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Qiu Bai Demi-God spurt a large mouthful of blood, blood spilled into the sky, scarlet eyes.

Qiu Bai Demi-God’s body flew out again.

This time, it hit the Hanging City.


Suddenly, the entire Hanging City shook violently, and a large mountain of rocks fell, but it did not fall, but remained suspended in midair.

However, many palaces in the city collapsed, and countless grass and trees were destroyed.

There is one after another cracks meandering, like a spider web.

Many of the demonic beasts living in Hanging City are now directly killed by death, violent death.

And Lu Jiang and the others are also staggering, and some are unstable.

But they didn’t care about themselves.

Instead, they looked up together and looked at the falling white Demi-God.

I saw a huge deep pit, Qiu Bai Demi-God 4 lying on the back with 8 forks.

The blue hair is like a chicken coop at the moment, messy.

The original white face was pale as paper at the moment.

He gasped heavily, but he still vomited blood in his mouth.

But the most eye-catching.

It is the horrible to see rift on Luo Xue’s armor.

A crack in the length of the chopsticks manifested on the Luo Xue Shenjia, very dazzling.

Yin Hong’s blood ran out of the cracks and stained his shirt.

It was with this sword that Qiu Bai Demi-God was seriously injured.


Seeing this scene, everyone inhaled coolly, their faces scared.

This Luoxue Shenjia is no ordinary treasure.

It’s a real Divine Item.

Faced with such a Divine Item, most people simply cannot compete.

You can’t even shake it, let alone destroy it.

However, Xiao Changfeng first punched it down.

At this time another sword cut a crack, the sword splits the armor.

This … this is incredible!

“Does Pill Venerable also have a sword?”

Many people speculate that after all, only Divine Item can deal with Divine Item.

However, Divine Item is rare. At the moment in Hanging City, no one owns Divine Item.

Daizong, who is incapable of life, cannot have it.

For a time, everyone’s confidence in Xiao Changfeng’s ability to defeat Qiu Bai Demi-God was even greater.


Xiao Changfeng is proud to stand in the air, with indifferent eyes, like Eternally Blue Sky.

Open your mouth again at this time.

Between the roars, the thunder exploded, and the sword energy was in awe.

The bronze sword silk once again cut through the sky, splitting the space and traversing the sky.

It seems to be cut from before the ancients, able to cut off years and destroy 10000 ancients.


In the shocked eyes of everyone, the bronze sword wire descended from the sky and went straight to the white Demi-God.

It doesn’t seem to kill Qiu Bai Demi-God.

Although Qiu Bai Demi-God has Luoxue Shenjia.

But it’s just low grade Divine Item that’s all.

And his Void Flying Sword has reached half Immortal Grade level.

Coupled with the abundant Five Elements True Yuan, it was exhibited with Immortal Sword Technique.

Its formable power is one point better than the ordinary low grade Divine Item.

It is precisely because of this that before the sword can be cracked, the white Demi-God can be cut.

“Snow ape, snow wolf, kill me!”

Qiu Bai Demi-God in the deep pit looked at the sword energy like the rainbow bronze sword silk, and suddenly the pupil contracted suddenly and ordered aloud.


“ao wu! ”

The alien snow apes and red-eyed snow wolves are already in a hurry.

Hearing the orders of Qiu Bai Demi-God at this time, he immediately roared and rushed towards Xiao Changfeng.


The alien snow ape is Demi-God’s strength, and at the moment is outraged, ruthless.

Instantly opened the field, Time and Space Strength wandering in it.

I saw a blizzard, which turned into a blizzard and covered half of the sky.

And its already huge body, now inflated, becomes even larger.

Holding a big black stick in his hand, divine might be awesome.

“Low grade Magical Powers: Blood Eye Sword!”

The red-eyed snow wolf also shot suddenly and directly performed the magical powers technique.

I saw his eyes redden, as if he could coagulate blood.

But it was not blood, but 2 bloody sword glow.

These 2 word glows are only about one inch, but they are full of blood and ruthless aura.

It seems to be the sword of the fierce beast that killed 1000000 creatures.

sword glow destroys and withers, no stronghold one cannot overcome wherever he goes.

2 Bloody sword glow runs across the sky and goes straight to Xiao Changfeng’s throat and heart.

“Pill Venerable is in danger!”

Lu Jiang felt nervous and worried.

“Qiu Bai Demi-God is already very strong, plus 2 Demi-God Demonic beast, this level of strength, who can block it!”

“Unfortunately, Daizong and Master Pill Venerable are not the same, otherwise he and Li Xie can also share one for Master Pill Venerable.”

“Sir Pill Venerable, don’t worry if you are 10000000 million, otherwise we can only live under the obscene powerhouse powerhouse.”

When everyone saw this scene, they were also trembling, and Qi Qi was worried for Xiao Changfeng.

After all, this time it can be a single fight.

Whether it is alien snow ape or red-eyed snow wolf, it is Demi-God powerhouse.

And it is also an out-of-boundary powerhouse, with strong power and numerous treasures.


At this time, on the other side, Qiu Bai Demi-God has come out of the pit.

Holding Yin Yin divine spear, although hematemesis again, but blocked the bronze 2nd Strike.

Instead of quickly shooting, he took out the divine medicine from the storage ring, swallowed it down, and quickly recovered from his injury.

As a result, the situation of Xiao Changfeng is even more precarious.

this moment.

3 Demi-God teamed up to siege, and Xiao Changfeng was a single player.

Everyone in Hanging City was worried, but no one dared to shoot.

As for Daizong, it was impatient hope that Xiao Changfeng died.

The dangerous breath fills Heaven and Earth.

However, Xiao Changfeng stood at the same place, but his expression remained unchanged, fearless fearless, as if he did not care about the situation at this time.

This made everyone more worried about him.


At this time, the alien snow apes carried a heavy snowstorm, holding a big black stick, and the one fell down, just like the collapse of the gods.

Space can’t withstand such forces and spread all over the dense Space Crack.

The power of terrifying makes people’s hearts sink, just like the ants are facing Mount Tai.

There is a sense of insignificance and powerlessness in my heart.

Heterogeneous snow apes are naturally strong as an ox, with thick skin and thick flesh, and strong fleshy body.

It is Demi-God’s strength, with Xuanhuang Spirit Qi, very powerful.

Although it is not as good as Jubai Demi-God, it is also much stronger than Daizong’s.

At the moment, a bludgeon hit and the snowstorm attacked, wanting to cooperate with the red-eyed snow wolf, seriously injured Xiao Changfeng.

“trivial ant !”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly and immediately shot.

Instead of taking out the Divine Item, he clenched his fists in both hands.

“Strongest fist!”

Strongest fist reappears, Five Colored Spirit Light shines on Heaven and Earth, shining brightly.


Punched on the black stick with a punch, making a huge noise from Hong Zhong Da Lu.

The second punch is to cross the black stick and hit the alien snow ape directly.

Although the alien snow ape has thick skin and thick meat, strong as an ox, how can it be compared with Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique.

even more how this is the strongest fist that condenses Xiao Changfeng 3 great means.


A huge blood hole formed on the chest of alien snow ape.

With one punch, the alien snow ape is dead!

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