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As soon as Xiao Changfeng said this, the whole temple was quiet.

Suffering from Master hearing this, about one chi black glow burst out of his eyes.

“How did you know?”

The Master of Sadness looks cold, staring at Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng disdainful smile:

“How can you conceal my dharma eyes with your means!”

“You can survive to this day, you should rely on this mountain and this Buddha statue, but the years of thousands of thousands of years are not so easy to survive.”

“During this period, you should be asleep most of the time. This time, the recovery of Spiritual Qi and the change of Heaven and Earth will give you a chance to wake up.”

“Before you, you should have bewitched others and devoured soul and blood, so that you can maintain it for so long, otherwise you should not be transformed, let alone talk to me for so long.”

Ji Ruge is afraid of shiver coldly because her Yin-Yang Eye has seen through the true bodies of the Master of Sadness and Little Monk of Zhiyun.

Although Xiao Changfeng can’t maintain Golden Fire Eyes for a long time, it is enough to see through falsehood.

He has long discovered that this Master of Sorrows and Little Monk of Zhiyun are not real creatures.

It’s the 2 weakest Remnant Soul.

According to the Master of Suffering, he is from Ancient Era.

So at least 5 100,000 years ago.

This naked eye invisible mountain is made of special dark stones.

There is a vast amount of life and death in it.

This aura of death and death can keep the soul alive for a long time.

But no matter how much death and aura, there is a limit.

Hundreds of thousands of years, it’s been too long.

the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the steel essence has long been turned into dust.

Therefore, the spirit of death and death of this mountain has been exhausted to the extreme.

Fortunately, this ancient ruin was transformed into a mirror of yin and yang, and it contained intricate energy and chaotic time and space.

This makes the Master of Sorrows and Little Monk of Zhiyun able to stretch on whilst at death’s door.

Plus the changes in Spirit Qi’s recovery.

Successfully awakened the Master of Sorrows and Little Monk of Zhiyun.

However, although they were a powerhouse of divine realm.

But after all, there is only a ray of Remnant Soul, and it has been worn to the limit by the years.

Therefore, they have no power to shoot directly.

Therefore, this game was laid out and tempted to enter, taking the opportunity to devour the essence and flesh and blood to recover.

Before that, they had successfully deceived 3 people and won soul and blood.

Some strength was restored.

However, the atmosphere of Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge is too strong.

So they did not dare to shoot directly, but reapply the old skills, layout again, want to catch everything in one net.

“You only have the soul and the power of qi and blood is insufficient. The two of us have different physiques. After the body possession, maybe you can get out of this and leave here.”

Since Xiao Changfeng said, the expression was calm and there was no sense of crisis surrounded by encirclement.

The Master of Sadness and the Little Monk of Zhiyun are both Remnant Soul.

Even if they want body possession, the average person’s fleshy body can’t bear it at all and will explode to death.

Therefore, the previous 3 people devoured soul and blood, and did not have body possession.

However, Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements immortal physique, and Ji Ruge is Yin and Yang Divine Physique.

Two kinds of physique are rare and precious in the world.

Not only can it carry Divine Soul, but there is a great possibility to restore the strength of his life.

This is an irresistible temptation for the Master of Sadness and Little Monk of Zhiyun.

All in all.

All for the purpose of taking the lives and Fleshy body of Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge.

At this time the Master of Sadness’s complexion became more and more ugly. At the end, he laughed wildly:

“Not bad, you guessed it right. But it’s too late!”

He stopped his laughter fiercely, and looked towards Xiao Changfeng like a hungry wolf:

“From the moment you stepped into this temple, you were destined to never be able to escape this fate. You two Divine Physiques are better than the old man’s life. Now Spirit Qi is recovering, maybe old man can break the shackles, bring. it up a level .”

“You shouldn’t have 1000, you shouldn’t 10000, you shouldn’t step into this place, and you shouldn’t sit here and drink that glass of soul poison.”

The Master of Sadness changed his mercy and good eyes, showing a sneer.

That cup of tea is not really tea.

It’s a glass of soul poison.

After drinking it, it can poison its soul and powerless.

This is why he came to condense after a long time.

Every drop is precious and abnormal.

If Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge were too strong, he would not be willing to take them out.

Now Xiao Changfeng drank the soul and poisonous water, even if he knew all this.

Doomed to die here.

As for Ji Ruge, he is afraid of 2 people.

Even if Ji Ruge didn’t drink the soul and poison water, but stepped into this temple, it was like a turtle in a urn.

In the eyes of God Realm, what peerless Heaven’s Chosen, what Demi-God strength, are nonsense.

“Do you know why I knew all this and would you like to step into this temple?”

Xiao Changfeng serene is not affected at all.

This look made the Master of Sadness feel a little uneasy.

“Dressing up as God, playing the devil is useless, you are destined to die here and become the ration of our master and disciple!”

Master coldly snorted, eyes narrowed into a slit suddenly opened wide.

Suddenly two black glows burst out of his eyes, the sound is no longer clear and translucent, but becomes sharp and harsh, like a night owl.


I saw the futon where Xiao Changfeng was sitting, and suddenly it seemed like there was life.

Countless hay turned into tentacles, snaking out and falling on Xiao Changfeng.

Want to wrap him completely, imprisoned completely.


Ji Ruge screamed and was terrified. Yin-Yang Energy appeared and surrounded her body like a frightened deer.

At this time with a bang, the temple door closed automatically, completely blocked.

The entire temple was transformed into a seamless prison.

The light is dim, only the swaying lights sway slightly.


“Big Brother Xiao, I’m afraid, let’s leave here soon!”

Ji Ruge closed his eyes tightly and dared not look at it.

But she heard the conversation between Xiao Changfeng and Master of Sadness.

At this time, the sound of futon tentacles growing and the temple door closing was heard.

She felt a dark, cold breath, which made her more afraid.

Yu pulls the corner of Xiao Changfeng’s clothes, hoping that Xiao Changfeng can take her out of here.

The exquisite smiley face was crying.

“Want to go? You can’t go away!”

A cruel voice full of killing and bloodthirsty sounded.

I saw Zhiyun Little Monk suddenly soared, like a balloon blowing.

Instantly turned into a 3 meters high monster.

ferocious-looking, with one horn and one eye, covered in black scale armor, like a ghost coming out of hell.

Filled with a terrible and evil atmosphere, it is chilling.

This is the true body of Zhiyun Little Monk!

this moment.

The temple was blocked, evil spirits appeared, crisis came, and death appeared.

Xiao Changfeng and Ji Ruge, like the turtle in the urn, are hard to escape.

However, Xiao Changfeng is still sitting in the same place, fearless fearless, just the fine eyes in his eyes, brighter and brighter.

He stared at the Master of Sadness and grinned suddenly.

“You coveted my Fleshy body, but I didn’t know that I also stared at your Divine Soul!”

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