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Momma Tianhua, who has always been hung by Ji Ruge, is obviously very close.

At this time, I heard that the smallpox grandma was in front, and Ji Ruge suddenly couldn’t sit still.

“I’m going to find Mother Lily!”

Ji Ruge ignored Xiao Changfeng and went straight ahead. Impatient wanted to reunite with Tian Hua Ma.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Changfeng is not good to continue to ask.

I had to first include the woman in Time and Space Sand.

“Yin Yang Divine Sect? Dare to name Divine Sect, are the top forces in the top ten.”

Xiao Changfeng recalled the words of the previous woman while chasing Ji Ruge.

Ji Ruge is Goddess of Yin Yang Divine Sect.

The so-called Divine Sect is only owned by the top ten.

The people in Divine Sect are all the powerhouses of the gods.

But Ji Ruge is just Demi-God’s strength that’s all.

How can it become a Goddess of a big Divine Sect?

Is it because of Yin and Yang Divine Physique?

Although Divine Physique is rare, with the power of a Divine Sect, there should be no shortage of them.

It seems that Ji Ruge has far more secrets than Xiao Changfeng has seen so far.

“When you see the commoner, you have to ask him about the origin of Ji Ruge.”

Xiao Changfeng pupil light flickered, thinking about it.


A strong sense of crisis emerged from my heart.

Like a volcanic eruption, it rushed straight up.

He was covered with cold hair and was terrified.


I saw an ancient palace, which fell from above, as if Mount Tai pressed the ceiling, as if the gods collapsed.

With a thunderbolt of 10000 Jun, it fell suddenly at an incredible speed.

At this time Ji Ruge is under the ancient palace, avoiding it is inevitable.

“Not good !”

Xiao Changfeng expression changed, instantly cast a mysterious body technique, turned into a mark, and rushed towards Ji Ruge.

He came to Ji Ruge’s side, grabbed her by the arm, and threw her out.

At this time, the ancient palace had fallen, but he himself could not escape.


Suddenly Xiao Changfeng was like Monkey Sun, being pressed under the ancient palace, falling from above, hitting in the sky under his feet.

“Big Brother Xiao !”

This sudden accident made Ji Ruge’s face pale with fright, not knowing what to do.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng was pressed under the ancient palace, unable to move, spits out blood, look pale, and breathless.

I don’t know the origin of this ancient palace, and even Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique can’t resist it.


At the same time, an unimaginable breath rose to the sky from the ancient palace.

Suddenly the entire Heaven and Earth was shaking, 8 squares roared, and countless ruins bloomed with divine light at the same time, illuminating all around very brightly.


The door of ancient palace opened by itself.

Then Ji Ruge walked out a silhouette in the horrified eyes.

This is a silhouette of a man wearing black armor and shrouded in iron.

He carries the death, like a ghost from hell.

This person can’t see clearly.

The whole body was shrouded in deep black armor, only a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed.

“My name is Zhoutian, I wake up today and live my life again!”

Every word of the black-armored person seemed to come from the Netherworld Hell, making Ji Ruge Unable to Bear shiver, as if he fell into a ghost.

“Remnant Soul!”

Xiao Changfeng, who was crushed under the ancient palace, felt the breath of the God General Zhou Tian and guessed its origin.

This is a Remnant Soul that is the same as the Master of Ring of Sadness.

In front of him seemed to be the powerhouse of the gods.

But today’s breath is much stronger than Jie Bei Master.

This is not to say that he was stronger than the Master of Precepts.

Rather, under the erosion of hundreds of thousands of years, the power he retains is far more than that of the Master of Sorrow.

The Master of Jie Sad relied on Mingshan to survive.

And this king of heaven is because of this ancient palace.

This ancient palace has a mysterious origin and is very out of the ordinary.

In those days, after the Fleshy body was destroyed, the god of Zhou Tian hid in the ancient palace for the first time to avoid the ending of the soul flew away and scattered.

At this time, he was surrounded by death, wearing a Battle Armor made of Netherworld profound iron.

Although the aura rose to the sky, the terrifying mana was vast, but the aura that covered the old man’s weakness.

It must be through a certain special method to bury himself and maintain a state of suspended animation and hibernation, so that he can survive hundreds of thousands of years.

Today, he wakes up from his deep sleep and just meets Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge.

For his Remnant Soul.

The soul and blood of living beings are great medicines for tonic.

even more how is Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge born in Divine Physique.

It is almost like a flat peach ginseng fruit, with irresistible temptation.

Therefore, the Lord Zhou Tian shot without hesitation.

“Swallow you, I can restore part of the divine force, come on, take out all of you to me.”

Zhou Tianshen will speak an ancient language, and neither Ji Ruge nor Xiao Changfeng can understand it.

But the increasingly intense killing intent is very obvious.

“Yellow Springs divine spear, come!”

Zhou Tianshen will reach out and grab it from the ancient palace.

Suddenly took out a long spear, and on top of the long spear, the aura tore through the sky, extremely solemn, as if carrying a world.

The chains formed by countless laws are wrapped around the handle of the gun, making it heavier and thicker, and strands of Netherworld Death Qi are wrapped around it, like the spear of hell.

The powerhouse of the gods is extremely powerful.

Although there is only Remnant Soul left in the God General, the power it retains is much more than that of the Master of Jie Bei.

At this time, he was extremely powerful, although not as good as the gods, but also infinitely close.

I am afraid that even Li Buyi can’t beat him here.

Although he could not use Law Power at this time, there was still a lot of remaining on this Yellow Springs divine spear.


Zhou Tianshen will shouted in a low voice, holding the Yellow Springs divine spear in his hand, thrusting towards Ji Ruge a spear.

Xiao Changfeng has been suppressed by the ancient palace. As long as the next season is like a song, the major event is set.


I saw the god of heaven thrust a spear out, and the spear glow suddenly turned into a crash-bang yellow river, traversing the void.

This divine spear is called Yellow Springs.

This is because this gun is made from the water tempering of Yellow Springs, plus one after another law chain.

As soon as the spear glow emerges, it looks like Yellow Springs and can penetrate Sun, Moon and Stars.

In the Peak period, the god of the sky could stab the shatter void with a single shot and stab the stars in the sky.

Although the formidable power is gone, it is still terrifying.


For example, the spear glow of the Yellow Springs River, it penetrates the space, with the breath of death and perish, heading straight for Ji Rusong.

“Ah, don’t come over!”

Ji Ruge was as timid as a mouse. At this time, seeing the Yellow Springs spear glow so terrifying, he closed his eyes tightly in fright and screamed out.

But at this time, Xiao Changfeng was suppressed by the ancient palace and could not get out for the time being, nor could she be saved.


The defensive robes automatically protect it, and the purple glow is dazzling, turning into a big clock, covering Ji Ruge’s body.

However, the Yellow Springs spear glow rustled, crossing the sky, hitting the shadow of the purple glow bell.

Suddenly, the spear glow directly penetrated the purple glow Zhongying hole into a big hole.

Ji Ruge even flew upside down and smashed into the rubble.

With one shot, Ji Ruge was hit hard!

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