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Daizong said devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

It also pushed Xiao Changfeng to the front.

At this moment, everyone felt awe-inspiring.

Finally guessed Daizong’s counterattack.

Terrifying !

Very ruthless !


No one didn’t expect, Daizong hasn’t been attacked, and is waiting for Xiao Changfeng here.

Today’s alliance aims to unite everyone and fight against powerhouse outside the realm.

Then as an Alliance Leader, you will definitely face the out-of-bounds powerhouse.

Previously, Daizong embraced both hands and agreed to let Xiao Changfeng serve as the Alliance Leader.

Obviously want to hold him high.

Then when it encounters this situation, push it out again.

This is just and honourable conspiracy.

It’s impossible to refuse, to say nothing.

At this time, Qiu Bai Demi-God is coming on a raging battle. As the Alliance Leader, Xiao Changfeng is bound to stand up for a battle.


This white Demi-God was invited by Daizong himself.

Otherwise, how could Qiu Bai Demi-God suddenly come at this time?

Thinking of this, everyone’s heart shivered.

For Daizong’s scheming and very ruthless, he became more and more afraid.

It really is the nickname of the smiling tiger.

“You are this shit Alliance Leader?”

Qiu Demi-God’s lips flicked, her eyes cold, staring at Xiao Changfeng.

The killing intent in the eyes was a bit cold and awesome.


The people who had gathered around Xiao Changfeng all around suddenly dispersed, and they dared not stay where they were.

Fear of being brought to disaster to innocent people.

At this time, Daizong still maintained a gesture of saluting.


Xiao Changfeng put down the wine glass in his hand, raised his head slightly, and looked at Qiu Bai Demi-God.

The gaze full of cold killing intent has no effect on Xiao Changfeng.

At the moment Xiao Changfeng looked at Qiu Bai Demi-God and spoke lightly.

“Roll, or die!”


Xiao Changfeng’s remark immediately shook the audience.

No one didn’t expect, in this case, Xiao Changfeng not only did not flinch, but was so strong.

Jubai Demi-God is a horrible powerhouse that even slaughters dozens of cities.

Although Xiao Changfeng once killed the Demi-God in the out-of-bounds powerhouse.

However, there are several Demi-God powerhouses that died in the hands of Qiu Demi-God.

Even more how Daizong was waiting for an opportunity.

Qiu Bai Demi-God still has 2 Demi-God Demonic beast.

Is he really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth?

Suddenly everyone backed up more and dared not approach Xiao Changfeng.

Only Su Qingli and Daizong were still there.

Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Qiu Bai Demi-God stared straight at him.

Like a hungry wolf, thick killing intent and cold chill flashed in the pupil light.

“The ants, really thought that being a bully Alliance Leader would command the world?”

“During this time, I beheaded more than 7 indigenous people, including 3 Heavenly Venerates and 4 Demi-Gods.”

“Congratulations, you will be the eighth!”


The sensational killing intent in Qiu Demi-God’s words makes everyone’s scalp numb.

They have seen that Qiu Bai Demi-God has been completely angry, and what is waiting for Xiao Changfeng will be a thunderbolt-like killing.

Although Xiao Changfeng is famous, he once killed the powerhouse outside the realm.

But in the face of Jubai Demi-God, is there really a chance of winning?

No one can be sure.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were shining, and they were waiting for the outbreak of this war.


Qiu Bai Demi-God’s voice fell, it was a direct shot.

I saw him stretch out his hand and wave.

In the blink of an eye, the cold air was like an unrolled bolt of white silk, spanning several thousand meters, and went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

The coldness was extremely lingering, as if it had been born since 9 Youxia.

Let everyone shudder, only feel that even the soul will be frozen.

Qiu Bai Demi-God owns Divine Physique and masters Extreme-Cold Qi.

I used this Extreme-Cold Qi to kill 100000 creatures in a cold, terrifying.

At this time, although it was just a hit, it was also full of killing intent.

Vow to freeze Xiao Changfeng into ice sculpture and wipe it out.

Extreme-Cold Qi roared, and the air passed by was frozen into frost.

No one can stop it, and no one dares to stop it.


In an instant, this Extreme-Cold Qi came to Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly all around the ground, tables and chairs, and the jade dew in the wine glass were frozen into frost.

Even Su Qingliu’s black hair has a touch of frost and fog.

this moment.

Frightened in the hearts of everyone, Qiqi set his sights on Xiao Changfeng.

Want to see if he really has the strength to fight against Jubai Demi-God.

Finally, when Extreme-Cold Qi is about to fall on him.

Xiao Changfeng shot.


Different from what everyone guessed.

Xiao Changfeng did not display any martial skill or Magical Powers.

Instead, he sucked in his mouth, swallowing Extreme-Cold Qi into his abdomen like a whale sucking water.

unrolled bolt of white silk Generally, there is enough Extreme-Cold Qi of 1000 meters in size.

In this way, Xiao Changfeng was easily engulfed.

On the other hand, Xiao Changfeng covered his body, but there was no slight scar.

It seems that the thick Extreme-Cold Qi has no effect on him.

“This… how is this possible?”

Seeing this scene, the crowd exclaimed in shock, and there was no recovery.

Qiu Bai Demi-God’s Extreme-Cold Qi can freeze 10000 things and destroy all living beings.

Enough to freeze a large mountain into ice slag.

It was actually swallowed by Xiao Changfeng.

This is incredible!

Everyone stared at Xiao Changfeng with wide eyes.

The name Pill Venerable, name shakes the whole world, has long been known to the world.

However, there are not many people who know his true strength.

even more how now Xiao Changfeng is refining divine gold in Taichu Gold Mine, making Five Elements immortal physique Perfection.

Therefore, outsiders do not even know the strength of Xiao Changfeng.

For a time, everyone was stunned.

It was Daizong, and his eyes were fixed at this time, which exceeded expectations.

“good very good!”

Qiu Bai Demi-God slightly startedled, but soon his face was filled with thick brutality and fierceness.

With a pair of eyes, the murderous intention is stronger.

“It is no wonder that I can stop my Extreme-Cold Qi, so no one dares to be so arrogant, but today, no one can save you. I want to cut your head and hang over the head of Frost Snow Divine City.”

“In order to warn you this group of ants against me, only the dead end!”

Qiu Bai Demi-God tone barely fell, it is shot again.

At this time, he is no longer a hit.

“Sky level advanced martial skill: Ice and Snow Extreme Cold palm!”


I saw White’s Extreme-Cold Qi, surging like a tide.

Quickly condensed into a large palm covering the sky, a size of 1000 meters.

This palm is completely condensed by Extreme-Cold Qi, together with Xuanhuang Spirit Qi and special mystic method.

Makes this palm come to life with clear palm lines.

Like a blow from Goddess, it can freeze 4 squares and smash the ground.

With a palm down, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, coldness filled.

It seems that even time and space are frozen and unable to flow.

It seemed that the rivers were frozen all the time, and thus frozen.

Under one palm, the entire Hanging City was trembling and seemed to be afraid.

As for the many creatures in the city, it is terrified, shiver coldly.

Many people quickly retreated and flew directly out of Hanging City, away from the battlefield.

“This time see how you die!”

Dai Zong sneered in his heart, looking forward to Xiao Changfeng’s miserable death.

And at the moment.

Xiao Changfeng stood up and looked at Qiu Bai Demi-God and spoke lightly.

“Since you don’t want to get away, die!”

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