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The Taoist lights are so precious that no one wants to miss them.

At this time, there is a Demi-God and True Crown Prince Long dragging the strongest Li Buyi.

Others will naturally not let Xiao Changfeng’s fat.

“Sky level advanced martial skill: Chixiao Thunder Spear!”

Lei Po Demi-God is relatively short, but very sophisticated.

At this time, the whole body is lightning masterpiece, just like the coming of Thor.

one after another Chi Xiao Divine Thunder surrounds him, his double pupil scarlet is like fire, like purgatory.


I saw Lei Po Demi-God put his hands together and pulled a lance from in the sky.

This lance is crimson, like a scarlet crystal, crystal clear and near-transparent.

The spearpoint shines cold and sharp rays of light.

It seems to be the demonic weapon of Demon God, with a destructive destruction aura.

This Chixiao Thunder Spear is a condensate of more than 10000 Chixiao Divine Thunder.

Although it is a martial skill, it is comparable to Divine Weapon, and its formable power terrifying is incomparable.

Once you are hit, you have Steel Muscles Iron Bones and you have to be killed instantly.


I saw that Lei Po Demi-God reached out and waved, and Chi Xiao thunder spear was whizzing out, shattering void.

This spear, beyond time, pierced the sky.

Lei Po Demi-God just raised his hand, the next second.

This Chixiao Thunder Spear appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

The spear pointed directly at Xiao Changfeng’s heart and asked him to pierce him directly and assassinate him.

This attack is the full strength attack of Demi-God.

He is confident that with his own strength, this spear is enough to assassinate Xiao Changfeng easily.

At this moment, he is more considering how he can take away the lights of Wudao after assassinating Xiao Changfeng.

Although this object is Supreme Treasure, it is also a hot potato right now.

Once they fall into their own hands, the targets of other people’s attacks will definitely turn to themselves.

Lei Po Demi-God thought about it.

As for the result of this spear, he knew it without looking.

But at the next moment, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.


I saw Xiao Changfeng staying where he is.

Just stretched out the right hand and hit with a fist.

“Strongest fist!”

The simple fist is shining with the bright Five Colored Spirit Light, like holding a round of small sun.

It was gleaming and gleaming, like a furnace that would never go out.

With one punch, he directly hit Chixiao Leiyin Spear.

Hong Zhongda Lu’s voice sounded, deafening.

A Peimeng’s power fell on Chixiao Thunder Spear.

This Chixiao Thunder Spear is condensed from Divine Thunder.

But Xiao Changfeng’s Fleshy body is Perfection’s Five Elements immortal physique, which can shake the low grade Divine Item.

Ka-cha !

In the incredible eyes of Lei Po Demi-God.

The Divine Thunder’s twining thunder spear, inch by inch broke apart from the spear tip.

In the end, it shattered completely, turned into a lightning glow, and spread to 4 sides.

“This… how is this possible?”

Lei Po Demi-God’s eyes widened, his face shocked and unbelievable.

This is Chixiao Thunder Spear, an invincible blow formed by Chixiao Divine Thunder.

It was broken with a punch.

Is his fleshy body terrifying than Chixiao Divine Thunder?


At the moment, Xiao Changfeng casts a mysterious body technique, pedals the god’s boots, and turns into a trace of marks.

In an instant, he rushed to the front of Lei Po Demi-God.

The fist is like a yang, and it falls again, the terrifying breath is palpable.

It seems that Giant Spirit God’s fist has been smashed since 9 days, and he wants to destroy this place directly.

The Divine Thunder wrapped in Lei Po Demi-God’s body suddenly seemed like paper, which could not stop this fist.


If it were not for a critical moment, a strange Divine Item flew out, blocking Xiao Changfeng’s fist.

I am afraid that Lei Po Demi-God has been injured at this time.

But even so, the Divine Item was blown out with a punch, fell to the ground, and directly collapsed several mountains.

“That is?”

Xiao Changfeng lifts the head, squinting.

I saw that Divine Item is a wedge, lightening and blooming all over, but it is a kind of divine gold casting, which is very good.

Thunder Wedge, this is the Divine Item of Lei Po Demi-God.

It has been forged in the 9-day thunder pool for 1000 years, and comes with lightning, which can be invisible.

However, in the face of Xiao Changfeng’s fist, he could only barely resist.

Taking this opportunity, Lei Po Demi-God also quickly backed away and distanced himself from Xiao Changfeng.

He didn’t want to be hit by Xiao Changfeng, which was too shameful.


A piano sound suddenly sounded, the melody was melodious, but it was full of enchantment and psychedelic.

It was drowsy, as if to sink into it.

Not far away, there is a dark-green ancient zither in front of Biyin Goddess.

There are a total of 7 strings on the ancient zither, and with a light stroke, the sound of the waves suddenly burst into waves.

A pocket elf with a more rice grain size emerged, and the blessing on the ancient zither makes the formidable power of the piano sound stronger.

This is Bivine Goddess’ Divine Item, named Tianyin Shenqin, which is a middle grade Divine Item.

“A song “Bewildering the soul” is sinking beyond words.”

The Goddess of Biyin is as beautiful as Celestial Immortal, and it also has an ethereal look.

The onion fingers plucked the strings, and the sound of lithe and graceful swelled out.

But did not affect others, but went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

The sound of the piano is full of temptations, which makes people relax and sleepy, which affects the mind most.

Goddess of Biyin used this song to affect 100000 people, causing them to fall asleep, never seen the daylight.

At this time, all the piano sounds flocked to Xiao Changfeng, wanting him to be affected, revealing the weak spot.

“You have a piano, I have a drum!”

Xiao Changfeng Although Divine Consciousness is powerful, it does not dare to be easily affected.

Otherwise, the war will be extremely vulnerable.

So at the moment Bides Goddess shot, he reached out and grabbed Heaven Shaking Drum from the Time and Space Sand leak.


The drums were thunderous, and the air was startled.

Invisible drums sounded, shaking 8 sides, affecting everyone.

Not only blocked the sound of Bides Goddess, but also made everyone feel the heart beating wildly, Bloodline erupted.

“This is Heaven Shaking Drum in the ancient Demon Court?”

Shi Zhong Demi-God exclaimed and recognized Heaven Shaking Drum.

Everyone else was surprised, but Heaven Shaking Drum was broken and no longer Peak formidable power.

So although it affected everyone, it did not hurt anyone.

咚dong dong!

Xiao Changfeng uses boxing as a drumstick and constantly hits Heaven Shaking Drum.

Suddenly the drum sounded like a tide and rolled away.

This makes everyone have to distract and resist, unable to exert their full strength.

“Heaven Shaking Drum, Time and Space Sand leaks, there are so many treasures on him, mine, mine, and mine!”

Zhou Yuan was at the end of the crowd, at this time his eyes were shining, staring at Heaven Shaking Drum and Time and Space Sand leaking.

For Shi Baoru, he could not resist the temptation.

At this time a pair of eyes are spinning in spinning, each and everyone idea in the heart is born.

Hong long long !

On the other side, the battle between Li Buyi and Daoyi Demi-God and True Crown Prince Long became more intense.

Space collapsed, time annihilated, Taoism 10000 1000, fierce collision.

“Together, kill him first, and then rely on his own ability!”

Lei Po Demi-God holds the thunder wedge, kills again, hair stands up in anger, murderous-looking.

Biyin Goddess didn’t say a word, but the sound of the piano became more and more intense, and the formidable power was unparalleled.


The unyielding monk announced the sound of Buddha, and Buddha’s radiance was in full bloom, ready to shoot.

I saw Chi Lei exploded, the piano sounded like rain, and Buddha’s radiance was blazing.

In an instant.

Xiao Changfeng fell into siege!

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