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Outside of Holy City, the rainstorm is like a rain, and the sky is like ink.

Between Heaven and Earth, the rain fell and the noise rang, and there was a breath of killing Ling Xian.

The heavy rain has been falling for 3 days.

Heaven and Earth is like washing, there is plenty of rain.

But such a heavy rain did not stop everyone’s footsteps.

At this moment, outside the medical Holy City, Lu Jiang and the others stood upright, like a sculpture, unshakable.

And they have never sent Spiritual Qi out to withstand the rain.

Instead, let the heavy rain wash, wet all over.

There are ten or three such silhouettes.

They all followed from Hanging City.

Lu Jiang, Venerable Tianniu, French Snail Heavenly Venerate, Tiexiong Heavenly Venerate…

Each one is a powerhouse in an oversee a area, and its prestige is not small.

But at this time, he stood voluntarily outside the medical Holy City, just to be able to join Tianmeng.

However, the door of Doctor Holy City was closed and no one came forward.

Not to mention let them join Tianmeng.

But Lu Jiang and the others have stood upright and expressed sincerity.

As for outside news, they are not unaware.

The army of Frost Snow Divine City is out and coming soon.

Many creatures think they and the others are crazy, and to join the Sky League at this time is simply courting death.

These news Lu Jiang and the others are all heard.

But they didn’t change their minds and still stood here.

It is impossible to imagine such an invincible posture without seeing Xiao Changfeng’s style in person.

Although Lujiang is a wall of grass, in the final analysis, it is all for self-preservation.

After all, in times of trouble, it is not so easy to protect yourself.

Now Xiao Changfeng appears, killing Qiu Bai Demi-God with an absolute attitude.

Let them see hope.

Although their purpose is profitable.

But the idea of ​​wanting to form a group is firm.

Therefore, they have been standing outside the medical Holy City, hoping to impress Xiao Changfeng and allow themselves to join Tianmeng.

“According to the time estimate, it should be these 2 days. The powerhouse of Frost Snow Divine City will come. I don’t know that Tianmeng can spend this tribulation.”

“Lu Jiang, they may be crazy, or they may have other ideas, but caught in the middle, they must have suffered heavy casualties.”

“This battle is of great significance, who wins and loses, only heaven knows.”

Many powerhouses coming from all directions are all waiting to see.

There are local creatures, and there are also some separate outhouse powerhouses.

Today, no one wants to miss it.


Suddenly there was a loud horn sound from a distance.

Everyone looked around in prestige and saw it between Heaven and Earth.

An ice boat flew across the sky.

The ice boat is 3000 meters in size, crystal clear and white, and is forged by the Divine Jade.

Where the ice boat passes, the rain freezes, turning into hail and falling.

“The people of Frost Snow Divine City are here!”

All eyes were fixed, knowing that the warring party had appeared.

I saw a densely packed silhouette above the ice ship with a total of 800 people.

Frost Snow Divine City has a total of 1000 out of powerhouses, but impossible comes out of the nest.

At this time, 2 100 people were left to defend the city, and 800 people left for the expedition.

Above the ice ship, there is a human-shaped powerhouse, and there are also some demonic beasts outside the realm.

Others are special races.

Although they are not of the same race, they come from the same force.

It is the vanguard of the Divine Kingdom!

The ice ship came across the sky, and the direction was unpredictable, imposing manner monstrous, and heart-wrenching.

Many of the powerhouses outside it are like a well-trained army, motionless, no one speaks, and waits solemnly.

And led by a total of 5 people.

They are all snow-white Luoxue Shenjia.

These 5 people have the same strength as Qiu Bai Demi-God, they are all Demi-God powerhouse.

A white Demi-God, even slaughtering more than a dozen cities, makes people terror-stricken at the news.

Now there are enough 5 equal strengths with Qiu Bai Demi-God, showing the strength of Frost Snow Divine City.

Be aware that in addition to these 5 people, there are 2 100 Demi-God powerhouses and 600 Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses.

This is the strength of Frost Snow Divine City, enough to despair.

In this land today, how many local creatures can compete with it?

“This is Doctor Holy City?”

A middle-aged man with blue hair like a waterfall and a face similar to Qiu Bai Demi-God has several points of light opening, apathetic eyes, hidden killing intent.

Qiu Yin Demi-God is the big brother of Qiu Demi-God. He is powerful and is the current City Lord of Shuang Xue Divine City.

Ranked 10th 9 on the Myriad Realms list!

“City Lord, this city is guarded by a mysterious array, which is a bit difficult to break.”

A tall woman with white hair like snow opens her mouth. She looks beautiful, she is white, but her face is cold, like a 1000 year old ice.

The white magic Demi-God, which looks like a human being, with part of the blood flowing within the body, has a terrifying name.

“Today, when the army is dispatched, we will level this city and kill Pill Venerable!”

A cold voice sounded.

I saw a big snow sculpture coldly snorted opening.

Carved Min Demi-God, one of the 6 powerhouses of Frost Snow Divine City, is cruel by nature and cruel to kill.

Any enemy will be torn into pieces by him, die without a whole corpse.

“Humble ants, dare to provoke me to wait, the death of Qiu Bai, I want to let 1000000 ants be buried!”

The whole body was full of lifeless chen sneer old man jié jié sneered.

Li Xie Demi-God, it is rumored to have died once, a demon crawling out of hell.

A life of death, you must die!


The last person’s voice was dull and concise.

This is a burly man with a skull mask, covered in moss, like a 10000-year-old rock.

But it gave a dull feeling like a mountain depression.

Cold Rock Demi-God is a tribe of stone, not good at talking, likes to kill.

Once fighting intent starts, it will be incarnation as terrifying killing machine.

Qiu Yin Demi-God, Baimo Demi-God, Diaomin Demi-God, Li Xie Demi-God, Leng Pan Demi-God!

Coupled with Jubai Demi-God, it is the six powerhouses of Frost Snow Divine City.

Now that Qiu Bai Demi-God was killed, five of them came with 5 powerhouse to avenge.

Kill the Pill Venerable by the target!

“Xiao Changfeng, you dare to kill my clan brother, today, blood flowing into a river here, corpses are everywhere!”

Qiu Yin Demi-God stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the doctor Holy City. The sound of killing intent was heard from all directions.

“Blood flowing into a river, corpses raging across the field!”

Many powerhouses on the ice boat shouted in unison.

Their voice was cold, like a sharp horn, passing through the entire night sky, and spreading far to the sky, frightening the silence around.


“The war is finally about to begin!”

Countless people held their breath, waiting, looking forward to it.

At this time, although Lu Jiang and the others looked pale and fearful, they never left.

They gritted their teeth and made the toughest decision in life!


At this time, under the attention of everyone.

Several silhouettes flew out of the medical Holy City.

As the first person, it is Xiao Changfeng!

And behind him, there are two figures.

One is Iron Heavenly Venerate, and the other is Nine Headed Snake originally guarded in Dan City!

3 people VS800!

Tianmeng VS Frost Snow Divine City!

The war is on the verge!

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