander-in-chief, Yehuo Tianshen is the treasure of his attention to everyone.

At this time, the light spot representing the golden light god is dim.

There is only one result.

That is the golden light god fell!

However, the surprise in Divine Heart is very strong.

“Is it Xiao Changfeng? Or did you encounter an accident?”

Where the gap with God is too large, because the god of fire is not sure about the cause of death of the golden light god.

He didn’t think that Xiao Changfeng could kill the golden light god.

After all, it’s just an indigenous that’s all.

And if it is not Xiao Changfeng, it may be an inexplicable accident.

Xuanhuang Great World used to be the mother of Myriad Realms, and no one knows how many secrets are buried in it.

Moreover, the four major Divine Emperors have all come from the Great World of Xuanhuang.

Therefore, there is a danger that the gods will fall, and Yehuo Tianshen is not surprised.

But he could not confirm this.

But no matter what, the fall of the golden light god has become a fact.

As the commander-in-chief of the Allied Gods, he naturally cannot sit idly by.

“Come and see me!”

Yehuo Tianshen put away the light map, divine sense spread out, and sound transmission to several people.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

I saw one after another divine rainbow flew from all over the coalition, and quickly came to the shrine.

There are 4 divine rainbows, which means 4 divine powerhouses.

And these four people are the same as the golden light god, but the strength of Spiritual God Realm.

But their strength is slightly better than the golden light god.

“Blood Shadow God, Strong Stone God, Thunder God, Wind Howling God, this commander is now entrusted to you two task.”

Yehuo Tianshen said in a deep voice.

The God of Blood is a blood-sucking bat with a scarlet body, exuding a bloodthirsty and brutal divine might.

The strong stone god is a stone giant, although the figure is only ten meters at this time, but reveals the real body, but it is comparable to a god.

Not only strong as an ox, but also indestructible.

As for the Thunder God, it is a young girl wearing a Lei robe. It looks pure and lovely, but her strength is extremely terrifying.

The last wind-screaming god is a middle-aged woman with a wind around her.

Although the appearance is average, but in the eyes is the cold severe light.

These four people come from different forces, and their strength is also in line with the scope of Heavenly Dao lifting the ban.

“Please command your lord!”

4 people saluted respectfully, dropped their heads, and waited for orders.

“Golden light God has fallen in the realm. The first task is to ask you to investigate this time to see why he died.”

“The second mission is Xiao Changfeng. After you enter the realm, go and see the situation of Xiao Changfeng. If he is still there, he will arrest him to see me.”

Yehuo God spoke indifferently and announced 2 orders.

He did not associate the death of the golden light god with Xiao Changfeng.

Therefore divided into 2 tasks.

And he believes that with the strength of the blood shadow god 4 people, even in the event of an accident, someone can come back and report to let him know the reason.

As for Xiao Changfeng, since he agreed to Divine Sect, he would naturally not give up.

“I will finish the task when I wait!”

After hearing the command of the God of Karma, all 4 people were happy.

Before the golden light entered the world, they were envious for a long time.

After all, they are also the first level of Spiritual God Realm and can enter the Xuanhuang Great World.

But the Karma Fire God gave this opportunity to the golden light god.

Now it’s finally their turn, and they naturally cherish this extremely rare opportunity.

As for these two tasks, it is not difficult for them.

“Golden light god, that idiot, it’s best to die, so this great credit is mine. As long as Xiao Changfeng is captured, Divine Sect will not be stingy with rewards.”

The 4 people are all playing their own selfish calculations in their hearts. Although they are lowering their heads at this time, they have already calculated quickly in their hearts.

“Magical Powers: God of Flame!”

The God of Fire Fire suddenly shot, and suddenly 4 fire lights hit 4 people.

This surprised all four of them. Looking down, they saw an extra flame tattoo on their body.

This tattoo is shaped like an eye and looks lifelike.

“This is the commander-in-chief Divine Ability, able to use your body to see everything.”

The Karma Fire God faintly spoke, and casually explained.

He didn’t want to get black eyes again, but wanted to use Magical Powers to take a look at the real situation in the world.

The four people did not dare to defy the Karma Fire God’s method and had to accept it.

“Go on!”

Karma Fire God waved his hand, and immediately four people stepped back respectfully.

Soon, the 4 people turned into 4 divine rainbow and went straight to the Great World of Xuanhuang.

This time.

No longer is a Spiritual God into the world, but there are 4 Spiritual Gods!

A golden light god is unstoppable, and four spiritual gods enter the world, who can stop it?

The gods descend, the catastrophe is coming!

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