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Within half a year, Tianmeng has entered a stage of rapid development.

The return of Xiao Changfeng and the sitting of Li Buyi.

It makes no one dare to challenge the status of Tianmeng within ten thousand li.

Even Frost Snow Divine City, with a tail in his hands, is very low-key.


Su Qingli and Yaoya joined forces to open a new store and hold auction, with big sticks and sweet dates in one hand, and opened more than a dozen city commercial channels.

Formed a spider web style with Dancheng as the core, spreading to all directions.

medicine pill.

The Medicine Refining Master Association restarts its work and refines medicine pill, which not only provides 4-party Chamber of Commerce sales.

More is used to provide cultivation of the main personnel in Tianmeng.

Today, the number of Medicine Refining Masters in the association is increasing, and the number of refined medicine pill is also increasing.

The Medicine Refining Master Association and the Forge Master Association will eventually coexist peacefully in the medical Holy City.

Medicine Refining Master Association pill concocting, forging division association forged weapons.

But more, it is to build a city!

This is the current main task of the Forge Masters Association, and it is also an area where they need to constantly improve and improve.

The future world must be based on city and region.

Therefore, building a city is a top priority.

Today, outside the medical Holy City, he also learned to build Dancheng and built 3 outer cities.

Not only the external personnel stationed in Tianmeng, but also many people who want to join Tianmeng.

Anling City, this is the city controlled by Lu Jiang.

Although far away from the medical Holy City and Dancheng, but has already arranged the Transmission Array.

So that Anling City became the bridgehead of Tianmeng.

Because Lu Jiang has the power to evaluate points, Anling City has gradually become a big city, with countless powerhouses and forces.

These are just the development of Tianmeng.

Within Tianmeng, there are many core personnel.

With sufficient provision of medicine pill and Spirit Stone and treasure, each and everyone cultivation speed advanced by leaps and bounds.

Heavenly Venerate has reached the Venerable Realm 9th Layer, which is only one step away from Demi-God.

Tie Rujun and Su Qinglian and the others have also made great progress.

Apart from this, the later batches of Caoxi Mountain, Hong Daoyuan and the others have also gradually passed through the Heavenly Dao penalty and achieved Heavenly Venerate.

This makes Tianmeng’s strength even stronger.

But among these, the fastest improvement is Xiao Yurong!

Before Xiao Yurong, although also reached Heavenly Venerable Realm, it was only Heavenly Venerable Realm 2 that’s all.

However, during the past six months, she worked diligently day and night and closed her doors one after another.

In addition, many cultivation resources left by Xiao Changfeng for her, as well as “9 Sun Dynasty Bible”.

She surpassed others in one fell swoop, not only cultivation to the Venerable Realm 9th Layer in a very short speed.

With the help of Divine Crystal and 9 Yang Divine Physique, breakthrough reached Half God Realm.

As in today’s league, apart from Xiao Changfeng, Tie Heavenly Venerate and Lu Jiang, she is the fourth Demi-God powerhouse.


In the medical Holy City, Xiao Yurong sat on the roof of the President’s Hall, with the sun above him for 9 days.

At this time, a strong beam of sunlight fell from the sky and fell on Xiao Yurong.

It made her covered with red light and her body glowed.

9 Yang Divine Physique, the favorite is not other, but supreme strength of yang.

At the moment, Xiao Yurong assisted in cultivation and absorbed Supreme-Yang Essence Fire.

At the heart of my heart, a faint Golden Crow illusory shadow surfaced.

That was the heart of Golden Crow she used to get.

Six months of hard work not only greatly increased her strength, but also allowed her 9 Yang Divine Physique to reach Great Success Realm.

The supreme strength of yang descended from the sky and was sucked into the body by her, and then refining it.

The sun burst, and there were 9 little sun illusory shadows around her.

“9 Yang Divine Physique is rare in the world, and it seems that cultivation is also the top cultivation technique, and there is no limit to the future.”

In the medical Holy City, Li Buyi not only studied the formation mark, but also looked up at Xiao Yurong.

According to his knowledge, although not comparable to Xiao Changfeng, it is far beyond ordinary people.

Xiao Yurong’s hard work in the past six months was all seen in his eyes.

Even he, could not help but praise Xiao Yurong’s innate talent.

Although Xiao Yurong has been practicing hard today, he has never worked with others.

However, Li Buyi felt that Xiao Yurong’s strength was enough to enter the top 100 of Myriad Realms.

To know that half a year ago, she was only Heavenly Venerable Realm 2 that’s all.

This kind of cultivation speed is shocking.


Xiao Yurong exhaled for a long time, his breath burning, like the strong sunlight.

A long twisted air wave was drawn in the air, and it gradually dissipated after a long time.

The nine illusory shadows surrounding Xiao Yurong at this moment slowly dissipated and eventually disappeared.

“I have improved a lot.”

Feeling within the body like the heat wave of Xuan Huang Spiritual Qi, Xiao Yurong’s face showed a smile.

Among her dantian, it was gorgeous.

As if hiding a new birth of the sun.

9 Yang Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, you can learn the supreme strength of yang, raise your hand and throw it between your feet, you can collapse the mountain and destroy the ground.

And Xiao Yurong cultivation “9 Yang Dynasty Bible” also awakened several Magical Powers techniques.

One of the things she likes most is the Supreme-Yang True Fire that flew through the flesh!

Although this fire is extremely weak at present, it is more powerful than the ordinary god fire.

Just a trace can burn a mountain into ash.

Coupled with the three-color fire fan, even Iron Heavenly Venerate is not necessarily her opponent.

Today, she is the fourth Demi-God.

But in terms of strength, I am afraid that within Tianmeng, she second only to Xiao Changfeng that’s all.

“9 big brother, I will definitely work hard to cultivate and fight alongside you!”

Looking down slightly, overlooking the ground.

Xiao Yurong knew that her 9 big brother was closed down deep underground.

She didn’t want to be a burden to the 9 big brother, nor did she want to hide behind the 9 big brother and watch him alone when the danger came.

So she wanted to be stronger and wanted to be able to share some for him.

This obsession urged her not to waste a minute and a second.

“Continue cultivation!”

Xiao Yurong withdrew his gaze and looked up at the hot and scorching sun above his head, his heart becoming firmer.

She closed her eyes again, ran the 9 Sunshine Bible, received the light of the sun, and continued cultivation.

Her strength is constantly getting stronger.

And this obsession also fell into everyone’s eyes.

This made everyone admire her.

day after day, years are like a shuttle.

Tianmeng is constantly developing and growing.

Xiao Yurong also continued to grow stronger during his hard work.

No one knows which of tomorrow and the accident will come first.

But what they can do is to work harder.

Only if you are strong enough to resist the future rainstorm.

So everyone in Tianmeng is busy.

Although Li Buyi is not a member of the Tianmeng League, he is not even a creature of this world.

But because of the trust of Xiao Changfeng, he has been guarding the medical Holy City.

He is also studying hard, learning the way of the formation mark.

Suddenly one day.

Li Buyi was shocked, stopped writing, and looked up at the sky.

Not only him, but all the creatures in the whole Xuanhuang Great World at the moment suddenly felt a palpitation.

Something seems to be broken.

Heavenly Dao… Lift the ban!

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