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too strong!

This is the unanimous feeling of Xiao Changfeng.

No one didn’t expect, Xiao Changfeng’s true strength is so terrifying.

It is not counted as one enemy ten and three, but actually killed two people.

The previous Lanhua Demi-God can also be said to be everyone’s care, and Xiao Changfeng took advantage of it.

But the fall of Baimao giant ape is a real proof of Xiao Changfeng’s power.

“His strength may be comparable to the top 5 powerhouse!”

A monk who doesn’t anger brows slightly wrinkle, and a judgment comes into his mind.

The top 5 naturally refers to the top 5 of Myriad Realms.

“Why is he so much stronger than before?”

Zhou Yuan hid among the crowd and was unremarkable.

But at this time there was an uproar in my heart, a little shocked.

In the divine gold treasure house, he once played against Xiao Changfeng.

Although he was injured at the time, it was not Peak state.

But Xiao Changfeng’s strength is not as perverted as it is today.

“It must be my treasure, I’m so mad!”

Zhou Yuan couldn’t think of any other reason. As soon as he saw his 7-color belt, he felt angry and angry.

Hong long long !

On the other side, the battle of Li Buyi’s 3 people is also extremely fierce.

Although Li Buyi is one against two, it does not fall.

At the moment, all 4 treasures of the study are out, and the Saint chapter is also shining.

Now he is not just leaving the lost grassland, Spirit Qi exhausted state.

But during the Peak period, Fight Heaven and Earth is very powerful.

“Amitabha, Biyin Goddess, you and I solve a dharma body alone, and others are besieging his body, which cannot be dragged on any longer.”

The monk who is not angry takes the initiative to speak and wants to join forces with Bides Goddess.

Both of them are top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen on Myriad Realms.

Its killing move has not come out that’s all.

But looking at the situation at this moment, it is impossible not to take it out.

Otherwise, Xiao Changfeng will not die, and other people will not get the enlightenment of Taoism.


Biyin Goddess speaks, sound ding dong, if there is a clear spring in the mountains.

“Silent and silent!”

Goddess does not display martial skills or Magical Powers.

Instead, a pair of slender jade hands are clapped on the Tianyin Qinqin.

Inspire the divine might contained in the Tianyin Qin.

I saw an invisible wave spread out from the Tianyin Shenqin. If the tide is normal, it will sweep across 8 sides.

Suddenly everyone just felt deaf in both ears and could not hear any sound.

Whether it is the sound of drums or pianos, or the voice of everyone speaking.

Everything disappears!

And Heaven Shaking Drum’s drum sound like strong wind and swift rain is also annihilated and disappeared at the moment.

It seems that the world has lost its voice.

This is the divine might in Tianyin Shenqin, which can annihilate the sound, and 10000 will be silent!

Heaven Shaking Drum is the top grade Divine Item.

But it has long been broken and the formidable power is not as good as before.

Facing the divine might of Tianyin Qinqin, it cannot be resisted.

Suddenly the drum sound disappeared, and the formidable power was not there.

And the other side.

The monk who is not angry is holding the rosary in his hand and heading towards the dharma body holding the mysterious sword sheath.


There are only 3 swords left in the hand.

But Xiao Changfeng’s dharma body is not painful and hesitant.

Take out a handle again, press the sword enters sheathe, and point it directly at the monk who is not angry.


Pulling out the sword, the brilliant glow of the sky rises from the sky, splitting the heavens and earth, cutting off nothingness, and resisting nothing.

Like a sword glow Tianhe, this world is cut into two halves.

The word energy of terrifying makes everyone feel pain in the body, as if to be killed.

This sword is infinitely close to the divine realm.

In the divine realm, very few people can stop it.

The previous 2 swords were also shot by several people and only barely resisted.

However, since the monk does not anger, he is naturally confident.

“Vajra Buddha Body!”

The mournful mercy on the face of the angry monk disappeared.

Instead, the anger grew stronger.

A monk who is not angry, once angry, represents terror.

I saw Buddha’s radiance in him more and more gold and jade in glorious splendour.

This is not just Buddha’s radiance, but his body.

I saw his skin turned into a golden color, 7 tricks to spray light.

Even the eyebrows have become golden.

A sonorous sound sounded from within the body, as if it were a symphony of gold and iron.

The non-rage monk extraordinary natural talent, the cultivation technique of cultivation is Buddhism unspread secret.

The whole body was golden at the moment, just like the immortal divine gold casting.

The anger on his face grew stronger.

“Magical Powers: fierce appearance!”

The monk was not loudly shouted, his anger soared, and there was substantial anger in his eyes.

At this moment, like Buddha Sect’s Vajra, he is indestructible and invincible.

This is his strongest state and cannot be easily performed.

But every time it is performed, it is earth shattering, powerful and unmatched.

“Buddha blessings, I wish.”

“Sky level advanced martial skill: Vajra has no palm!”

The no-monk monk protruded the right hand, turned it into a palm, and greeted Huanghuang sword glow.

I saw the golden light of his palm, as bright as the sun.

And the string of rosary beads was wrapped around his wrist, spinning dizzily.

This is not an ordinary rosary, but a middle grade Divine Item.

There are ten or eight buddha beads, hence the name ten eight floats.

Not only was Buddhism monk’s blessing on him, but also a proverbial Sanskrit on each bead.

At this moment, the monk who is not angry inspires the Vajra buddha body, displays Magical Powers, and uses the ten or eight Buddha beads for power blessing.

With a palm shot, there was a hint of divine might from Buddha’s Palm.


The monk who is not angry and fearless is photographed above the Huang glow sword glow.

I saw Golden Light Annihilation, and the word glow was bleak.

The two collided, as if the meteorite hit the ground, bursting out unimaginable terrifying destructive power.

It directly knocked down that space-time and twisted it.


The ten 8 Buddha beads spin faster, and the ten Sanskrit scripts also flew out and landed in the palm of the Buddhist monk.

Makes the formidable power of this palm stronger.

In the end, he barely blocked the sword glow.

However, a bloody wound was cut out of the palm of the Buddhist monk without anger, and the senran bones could be seen.

Almost cut off his palm.

But he finally blocked it.

At this moment, the Buenang monk did not take care of the injury of his palm.

Instead, it turns into a long rainbow thread, traveling through space, quickly approaching Xiao Changfeng’s Law Body.

Don’t let him have another chance to make a second sword.

“Gangsha Xingsha!”

Just at this time.

Zhou Yuan mixed in the crowd and shot, and went straight to Xiao Changfeng’s body.


I saw him open his mouth and spit out, there is actually a treasure hidden within the body.

A piece of star sand invisible to naked eye flew out, melted into Heaven and Earth, and landed around Xiao Changfeng.

It directly imprisoned that piece of time and space.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng was like a fly in amber, immovable and could only freeze in place.

“Traceful opportunity!”

Those present are peerless Heaven’s Chosen, with rich combat experience.

It reacted in an instant.

Suddenly, Lei broke through Demi-God, the demonic girl and the others robbed the demonic girl and the others together, and the Divine Item was exhausted and hit Xiao Changfeng.

this moment.

Heaven Shaking Drum is suppressed by Biyin Goddess.

The mysterious scabbard was blocked by the no-anger monk.

The body of Xiao Changfeng was trapped by Zhou Yuan.

The situation became extremely dangerous in an instant!

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