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The whisk is simple and unpretentious, it is not inlaid with divine stone orbs, nor is it carved with delicate patterns.

3000 Whisk wire, clean white as snow, whisk handle is pitch black as ink.

Only where the two are connected, there is a small Yin-Yang Symbol case.

But no one dare to underestimate this whisk.

Because this is a middle grade Divine Item comparable to the Divine Wood Peach Sword.

Name: 3000 whisk!

It is said that every whisk above the whisk.

They are all imprinted with a kind of divine technique.

3000 kinds in total!

Although all are low grade divine techniques, they are also extremely out of the ordinary.

In the middle grade Divine Item, it also belongs to the existence of Peak.

These 3000 types of Taoism, even if only half of them are about offense and defense, are enough to shock the world and make people fearful.

Daoyi Demi-God extraordinary natural talent, rare in 10000 years.

In addition, his background is quite extraordinary, so he has high hopes of Divine Sect.

This time he wants to enter the world, so Divine Sect on the Avenue deliberately gave him this 3000 whisk for self-protection use.

And this time.

Facing the outstanding sword technique Xiao Changfeng, he had to use this Taoist Divine Item!

“Xiao Changfeng, it is your pleasure to be able to die under 3000 dust.”

Dao Demi-God wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

Putting away the divine wood peach sword, Dao Yi Demi-God held 3000 whisks.

Suddenly waved.


I saw 3000, the dust would rise in the wind and spread quickly.

It is also said that the divine light is lit, and every whisker has a streak of divine light.

These 3000 whisks contain 3000 kinds of low grade divine technique.

Although Dao Yi Demi-God’s strength, not even one of them can be fully inspired.

But at the moment, it is still imposing manner.

I saw 3000. The dust turned into a long river of divine light, piercing through time and space, like a soft sword, like a long whip, and pulled towards Xiao Changfeng.

Taoism is natural, One with Heaven and Earth.

This blow, as if the entire Heaven and Earth is overwhelming.

People can’t avoid it, they can only fight hard.

But with limited manpower, how can it fight Heaven and Earth?

After all, it mayfly shaking a tree, turning into a loess that’s all.

“Saint Chapter!”

Li Buyi’s face changed suddenly, and he quickly shot.

I saw a page of golden paper cut through the sky and went straight to 3000 to whisk away.

On the golden paper, each and everyone Sage text, gold hooks and silver strokes, with pointers, teaches 10000 spirits of awe-inspiring integrity.

Hit above 3000 whisks.

This Saint chapter is also a Supreme Treasure.

But compared with 3000 whisk, it is still not as good.

I saw sparks 4 splashing, like fireworks blooming, gorgeous.

The text collided with Taoism, roared and shook the sky, stirred the wind and the clouds, and moved through time and space.

But this can only resist part of the dust.

Most of the whisks are still converted into divine light, which is drawn towards Xiao Changfeng.

This disaster requires Xiao Changfeng to face it himself.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

Xiao Changfeng facial expression grave, performing magical powers.

I saw the Blazing Vermion Flame and the Cold Flame Fire burst out of both eyes, condensing into a 100 meters-sized Blazing Vermilion Bird.

Vermilion Bird, 10000 God of Fire!

There are two superpositions of supernatural fires, which is enough to burn mountains and seas, and the power is monstrous.

However, Blazing Vermilion Bird, who had no disadvantages, met his opponent this time.

3000 Grandiose whisking dust, like a rushing river, like a flood flood.

It’s menacing and unstoppable, like a hot knife through butter.

Blazing Vermilion Bird just insisted for a moment, but was destroyed by the dive light long river.

Vermilion Bird collapsed, the flames were dim and difficult to resist.

“Sun & Moon Seal!”

“Five Elements Azure Lotus!”

“Five Elements Sword!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke out the law and kept on shooting.

I saw the sun and moon turned into the seal of India, Five Elements Azure Lotus spins at a rapid speed, and Five Elements Sword breathes through the sky.

But in front of the long river of divine light transformed by 3000 whisks, everything is like paper paste, which is torn apart.

“Sword Domain, on!”

In the end, Xiao Changfeng stretched out Sword Domain and cut it out.

Ka-cha !

Countless sword light shattered, as if the bubble had been pierced.

Xiao Changfeng only had time to defend with black liquid Battle Armor.

divine light Changhe hit him.


I saw Xiao Changfeng’s figure, like an arrow off the string, blasted out, penetrated through time and space, and smashed into the ruins.

A large area of ​​ruins collapsed, and the chaos took place.

The ground above the head was smashed into a big pit, cracked, like a spider web.

“Xiao brother!”

Jiang Gu Demi-God’s heart was tight and worried.

Li Buyi was also a silhouette, and went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

At the moment in the pit.

Xiao Changfeng shook his head, only to feel painful.

He stood up again, but at this time the black liquid Battle Armor was already in tatters.

Even his Five Elements immortal physique comparable to the low grade Divine Item.

This is also riddled with scars, bloody flesh.

3000 Fly the dust, it’s too strong.

This is Dao-God’s real hole card.

With this Divine Item, it is Li Buyi, who dare not say that he can win him steadily.

Under the divine realm, it is almost invincible.


Li Buyi came to Xiao Changfeng’s side and lifted him up, brows tightly knit, worried.

“I am fine.”

Xiao Changfeng was running the Great Five Elements Immortal Art, and his injuries were recovering at the speed visible to naked eyes.

But this will not cure the symptoms.

3000 The dust-formable power is too strong.

With his current strength, other means are useless.

Perhaps Human King Palace can resist awhile.

But at this time, it was blocked by the purified Buddha.

As for use soul to control sword, it may be able to withstand 3000 whiskers.

But this move is too soul consuming, and Xiao Changfeng doesn’t want to use it anymore.

For today’s sake, it seems that only Five Elements Celestial Wheel can crack this game?

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

Less than as a last resort, he did not want to cast Five Elements fairy wheel.

This is not only his final hole card.

And once it is put into practice, True Yuan will be consumed.

When the time comes, if he encounters any danger again, it is difficult for him to deal with it.

“It seems that only that trick is used!”

Xiao Changfeng pupil light was firm and made a decision.

“Li Buyi, with your own strength, can’t protect him today. Moreover, he is just a humble aborigine. Why do you insist on letting me kill him? It’s natural for you to get credit for it afterwards.”

Daoyi Demi-God held 3000 whisks in his hands and was afraid of Li Buyi, but did not continue to shoot.

At this time he spoke coldly, hoping that Li Buyi could stand idly by.

“One day as a master is a father for life, forgiveness.”

Li Buyi shook the head and rejected Dao Yi Demi-God’s proposal.

He has his own beliefs and will not be easily shaken.

At this moment he stared at Demi-God, his eyes became firm.

3000 Dust is strong, but he is not without cards.

However, one hand was blocked in front of him.

Li Buyi was stunned and turned to look around.

I saw a smile on the pale face of Xiao Changfeng and shook the head towards him.

“Clothes, you don’t have to shoot this battle, I can cut him off!”

When the words fell, Xiao Changfeng stepped out, the silhouette flickered, turned into a trace of traces, and killed towards the Demi-God.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities, since you are determined to die, I will fulfill you!”

Dao Yi Demi-God disdainful smile, killing intent skyrocket!

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