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Those who have not seen the ghost town with their own eyes cannot understand its terrifying.

But everyone who has seen the ghost town does not want to experience another nightmare.

At this moment, even if I saw Jiang Gu Demi-God once, he was still trembling, shiver coldly, and was terrified.

In the ghost town, that lifelike corpse.

No one is below the divine state.

In other words, in the ghost town, all are divine blood.

And its number makes people tremble.

In what ancient years, what happened, actually caused so many divine powerhouses to fall.

And a large part of them is very strange and extremely uncommon.

This bright ghost town gives no hope.

The only thing is the killing intent which is rich and extreme.

This kind of killing intent bursts out of the ghost town as if the sun is shining.

Even if Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements immortal physique, which is far apart, he can still feel a torn pain.

As for Jiang Gu Demi-God, it is even more unbearable, and has already activated Shenjia to resist this killing intent.

The ghost town is large, and self becomes a space.

Not like a city, but like an Asura hell.


Xiao Changfeng’s heart moved, and he looked at the ghost town with surprise.

In addition to these corpses and heads, there are some ancient buildings in the ghost town.

These ancient buildings seem to be the products of Ancient Era, with the obvious Ancient Era style.

But these ancient buildings were not damaged and intact.

Divine blood with the god corpse all around looks out of place.

In these ancient buildings, there is still one after another silhouette in action.

This is not Remnant Soul, but the living creatures of each and everyone.

Silhouette is sufficient, cats, dogs, cows and horses.

These people are to-and-fro on the street.

As if not in a ghost town, but a bustling big city.

But these people walked on the street, but there was no sound.

Whether it’s walking or talking, you can only see the movement, but you can’t hear the sound, as if it’s an image.

But Xiao Changfeng knows that this is by no means an image, but a living person.

Because he was in the city, he saw many familiar silhouettes.

“Zhang Jiayang, Cao Xishan, Tang Bihan…”

Looking at the familiar silhouette after one after another, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t calm down.

The people who disappeared in the medical Holy City are really here.

“Medical Heavenly Venerate, Luess Saintess!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his eyes and saw Doctor Heavenly Venerate and Luess Saintess in the crowd.

2 people seem to be not at all injured. They are in an Inn. The doctor Heavenly Venerate drinks alcohol and the deer Saintess plays the piano.

“Third Sister !”

Finally, Xiao Changfeng eyes shrank found his concerns.

I saw that in a pub, Xiao Yurong was red-clothed, variant and formidable looking, and was cooking wine.

It seems that she is Lady Boss of this pub.

Among the streets, silhouettes are enough, and they are all people who disappeared in the Holy City.

But the scene at this time is very strange.

Xiao Changfeng can only see their movements, but can’t hear the sound, just like watching mimes.

Although the people in the city did not have obvious injuries, they were conscious.

But it seems to have looked at his identity, playing a different role.

For example, the Third Sister who sells wine, the Saint Deer of Fuqin, the Caoxi Mountain who teaches and so on.

Weird, too weird!

There was no sound in the ghost town.

The three places in the city are all corpse-blooded seas, which is terrible.

However, in the center of the city, there is a bustling street.

Silhouettes are sufficient in the streets, but they play different identities.

How is this going?

Xiao Changfeng brows tightly knit, unsure.

Although Jiang Gu Demi-God is an out-of-boundary powerhouse, he doesn’t know much about it.

“Brother Jiang Gu, the people in this city, are my friends and relatives. I have to save them.”

Although the ghost town was chilling, Xiao Changfeng was not sure of the rescue.

But Third Sister is in it, and he is absolutely impossible to sit and watch.

No matter how dangerous this ghost town is, he has to risk it.

“Brother Xiao, this…”

Jiang Gu Demi-God started, he thought Xiao Changfeng would be scared back when he saw the ghost town.

It is didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng that is so determined.

He has consolation, but Xiao Changfeng has a firm mind and will not change.

“Brother Jiang Gu, many thanks you brought me here, but I have promised Third Sister, no matter the ends of the earth, I will protect her.”

Xiao Changfeng has a firm vision and has made a decision.

Immediately, Jiang Gu Demi-God said more, that is, he stepped out and flew towards the ghost town.

“Brother Xiao… Hey!”

Jiang Gu Demi-God wanted to stop it, but at this time he had to sigh.

But for Xiao Changfeng, it is even more respectful.

willfully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers’ firm will, not everyone has it.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng did not think about Jiang Gu Demi-God’s thoughts.

He directly exhibited black liquid Battle Armor and Yu Zi Jue.

The golden light flashes, the thunderbolt Divine Consciousness radiates, and is always vigilant.


The ghost town exudes monstrous killing intent, although it is not aimed at Xiao Changfeng.

But just by being close, Xiao Changfeng felt tingling all over, as if it had been pierced with 10000 needles and was torn.

killing intent like tide, rolling apart, oppressing all around time and space.

Whether it is Power of Time or Space Power, it is unbearable and fragmented.

From a distance, the time and space of the ghost city all around is like a broken glass covered with cracks.

This is the killing intent formed by the 10000 1000 divine blood divine blood.

Ordinary people simply can’t bear it, they must be wiped out, crushed into meat, and strangled on the spot.

Even if Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements immortal physique, it is unbearable.

If you can’t even get close, how can you save people in the city?

Although killing intent is strong, Xiao Changfeng’s faith is more firm.

So he took another step and kept approaching.

A growing sense of horror poured out from the bottom of my heart.

The terrifying killing intent poured out like a flood, pressing Xiao Changfeng to suffocate.

Tear off!

The invisible killing intent at this moment seemed to condense into substance, tearing the black liquid Battle Armor open.

Although Xiao Changfeng will soon run Five Elements True Yuan to fix it, it is not a good sign.

The ghost town is blooming in endless light in the dark time and space.

And this light is not real light, but killing intent.

Every light is condensed by monstrous killing intent.

Xiao Changfeng braved this killing intent and kept approaching the ghost town.

The black liquid Battle Armor on him was torn apart by the light of killing intent.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng was unable to maintain the black liquid Battle Armor and could only resist it with Five Elements immortal physique.

Pu chi!

A light of killing intent is extremely bright, like a sword, extremely sharp, falling on Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng’s arm was cut with a bloody wound.

Yin Hong’s blood flowed out of the wound, dazzling.

To know that Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique can compete with low grade Divine Item.

But at this time, he was cut by the killing intent light.

It can be seen how terrifying the killing intent of this ghost town is.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng is 3 kilometers away from the ghost town.

This distance is almost a dead end!

But Xiao Changfeng did not choose to retreat, his eyes were as firm as a rock.

“Third Sister, wait for me!”

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