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Ju Bai Demi-God!

That’s a siege of the city, beheading the public, a powerful peerless powerhouse.

Such a Peak powerhouse is so dead?

This can be even more trembling than the deaths of alien snow apes and red-eyed snow wolf.

Everyone was dumbstruck, froze in place, trembling inwardly.

And Daizong turned into a statue, his face lost his soul.

“No… impossible, Jubai Demi-God will never fall like this, he must have a back…”

Dai Zong muttered to himself, unwilling to accept this reality.

Qiu Bai Demi-God is dead, even his head is bombarded, and Sea of ​​Consciousness is also shattered.

Unless there is a divine object, you cannot be resurrected.

And Qiu Bai Demi-God obviously does not have that divine object.

The white Demi-God is indeed divine spear.

With Luo Xue’s armor and Yin-divine divine spear, master 3 kinds of magical powers, and many martial skills.

It is also a special cultivation technique of cultivation, refining Extreme-Cold Qi, which can freeze through the mountains and rivers and destroy one side.

But his true strength is lower than that of Jiang Gu Demi-God.

In the Myriad Realms list, but ranked 150 6 that’s all.

In the eyes of others, he is invincible.

But in Xiao Changfeng’s view, it’s just the stronger ants that’s all.

Today’s Xiao Changfeng is comparable to Heaven’s Chosen, the top 5 monsters in Myriad Realms.

Five Elements immortal physique has reached Perfection Realm, perfect and flawless, comparable to low grade Divine Item.

And the sword intent gets tempering, which is more powerful.

Five Elements True Yuan has more than 90000 4000 drops.

It is getting closer and closer to the limit of 100000.

If Qiu Bai Demi-God does not have Luoxue Shenjia protection, I am afraid that Xiao Changfeng will have been killed.

At this time under the attention of everyone.

Qiu Bai Demi-God fell, but the new Legendary was born.

“Master Pill Venerable is mighty!”

Someone reacted and cheered.

Suddenly everyone was boiling, the cheers were shaking.

The appearance of Frost Snow Divine City, Slaughter all sides of the white Demi-God, beheaded.

Let all the native creatures within ten thousand li be shiver coldly and live through the difficulties.

The existence of Jubai Demi-God is like a sword hanging above his head.

I don’t know when it will fall, beheaded, and dead body.

Therefore, everyone is afraid and afraid of Qiu Bai Demi-God.

But it is different now.

Qiubai Demi-God is dead, and even her head is smashed.

I can’t come back to life again.

The sword hanging above everyone’s head finally disappeared.

Whether it was Lu Jiang or others, they all wept with joy, cheering excitedly from the heart.

In the presence, only Daizong’s face was very ugly.

“Qiu Bai Demi-God is dead? Do I have to watch Xiao Changfeng’s face live alive in the future?”

Dai Zong was very unwilling to turn over the river and the sea.

Although his background is low, his ambition is great.

Before Spirit Qi recovered, he had no background and no innate talent, but he dared to fight and dare to fight.

forcibly ascend and become a Saint, became a demon Saint.

Originally, there was a Hall 2 meeting of Nine Great Sects and 5 Great Heavenly Venerate families on their heads.

Although he was ambitious, he could not go further.

But the arrival of Spiritual Qi’s recovery gave him a chance.

As early as at first, he discovered the dawn of hope.

So he looted wildly and did his best.

Whether it’s murdering to seize the treasures, it’s a conspiracy to harm others, and everything is used.

It is precisely because of this, he quickly increased his strength, breakthrough to Heavenly Venerable Realm.

After that, he continued to burn and loot, constantly improving his strength.

Finally, he was lucky enough to get a low grade Divine Crystal and was promoted to Demi-God.

So he occupied the place, established Hanging City, and gathered a group of subordinates.

He wild ambition, want to become stronger.

So he took the initiative to get in touch with Shuang Xue Divine City.

And secretly went to see Dei-God, and expressed allegiance.

The task of Qiu Bai Demi-God this time is to siege the land and occupy a site.

Therefore, Daizong came to vote with his heart.

The two of them hit it off at once, and became embarrassed.

The idea of ​​the alliance was proposed by Dai Sect Master.

He wanted to establish an alliance first, and then look for opportunities to let many powerhouses die in the hands of Qiu Bai Demi-God. The two sides worked together against each other.

And this idea, Qiu Bai Demi-God also nodded agreed.

And he was specially given a jade pendant.

As long as it is crushed by special means, Qiu Bai Demi-God will receive the induction and take the initiative to show up to help Daizong.

At this time, the sudden arrival of Xiao Changfeng made Daizong feel bad.

So he crushed the jade pendant and attracted Jubai Demi-God.

Only the final result made him startled.

The powerful Qiubai Demi-God actually died in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

This made Daizong unacceptable, and at the moment it was constantly cursing in the heart.

“No, I can never give up the position of the alliance. With his own nature, there will definitely be nothing to do with me in the future.”

Daizong’s eyes rolled, and his mind was thinking quickly.

The alliance is something that he has contributed to, and the position of Alliance Leader is something he wants to get.

Before his nodded support, there is a guarantee of white Demi-God.

But now Qiu Bai Demi-God is dead. If you continue, the position of Alliance Leader may be really lost.

Daizong will never allow this to happen.

“By the way, there are many out-of-boundary powerhouses in Frost Snow Divine City. If they knew that Qiu Bai Demi-God was killed by Xiao Changfeng, they would definitely avenge their revenge.”

“I have to continue to be patient, and wait for today’s banquet to pass, and then go to Divine City to tell the story.”

“Although Xiao Changfeng is strong, Divine City has more than 1000 powerhouses outside the realm. With his own strength, how can he resist? when the time comes Other people will certainly be implicated, I will stand up again, Alliance Leader, Still mine!”

Dai Zong thought 10000 1000 in mind, and had already thought of a 10000 total strategy.

Xiao Changfeng’s power made him palpitate, and he did not dare to express his opposition at this time.

But the people of Shuangxue Divine City will never watch Qiubai Demi-God die.

When the time comes when the crane clams fight, he will benefit from the fisherman.

Thinking of this, Dai Zong’s face re-emerged with a smile.

“Xiao Alliance Leader is powerful and unrivalled throughout the world. Today, he even cut 3 out-of-boundary powerhouses and congratulated him as Alliance Leader!”

Daizong raised his glass and spoke aloud, congratulating Xiao Changfeng.

His voice was clear and powerful, so that everyone could hear it.

Everyone’s eyes are weird, obviously didn’t expect in this case, he can still disguise so.

However, Daizong deservedly smiled at the tiger’s nickname, the expression was calm and remained unmoved.

If there are not enough people in Ayutthaya, I am afraid he will really be deceived by him.

The crowd stopped to cheer, one after another looked at Xiao Changfeng.

They knew that the matter between Xiao Changfeng and Daizong was not over yet.

However, they felt that Daizong had lowered his posture, and that today’s World War I was enough to leave a deep impression on his heart.

Perhaps Xiao Changfeng will accept Daizong and take it under his hands.

At this moment, under everyone’s attention.

Xiao Changfeng also set his sights on Daizong again.

However, what he said made everyone feel trembling.

“Did you kill yourself, or should I help you?”

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