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Xiao Changfeng is a canyon between 2 mountains.

Zhou Yuan overlooked the mountain on the left.

2 people stared at each other from a distance, their eyes collided, and there was a spark.

Started in Xiao Changfeng’s mind, didn’t expect actually met Zhou Yuan.

It seems that the black storm has blown Zhou Yuan to this area of ​​fire.

Zhou Yuan, has the title of 100 changes to Sky Monarch, and the Illusion Technique has reached the level of change, unpredictable.

And the origin is mysterious, means 100, and no one knows his true strength.

In the divine gold treasure house, Xiao Changfeng also accounted for Zhou Yuan’s injury before the sneak attack succeeded.

If you really talk about fighting, no one knows the outcome.

But at this time, the enemy met, and his eyes were extremely red.

Xiao Changfeng robbed Zhou Yuan of a treasure, without even letting Shenxing boots go.

Only Zhou Yuan left a pair of shorts.

This left deep shame and anger in Zhou Yuan’s heart.

He vowed to have to repay it 100 times, and robbed Xiao Changfeng.

He thought so before before the golden mist of the gods.

It is to cooperate with other people to siege Xiao Changfeng.

It was just a black storm that disrupted his plan.

But there are eyes in the sky.

Let him meet Xiao Changfeng here.

And Li Buyi is not around, only Xiao Changfeng.

“Surnamed Xiao, fat man and you are irreconcilable, there is no one else now, fat man must look good.”

Zhou Yuan’s chubby face was full of anger, and his eyes were very angry.

Both of his hands were clenched, and there was no need to hide their identity at this time.

“Your Ganges Xingsha is good.”

Xiaochangfeng was not afraid of being come to the door by the righteous Lord, but instead looked at Zhou Yuan with interest.

His injury has recovered and True Yuan has almost replenished.

“Waaaaaa, Fatty Fatty, if you don’t make you a pig’s head today, Fatty Fatty will not be named Zhou!”

Zhou Yuan didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng to actually stare at his own Ganges Xingsha.

Suddenly, the anger was more intense, yelling, anger was unstoppable.


Putting it forward, Zhou Yuan kicked the mountain directly off, and suddenly the mountain rushed out and slammed into Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng flicks with the finger is to directly blast the 100 meter mountain peak.

“Gangsha Xingsha!”

But would Zhou Yuan do this useless work?

Almost at the same time the mountain peak was bombed.

Ganges Xingsha was hidden in it, and suddenly came.

This Ganges star sand is formed by condensing the essence of stars, which can be empty and banned for 10000 years.

Before that, he used the Ganges Xingsha to imprison Xiao Changfeng to be unable to move.

At this time, he had no treasure, only this Ganges star sand, it will naturally not be used.

But Xiao Changfeng had expected it.

The mysterious body method combined with Shenxing boots turned into a trace of traces, withdrew and retreated, avoiding the Ganges Xingsha.

“You can’t escape!”

Zhou Yuan hair stands up in anger, controls the Ganges Xingsha, chases Xiao Changfeng, and vows to imprison him.

If there is only a magical boots, Xiao Changfeng may really be caught up.

This Ganges star sand is fine and dusty, and its size is extremely small, but its speed is extremely fast.

However, Xiao Changfeng mastered the mysterious body technique, turned it into a mark of the road, came and went without trace, and there was no shadow.

No matter how Zhou Yuan lays traps, he cannot trap Xiao Changfeng.

“Top Grade Magical Powers: Three Heads Six Arms!”

Seeing that the Ganges Xingsha could not trap Xiao Changfeng, Zhou Yuan was really angry.

He took the initiative to attack Xiao Changfeng, and at the same time exhibited the magical powers technique.

And his Divine Ability technique is also very out of the ordinary.

It turned out to be top grade Magical Powers.


I saw that he had grown 2 heads and 4 arms, which were added to the original head and arms.

It happens to be Three Heads Six Arms.

Originally, these Three Heads Six Arms all had a treasure, which could greatly increase Zhou Yuan’s strength.

But he has already been robbed by Xiao Changfeng, and there is only one piece of Ganges Xingsha left for all treasures.

Therefore, formidable power is also greatly reduced.

But treasure can be robbed, but martial skill cannot be taken away.

“Sky level advanced martial skill: Fire and Water 2 Fist!”

Zhou Yuan’s whole body, Xuanhuang Spirit Qi, runs, stretches out his hands, and actually displays the Confucian martial skill.

I saw his hands clenched fists, and there was an italics on each of his fists.

One is water and 2 is fire.

But just two words, it really evolved into water and fire.

And it’s not ordinary, the flames are hot and the water is surging.

The fire and water fists struck, and the two poles collided, directly blasting the space and shaking Heaven and Earth.

like a volcano and a big river is open.

But this is not the end.

“Tian-level advanced martial skill: Turn flowers like the palm of a Buddha!”

The second pair of arms is now empty.

The left hand is shaped like a flower, the right hand is a vertical palm.

The solemn appearance, Buddha’s radiance is bright, and it is an authentic Buddhism martial skill.

At this moment, both of his hands are raised, like the same Buddha Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged in the void, patted with a palm.

Can suppress demons and immobilize evildoers.

“Tian-level advanced martial skill: Tai Chi 2 yizhi!”

With the last pair of arms, Zhou Yuan displayed Taoist martial skill.

I saw a big white light on his left hand and a deep black glow on his right hand.

Fingers of both hands, black and white light intertwined, forming a small Yin-Yang Symbol case.

It seems to represent the beginning of 10000 things, which is very Dao Rhyme and contains deep meaning.

6 Arms out, all three martial skills of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are displayed.

And Zhou Yuan’s three heads did not let go.


The left side of his head opened his mouth and vomited, and immediately the pure Six-syllable True Words sounded.

With just and honourable and solemn appearance, the sound shook the sky and pressed towards Xiao Changfeng.

“Dao Ke Dao!”

The head in the middle appeared clear, the way was natural, and the Divine Consciousness condensed, turned into an invisible Divine Consciousness sword, and cut it towards Xiao Changfeng.

“Swords and tongues!”

The right side of his head opened his mouth directly, and he rushed out, turning into two pocket weapons, one shot and one sword.

Three Heads Six Arms, all have power.

The methods of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are simultaneously used.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan was also doing his best, no longer showing mercy.


I saw him stepping on the Big Dipper step, turning into a starlight, and killing him towards Xiao Changfeng.

Although not comparable to Xiao Changfeng’s mysterious body.

But attacking the Ganges Star Sands back and forth caused Xiao Changfeng to face it.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

In the face of Zhou Yuan, Xiao Changfeng didn’t dare to take it lightly, and at this time directly used Magical Powers.

Suddenly the black liquid flows and turns into Battle Armor, which is worn on the body.

At the same time, Yu Zi Jue is also a stimulus, making its defensive power stronger.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

You have Three Heads Six Arms and I have One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

Suddenly 2 Dharma bodies walked out of Xiao Changfeng’s within the body.

One holds the Heaven Shaking Drum and the other holds the mysterious scabbard.

These 2 Magical Powers are somewhat similar, but One Qi Becomes Three Purities is obviously more advanced.

咚dong dong!

The drum sounded like thunder, shaking the sky.

In an instant, Six-syllable True Words was suppressed.

The lips, guns, tongues and swords were also shaken by the sound of drums, on the verge of collapse, a little unstable.

“Sword of Divine Consciousness, cut!”

The golden light rises at the center of the eyebrows, and the thunderbolt Divine Consciousness gushes out, transforming into the sword of Divine Consciousness, slashing towards Zhou Yuan’s Divine Consciousness sword.

At this moment Zhou Yuan had already approached Xiao Changfeng.

“Invincible fighting intent!”

Xiao Changfeng directly aroused the invincible fighting intent of the White Tiger battle, and the fighting intent was like a raging wave, unyielding Heaven and Earth.

next moment, both of his hands make a fist.

Use strongest fist to hit Zhou Yuan.

Hit the sky with a punch and stomped Nine Provinces!

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