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5 The halo of color gradually fades and eventually disappears.

And the annihilation that followed was the life of Qiu Yin Demi-God and the others.

At this time on the ice ship, a dazzling blood.

Blood flowing into a river.

Whether it is Frost Snow Divine City’s current City Lord Qiu Yin Demi-God, or ordinary out-of-world powerhouse.

All died, beheaded successfully, and turned into cold bodies.


Xiao Changfeng ran out of True Yuan, fell from the sky, landed on the ground, and stepped out 2 deep ice cracks.

This battle has three twists and turns.

It ended with Xiao Changfeng’s victory.

But at this time, inside and outside of Holy City, everything was frozen.

All people and energy are frozen in place.

It looks very delicate.

“Restore True Yuan first!”

Law Power is not so easy to eliminate.

At this moment, what Xiao Changfeng needs to do most is to restore True Yuan first.

Only when strength is at hand can we rescue others.

At this time, whether it is time or space or Spirit Qi, are frozen by the ice.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Spirit Stone and medicine pill in Xiao Changfeng’s 7-color belt.

He sat cross-legged, refining Spirit Stone, swallowed medicine pill, and began to recover the depleted Five Elements True Yuan.

Heaven and Earth is dead and cold.

It seems that Henggu remains the same, which makes people palpitate.

Within ten thousand meters, everything is frozen.

In addition to ten thousand meters, although there are some Demonic beasts, they dare not step on their feet and have to look far.

Half a day later, Xiao Changfeng’s True Yuan was restored and Peak was reproduced.

Ka-cha !

He reached out and grabbed a piece of crushed ice in his hand.

This is no ordinary ice, it contains a trace of Law Aura.

It is for this reason that within ten thousand meters, everything is frozen, unable to move.

“This should be the freezing rule!”

The origin of ice can also evolve a variety of laws.

Such as Jian Ice Law, Frost Law, Broken Ice Law, etc.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng felt Law Aura in the crushed ice in his hand.

In the end, the essence of its rule was judged.

“With my current strength, unless the Five Elements fairy wheel is used, this Law Aura cannot be cleared.”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, thinking in his heart.

The law is the power of true God, not mortal can resolve.

If not, Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements Fairy Wheel.

I am afraid that he has no more memory of Immortal Emperor, nor can he break the thaw.

At this time, although Five Elements True Yuan recovered.

But there are too many people frozen.

If you use Five Elements Xianlun to unseal it, I don’t know how long it will take.

And this freeze is not without influence.

Over time, I am afraid that the fleshy body and even the soul will be frozen.

When the time comes, even if he can resolve, the frozen man is dead.

“It seems that you can only use fairy array!”

After thinking for a while, Xiao Changfeng finally decided to choose fairy array.

The fairy array is arranged by Divine Crystal, which has the atmosphere of mysterious yellow.

Coupled with the power of their own Five Elements fairy wheel and an understanding of the freezing rules.

Maybe you can give it a try!


The Five Elements fairy wheel came out again, hanging above Xiao Changfeng’s head.

A click sounded.

The ten frozen 2 Martial Gods, one after another, were rescued.

golden light shining, fighting intent Ling Xiao.

“6 Ding 6 is for Xianlun, Only I Am Supreme!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were stern, doing two things at the same time.

While manipulating 6 D 6 Jiaxian array, while holding Five Elements fairy wheel.

I saw that under the enlightenment of ten 2 golden armor Martial Gods, Five Elements fairy wheels rays of light ten thousand zhang, shining in 8 directions.

Soon the ten thousand meters were all illuminated by the Five Elements fairy wheel.

As the sun shines on the iceberg, it begins to thaw.

But this process is very long.

Xiao Changfeng constantly instills True Yuan to support fairy array and fairy wheel.

Gradually, the breath of the law became thinner.

Time and Space Strength recirculates.

Nine Headed Snake and Iron Heavenly Venerate and the others, who originally flew in midair, crashed and smashed to the ground.

Ka-cha !

one after another The crack spread on the earth, like a dark abyss.

The rays of light are brighter, and Xiao Changfeng’s face is paler.

At the same time supporting the fairy array and the fairy wheel, this is too much for him.


Finally, Ice Block 4 splashed, and Nine Headed Snake took the lead to break the ice seal and regain freedom.


Nine Headed Snake’s huge body monster qi soared into the sky, opened his mouth and roared the mountains and rivers.

He was shocked, shaking off all the ice on his body, and completely relieved his difficulty.

But because it was frozen for a while.

It made its breath a little weak, at this time staggered flight, came to Xiao Changfeng.

“Master, I will help you!”

Nine Headed Snake ignores his weakness and helps Xiao Changfeng urge 6 D 6 Jia Xian array together.

Suddenly the rays of light continued, shining everywhere.

Ka-cha !

Soon, Heavenly Venerate also got out of trouble, broke free from the ice, pale lips, and trembling all over.

However, he is protected by a soft gold sacred armor and his injuries are not very serious.

Bang bang bang!

Gradually, more and more people got out of their difficulties and recovered from the ice.

In the end, within ten thousand meters, all the creatures broke free and regained their freedom.

But everyone was trembling, weak in breath, complexion pale.

Obviously, during the freezing period, they consumed too much physical strength.

If you continue, I am afraid that you will be killed here.

“This this……”

Outside of Holy City, many spectators are now out of trouble.

They trembled and looked at the ice boat all around full of corpses.

each and everyone’s eyes widened in horror.

“Diao Min Demi-God, Cold Demi-God, and… Qiu Yin Demi-God! They are all dead!”

Everyone was frightened and couldn’t believe it.

Before Qiu Yin Demi-God took out the frozen god stone, how terrifying, how invincible.

This world is frozen, and no one has escaped.

But how did the final result become like this.

Qiu Yin Demi-God and the others died, and the army of Frost Snow Divine City was wiped out.

This… this is incredible!

One after another is full of surprise and shock, looking at Xiao Changfeng.

They wondered how Xiao Changfeng got rid of the power of the frozen god stone?

What happened during the period when they were frozen?

How did Xiao Changfeng win?

each and everyone Mystery emerged in the hearts of everyone, but no one dared to ask more.

This battle opened their eyes and shivered.

The power of Frost Snow Divine City and the others is obvious to all.

But Xiao Changfeng is more terrifying.

“Sir Pill Venerable, you won!”

Heavenly Venerate and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, both saw the deep remorse in the other’s eyes.

I knew that, they wouldn’t quit at that time.

Now that the big picture is set, they want to join Tianmeng again, and hope is slim!

At this time, everyone has lifted the trap, Xiao Changfeng also put away the Five Elements fairy wheel and dispersed 6 D 6 Jia Xian array.

Above the earth, a piece of ice and snow slag, extremely cold.

But the hearts of everyone in the Holy City are fiery.

At this moment each and everyone’s eyes are hot, full of endless worship.

“Pill Venerable mighty!”

“Master Xiao is invincible!”

“Alliance Leader is the strongest!”

One after another cheers, from the medical Holy City, cheers from all over the world.

This day.

Tianmeng, outside the Holy City of Medicine, beheaded Frost Snow Divine City 800 powerhouse to wipe out the enemy.

The news spread that 10000 people were frightened!

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