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Doctor Holy City is here!

Hearing this news, all of them looked sideways.

Before the recovery of Spiritual Qi, Medical Holy City was a famous city.

It is the headquarters of the Medicine Refining Master Association, which is famous in China.

After the recovery of Spiritual Qi, the medical Holy City still maintains a strong battle strength.

Especially the last battle between Xiao Changfeng and Jiang Gu Demi-God made the medical Holy City more famous.

In the past six months, ten or three wave attacks have all failed.

It is also not dare to underestimate Holy City.

That 6 Ding 6 Jia Xian array is even more frightening.

Therefore, the news of the coming of Doctor Holy City immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Daizong is no exception.

He sent an invitation to the doctor Holy City, but he did not hope.

After all, the opponent has enough strength and confidence to reject himself.

But now it seems!

The other party still bowed his head.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Daizong’s face.

I saw in the petals of the sky, a man and a woman came together.

The man is delicate and pretty, but has a temperament of out of the ordinary.

The woman is beautiful, but it is not a vase. It is elegant and full of gas.

“Really Su Qingli!”

Su Qingli is in charge of the 4 Chamber of Commerce.

In the past six months, the leading doctor Holy City resisted 3 waves of attacks, and was even more famous.

So many people knew Su Qingli and recognized it at a glance.

But at this time Su Qingli was half a step behind.

The man stood in front.

This forced everyone to focus more on men.

The man is dressed in a jade embroidered gold-rimmed robe, with a clear appearance, young age, and no strong breath.

But it seemed that the owner of this place was walking in the court, without any discomfort.

“Who is he, why haven’t he seen him?”

Many people were surprised.

Xiao Changfeng is very famous, and once made a lot of noise in Middle-earth.

But the person who really saw him, but one hair from nine oxen.

Moreover, most of the powerhouses gathered here are spiritual Qi after the recovery.

Therefore, not many people know Xiao Changfeng.

At this time each and everyone brows tightly knit, thinking in his heart.

“Su Young Lady is here, Daimou is not very honored, has not consulted this brother’s high name?”

Dai Zong, who was the master of this place, stepped out of the crowd and greeted with a smile.

At the same time, it is also guessing the identity of Xiao Changfeng.

“Brother Daizong!”

Su Qingli hasn’t even spoken yet, but Lu Jiang’s silhouette was drilled from the side, the expression changed drastically, and his voice trembles, like a ghost.

“Brother Lu, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Lu Jiang look like this, Daizong’s heart started, a little puzzled.

At this time, Lu Jiang shuddered, but he didn’t dare to remind.

“Brother Daizong, this is Pill Venerable!”

Lu Jiang is a human being. Although he was only a Paragon powerhouse before, he was fortunate to have seen Xiao Changfeng once.

So recognized it.

“What? He is Lord Pill Venerable?”

“My God, isn’t it said that Master Pill Venerable went to the Taichu Gold Mine. Hasn’t there been news for more than half a year, it will appear here.”

“No wonder Su Qing dare to go to the banquet alone, it turned out to be Pill Venerable.”

As soon as Lu Jiang’s words came out, the scene was full of sensation.

The crowd was upset.

Pill Venerable Xiao Changfeng!

This has become a Legendary name.

Before the recovery of Spiritual Qi, Xiao Changfeng took the first place in the Hidden Dragon List as a dark horse.

It is even more effective to kill the 100 poisonous Holy Son, challenge the Ouyang Family, and destroy the Martial Spirit Hall.

All kinds of deeds can’t be counted with one hand.

After the recovery of Spiritual Qi, although there are not many deeds.

But to protect the Dan City, even cut the powerhouse out of bounds.

He also won back to Holy City from Jiang Gu Demi-God.

These two things have awakened everyone’s memory of Xiao Changfeng.

It is said that he can even kill Demi-God powerhouse.

This is like a legend.

How many of the native souls can do it?

With all this, Xiao Changfeng’s name has long spread throughout the world.

No one didn’t expect, Renowned Pill Venerable, would actually come to the Alliance party.

“There is a bad person!”

Someone looked at Xiao Changfeng and sighed.

All of you who came here today are Ruler of all influence.

They are pregnant with ghosts and have different thoughts.

But none of them are stupid people.

Daizong discusses alliances and wants to be an Alliance Leader.

With his strength, plus the power of Hanging City.

Everyone who is here today knows the truth and knows that the result is irreversible.

But now Xiao Changfeng is here.

This is the biggest variable.

On fame, Xiao Changfeng’s fame is far greater than Daizong.

In terms of strength, Xiao Changfeng once killed the Demi-God in the out-of-world powerhouse.

And Daizong is just a powerful Demi-God that’s all.

In terms of power, there are 3 Four Sects behind Xiao Changfeng, and Daizong has only one Hanging City.

Whether it is fame, strength or power.

Xiao Changfeng dumped several streets of Daizong.

If it is a matter of negotiating an alliance today, the position of this alliance remains to be discussed.

Daizong thought of this at the moment, too, and his heart sank, a little dignified.

But on the surface he still had a warm smile.

“Pill Venerable is here, it’s really awesome. Pill Venerable and Su Young Lady can come to the party. It is really a big face for the younger brother. Come here, this seat is Pill Venerable.”

Dai Zong lowered his posture and greeted him warmly, and gave Xiao Changfeng and Su Qinglian the best positions.

It seems to really succumb to the name of Pill Venerable.

But everyone familiar with him knows that this smiling tiger will never give up on this.

I am afraid that this alliance gathering today will cause more trouble!


Xiao Changfeng nodded, un’ed, took Su Qingli to the position.

Did not greet others warmly.

This situation is also people in ones heart trembled.

A jade pendant appeared quietly in Daizong’s hands.

He crushed it in a special way.

Then the jade pendant turned into powder, scattered in the air.

This action is extremely subtle, except that Xiao Changfeng has thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

No one found!

After doing all this, Daizong still greeted everyone with a warm smile.

Gradually, no new people have arrived for a long time.

Obviously everything that should come has already come, and what should not have come has come.

“I announce that the party will begin!”

Daizong raised his glass and spoke loudly, announcing the beginning of the party.

Suddenly singing and dancing, the voluptuous Banshee twisted his body, and the demonic beast of the bird spoke, making a pleasant cry.

Spirit Fruit Jade Dew, keep moving up, drink unlimited.

Soon the entire venue turned into a lively ocean.

Xiao Changfeng and Su Qinglian sat in position, staying unmoved if they were outside of the situation.

This makes those who care about them also have a heart in their hearts.


After three rounds of drinking, Daizong spoke again and talked about the business.

“Spiritual Qi is now recovering, powerhouses outside the world are constantly coming, and troubled times are coming. As a local creature, we should be united and overcome the difficulties…”

Dai Zong kept opening his mouth and doing the opening remarks, while everyone listened.

“So I suggest that we should form an alliance and unify our progress.”

Finally, Daizong still revealed the alliance’s proposal.

But at the moment everyone did not speak, and there was silence.

One after another gaze, vaguely looking at Xiao Changfeng, waiting for his statement.

At this time, Su Qingli took the initiative to stand up and spoke aloud:

“I agree!”

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