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The ancient ruins are a remote place in Middle-earth.

There are many ruins left by Ancient Era, and Xiao Changfeng found many treasures in it.

I even saw Artifact Spirit and learned about the existence of the Yin-Yang inverted mirror.

But now Spirit Qi is recovering, the world is changing, and other places like ancient ruins are gradually showing their true colors.

The ancient ruins at this time are moving, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad.

But it increased the sense of urgency in Xiao Changfeng’s heart.

In order to find the Third Sister and the medically Heavenly Venerate and the others, he must go to see the ancient ruins.

Although there is no accurate news yet.

But if it is really in ancient ruins.

In the current situation, I am afraid that the danger is unpredictable.

After all, most of the out-of-boundary powerhouses flooded into the ancient ruins, and it will surely be the dragon wars, the tiger battles.

With the strength of Third Sister and Heavenly Venerate and the others, it is almost difficult to compete.

“Is Artifact Spirit about to wake up?”

Thinking of this change, Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, thinking about it.

At the beginning of the pyramid, he had seen Artifact Spirit.

But Artifact Spirit fell into a deep sleep, he couldn’t wake up.

Now that Spirit Qi is recovering, Heavenly Dao will be lifted soon.

At this time, the movement of the ancient ruins, is it possible that Artifact Spirit wants to take the opportunity to wake up and reproduce the world?

Xiao Changfeng is not sure for the time being, and everything must be decided after exploring the ancient ruins.

“Apart from this, what else?”

3 major events, Xiao Changfeng already know, but he can still know about Heavenly Chance Sect, Jade Girl Sect and so on.

After all, these sects are old with him.

“Master Xiao, Heavenly Chance Sect and Holy Land are far away from this place, and with the current situation, we cannot know their situation.”

“As for the Jade Girl Sect and 100 surnames, Thousand Illusory Sect.”

“Now the Jade Girl Sect is under attack from a powerhouse outside the world. The situation is unknown. The 100 surname Zong is In name only, headed by Yunding Saint.

“As for Thousand Illusory Sect, because it is located in the south, close to the mountain range of the broken dragon, the situation today is a bit complicated, but it has not been exterminated by Sect.”

Su Qingli sat in Dancheng and Holy City during this time.

Although he tried his best to inquire about the news, but with the chaotic situation nowadays, very few can be inquired about.

even more how Middle-earth is now ten times larger than before.

The increase in distance also makes the delivery of messages slower.

Today, Dan City and Holy City can be considered because of Transmission Array.

As for other places, she is also helpless.

Hearing Su Qingli’s introduction, Xiao Changfeng remained silent, tapping his fingers gently on the armrest.

The emperor Wang Shuxian, Lin Lang Saintess, Fu Xiaowan and the others are all old.

Yunding Saint with 100 surnames, Zhao Fugui and the others are also his friends.

As for Thousand Illusory Sect, Xiao Changfeng once entrusted Su Qinglian to learn Illusion Technique.

I have also met the auspicious Holy Son, and later established Tianmeng, Thousand Illusory Sect also took the initiative to join.

All this makes Xiao Changfeng have a lot of favors for Thousand Illusory Sect.

But now there are 4 beehives, and he is everywhere to save the fire, but it does not help.

“Master Xiao, there is one more thing that needs your decision.”

Su Qingli whispered respectfully.


Xiao Changfeng was slightly surprised, looking at Su Qinglian, waiting for her following.

“Master Xiao, Spirit Qi is now recovering, and the powers are coming together. Although there are powerhouses coming out of the border, many of our native souls have also born Heavenly Venerable Realm, and even Demi-God’s powerhouse.”

“They occupy the city or the top of the mountain, stand on their own as the king, and dominate the side.”

“However, some people have recently proposed to join forces, form an alliance, and meet the enemy together. Invitations have been sent.”

Su Qingli said, taking a bronzing invitation from the storage ring.

Xiao Changfeng took the invitation and opened it.

It was sent by someone named Daizong.

The invitation said that in 3 days, a league party will be held in Hanging City, and people from the medical Holy City are invited to participate.

“Who is this Daizong?”

Xiao Changfeng held the invitation and asked Su Qinglian.

He was not surprised about the league.

The advent of powerhouses outside the realm has brought tremendous pressure.

There will always be intelligent people who will come up with alliances.

Only this Daizong, he had never heard of it.

“Master Xiao, this Daizong is Monster Race. It was Monster Saint before the recovery of Spiritual Qi. Later, I didn’t know what opportunities I got, and it became Heavenly Venerate, and now it has become Demi-God powerhouse.”

“In recent years he has occupied a newly emerged mountain. This mountain is standing in the air. He built the city and named it Hanging City.”

“This city is about 8,000 miles away from this place. This invitation not only gave us, he also sent the city and the hilltop of ten thousand li.”

“This person’s ambition is not small, I am afraid that he wants to form an alliance and become an Alliance Leader.”

Su Qingli opened his mouth and revealed the origin of Daizong and the location of Hanging City.

“It’s a great tone to form an alliance and act as Alliance Leader!”

Xiao Changfeng has not spoken yet, Iron Heavenly Venerate is coldly snorted, very disagree.

“Elder Xiao, although the three clubs of Four Sects are busy now, I still agree with Tianmeng. I only agree that you are an Alliance Leader.”

Tie Heavenly Venerate’s eyes are gleaming, looking at Xiao Changfeng.

At the beginning of the 3rd meeting Four Sects, the Sky Alliance was formed to welcome the recovery of Spiritual Qi.

It’s just that they didn’t expect Spiritual Qi to recover so quickly, and the powerhouse outside the world is so strong.

This led to today’s all split up and in pieces.

But on Alliance Leader, Iron Heavenly Venerate only convinces Xiao Changfeng.

As for the others, he will not agree!

“Elder Xiao, when you were in a hurry, you have not officially taken over the Alliance Leader. Now I propose to restart Tianmeng. You are Alliance Leader.”

Iron Heavenly Venerate is a rectal man. He thought about what to say and spoke directly at this time to express his thoughts.

Tianmeng was established at the beginning, and has taken shape, although now others are not there.

But restarting Tianmeng is imperative. This time, it is necessary to let Xiao Changfeng take the position of Alliance Leader.

Spiritual Qi’s plight after recovery, the strength of Xiao Changfeng in the early gold mine.

All make Iron Heavenly Venerate more convinced of Xiao Changfeng, and now he hopes that Xiao Changfeng can lead them and gain a foothold in this chaotic world.

“Master Xiao, the concubine also thinks this is feasible.”

Su Qingli’s beautiful eyes lit up, and also endorsed this proposal of Tie Heavenly Venerate.

“Elder Xiao, you agree!”

Tie Rujun also spoke quickly to promote this matter.

“I urge Elder Xiao to restart Tianmeng and become an Alliance Leader.”

At this time, all the people in the hall also opened their mouths, so please ask.

The cruelty of the troubled world, they have clearly understood.

If you want to survive, you must unite as one.

The strength, character, and courage of Xiao Changfeng are convincing.

Therefore, everyone hopes to be able to restart Tianmeng and become independent in this world.

Looking at the sincere eyes of Tie Heavenly Venerate, Su Qing’s pitiful look, Tie Rujun and the others look forward.

Xiao Changfeng only hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

“it is good!”

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng agreed to the request, restart Tianmeng, and appoint Alliance Leader!

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