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When Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi crossed the boundary mountain range from the outer land and entered the inner land.

Encountered a black storm.

With the strength of Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi, they couldn’t resist in front of this black storm.

Eventually it was blown apart.

Xiao Changfeng went to the ancient stone forest, and Li Buyi fell into the lost grassland.

No one knows how the Black Storm came.

But at this time, this terrifying black storm appeared again.

And still deep in the gold mine in the early days.

That head doesn’t know what kind of creature it is.

But it is strong terrifying.

With just one breath, the dark storm that covered the sky and the sun blew out.

The black storm in the inner region has weakened countless times.

At this time, it was the first black storm.

I saw the black wind up to the sky and down to the earth.

The wind of black scrolls everything.

The space couldn’t resist and shook violently.

From afar, the entire Heaven and Earth looks like a scroll.

At this time, the picture was shaken.


Space shaking, time warping, energy pouring, like a flood flood.

“what is this?”

Li Fuyi, who was in a fierce battle, discovered the black storm for the first time.

Suddenly 3 people are complexion greatly changed.

Because they felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure.

There is a sense of crisis in life and death.

Like a ants standing in front of Mount Tai, they felt their own insignificance.

“It even aroused God’s golden mist, damn it, run away!”

Really Crown Prince Long looks extremely unsightly.

He found that this black storm was not only the case, but also made the golden fog of the gods blow up.

A trace of gold mist was caught in the black storm and scraped together.

This is the golden fog of the gods that can kill even the powerhouse.

With their strength, as long as they touch a trace, they will definitely die.

Not to mention the inexplicable black storm.

So for the first time, everyone is trying their best to flee.


I saw true Crown Prince Long’s whole body Dragon Qi broke out, the dragon power shook the world, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, shuttle space.

In an instant, it turned into a long rainbow thread and fled outward.

What is the golden light of Taoism at this moment, what is the light of Taoism.

None is as important as your own life.

“Li Buyi, you and I will fight again tomorrow!”

Dao Yi Demi-God did not dare to stay any longer.

Put away the divine wood peach sword, step on the sky, perform a special footwork, and leave.

“Damn, why was there an accident at this time!”

Zhou Yuan gnashing teeth, indignant in his heart.

Finally, Xiao Changfeng was forced into a desperate situation, he was ready to rob.

This accident happened.

The black storm was terrifying, and he did not dare to stay here.

The heart is very uneven.

Not only him, but also Lei Po Demi-God and the others, his smile stiffened and annoyed 10000 points.


Lei Po Demi-God fiercely gave Xiao Changfeng a glance, turned into a scarlet lightning, and fled towards the distance.

Green Maple Demi-God and Shi Zhong Demi-God and the others are the same.

At this moment the Black Storm was approaching quickly, and everyone had no time to even speak harshly.

Just be able to take the opportunity to escape.

“Sir, this place is dangerous, let’s go!”

Li Buyi came to Xiao Changfeng’s side, and was eager to speak, not daring to stay.

The black storm was too terrifying, they had experienced it once before.

This time, the formidable power is stronger than before. I don’t know how many times.


Xiao Changfeng is not a reckless person.

At this time nodded, quickly take out the divine medicine into the entrance.

While recovering from the injury, he and Li Buyi fled outward.

At this time, everyone is running away, not paying attention to others at all.

However, Xiao Changfeng turned back slightly and glanced at Shenmei Jinwu.

He saw the fuzzy head.

I saw the eyes like sun and moon.

“That is……”

Xiao Changfeng experienced and knowledgeable, Li Buyi and the others do not know.

But he had a guess in his heart.

It’s just that this guess is too unimaginable, so he can’t believe it.

At this moment, my heart was shocked, my eyes widened, and I was shocked.

Hu hu!

The black storm grew stronger, covering the sky and the sun, and there was nowhere to escape.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, approaching quickly.

So that everyone had to flee wildly.

At this time, the speed is dominant, and the slow speed is an anomaly.

Shi Zhong Demi-God defensive power is powerful, strong as an ox, but the speed is short.

Among the people, he is the slowest.

Although it was the first time to escape.

But soon he fell to the end.

The speed of Black Storm is much faster than him.


Seeing that the Black Storm was about to catch up with herself, Shi Zhong Demi-God was frightened and struggling wildly.

But even if he means 10000 1000, the strength is amazing.

In front of the black storm, it was helpless.

Soon, Black Storm successfully caught up with him.

The stone clock above him instantly turned into powder.

And his hard and strong body is simply unstoppable.

It was hit by a golden fog of gods and turned into fly ash directly.

Not even storage ring and Divine Item have been left.

Seeing the tragic ending of Shi Zhong Demi-God, everyone complexion greatly changed.

This black storm’s terrifying is far beyond everyone’s imagination.


Suddenly each and everyone used their own means to speed up and wanted to escape from the core.

Some people take out the Shenbao, some vomit blood powerfully, some people use the forbidden technique.

However, the speed of the Black Storm, the more it does not decrease, the more it increases, even faster and faster.

However, due to the larger impact range, the black storm’s formidable power has also weakened a lot.

But no one dared to try to resist.

After all, there is a lesson from the stone clock Demi-God.

“Not good, it’s catching up!”

The speed of the black storm is getting faster and faster, and in the end it is faster than lightning.

Passing along the way, flowers and trees, birds, animals, fish, insects, mountains and rivers were all destroyed.

A barren, like the end of the world.

“Ahhh !”

mournful scream sounded.

I saw that Qingfeng Demi-God was caught up by the black storm, was instantly submerged, and collapsed in shape.

Even Feng Shenzhi couldn’t hold it for long, and it shattered into powder.


Everyone was desperately trying to escape even if they were seriously injured.

As for the many dangers encountered along the way, it is nothing at the moment.

Where the black storm passed, 10000 things were destroyed, and no life was left.

Even some dangerous places could not be resisted and destroyed.

There were also some people who broke into the core on the way, and they all came for the light of enlightenment.

But they had never had time to go to the depths, at this time the black storm struck and directly killed them.

Death, destruction, desolation!

It has become a characteristic of the Black Storm, no one dares to resist, and they all run wild.

However, the speed of the black storm is getting faster and faster, like a rolling snowball, it can’t stop.


Xiao Changfeng and the others can’t escape fate.


The black storm hit, directly submerging Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi.

It was rolling out, and caught the others.

Fortunately, the Black Storm arrived here, and the formidable power has weakened by more than half.

So that Xiao Changfeng and the others will not be crushed in an instant.

But in the dark storm, no one knows what the final destiny is.

Is it dead?

Is it alive?

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