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The pungent bloody smell filled the air.

Scarlet blood fills Heaven and Earth, disgusting.

The rays of light between Heaven and Earth seem to dim and lose their luster.

One after another gaze contains expressions that are shocking, frightening, and unbelievable.

The corpse, cut into two pieces, fell down from the sky.

It attracted everyone’s attention and touched countless heartstrings.

Zitian Demi-God… just die?

There is no letter from Dharma Idol.

No one can accept this fact.

No one can forget what they saw and heard today.

The first Heaven’s Chosen in Divine Kingdom.

Possessing divine bow and Du Tianshen armor and a drop of top grade medicinal liquid.

The Myriad Realms Ranked 10th’s Zitian Demi-God on the Cloud Rankings was actually beheaded by Xiao Changfeng.

It’s too dreamy!

It’s so untrue!

Too full of illusions!

This day is destined to be loaded into history.

Because this represents the indigenous people in the great world of Xuanhuang, not weak and humble.

Among them, Heaven’s Chosen, who is proud of the heavens.

Even the top ten people in the Myriad Realms list can’t be beaten.

“Dead, all dead!”

An out-of-world powerhouse glared and muttered to himself, trembling all over.

He knew that if the news of Demi-God’s fall was spread, it would surely arouse 1000 waves.

Countless powerhouses will be crazy about it.

You know, although the Divine Kingdom is not the first Divine Kingdom, it is also a Great Influence.

Many elders of Zitian Demi-God are god powerhouse.

And their attention to Zitian Demi-God is also incomparable.

If they knew that Zitian Demi-God died in Xuanhuang Great World and Xiao Changfeng.

Undoubtedly, terrifying war will be launched.

“It’s over, Pill Venerable is in a big disaster this time, beheading Zitian Demi-God, it will inevitably attract more god powerhouse, when the time comes who can compete!”

Indigenous look pale, despair.

He also thought of this, so he was not excited, but prepared for there funeral instead.

“Purple Sky Demi-God, Demon Demi-God, British Demi-God…”

It is not only Demi-God who has fallen here today.

There are 7 other Demi-Gods, and these 7 people also have a big head.

Although they all died in Li Buyi’s hands.

But Li Buyi’s background is too deep, and even Divine Kingdom don’t dare provoke.

Then all these sins will inevitably fall on Xiao Changfeng.

Behind every Heaven’s Chosen, there is a huge force.

There are definitely more than one or two powerhouses.

I thought of it here.

Countless people are panicking and showing fear.

As if I have seen the terrifying picture of the gods coming.

However, the concerns in everyone’s mind had little impact on Xiao Changfeng.

At this moment, the 5 auras of color gradually dissipated, and he was also True Yuan exhausted, unable to keep flying, falling from the sky, and falling to the ground.

“Elder Xiao!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate has been watching the battle, and at this time came to support Xiao Changfeng for the first time.

Although he was affected in some ways, his injuries were minor.


Li Buyi also flew quickly.

He was untainted by even a speck of dust in Tsing Yi.

“President Iron, help me protect the Fa, I want to heal!”

Xiao Changfeng riddled with scars at this moment, True Yuan is exhausted and needs to heal well.

After he nodded to Li Buyi, he said to Iron Heavenly Venerate.

Compared to Li Buyi, he naturally trusts Iron Heavenly Venerate more.

Great Five Elements Immortal Art is running and Xiao Changfeng sucks in his mouth.

Suddenly Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi rolled over like a whale sucking water.

Turned into Tao Qi Spiritual Qi Changhong, swallowed by him.

Immediately through Nascent Soul’s tuna, turned into pure Five Elements True Yuan.

The battle at this time is the most dangerous battle in the most recently.

Zi Tian Demi-God is too strong, and has Divine Bow and other Divine Item.

If it were not for Xiao Changfeng’s final fight, the Five Elements Fairy Wheel will be displayed.

I’m afraid this time may really fall here.

At this moment.

The war is over and Xiao Changfeng is recovering from his injuries.

Iron Heavenly Venerate and Li Buyi are on the side guard.

This makes those who are begin to stir spectators have to converge on their ambitions.

The corpses and relics of Demi-God and the Demon from Zitian are worthless.

Especially the divine bow, still at the hands of Zitian Demi-God.

If you get it, maybe you can become the second Zi Tian Demi-God.

But with Li Buyi, no one dares to act blindly without thinking.

However, they are not willing to leave, so they continue to wait, hoping for a chance to appear.

But less than an hour.

Xiao Changfeng opened his eyes again.

The injuries on his body have completely recovered, and it seems to be the same as before.

“The injury has recovered? How is this possible, this is less than an hour, does he also have a treasure comparable to the medicinal liquid of the top grade god?”

“No, he didn’t take divine medicine, it seems to be some kind of cultivation technique, but what kind of cultivation technique can recover so quickly?”

“Don’t you forget that his fleshy body is so strong that he can’t even resist the Great Accomplishment Divine Physique of Zitian Demi-God, maybe he is also a special Divine Physique and exceeds the Great Success Realm.”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng recovered so quickly.

The spectators waiting for the opportunity exclaimed, all kinds of speculation continued.

After all, this is amazing.

Before Xiao Changfeng’s injury was so heavy, they thought it would take at least 7 or 8 days to fully recover.

Powerful, fleshy body is strong, and the resilience is so amazing.

This is simply unstoppable Xiaoqiang, desperate.


Seeing Xiao Changfeng recover, Li Buyi also smiled.

He has been guarding, and has not yet restored his own Qiuhuang Spirit Qi.

This shows that he is really sincere about Xiao Changfeng.

“President Iron, commoner, you heal first!”

Xiao Changfeng punched Li Buyi and Iron Heavenly Venerate nodded.

Then thunderbolt Divine Consciousness spread out, covering 8 squares.


I saw one after another Changhong whistled, like a meteor shower.

Each of these Changhongs is eye-catching.

Among them are Zi Tian Demi-God’s divine bow, and Zi Tian Demi-God’s treasure and storage ring.

apart from this.

Divine Item and storage ring of Demi-God and the Devil-God and the others.

They were all in Changhong and received by Xiao Changfeng.

The spectators witnessed greed, begin to stir, but dared not move.

The previous battle made them understood Xiao Changfeng’s power and terrifying.

Even Zitian Demi-God is dead.

They don’t want to be the next body.

So I had to watch Xiao Changfeng take away divine bow and other treasures away.

This made them sigh in their hearts and knew there was no chance.

“Ahhh !”

A sharp shout sounded, breaking the silence and attracting everyone’s attention again.

I saw a silhouette flying back from a distance, like Changhong, heading towards Xiao Changfeng.

And this silhouette is not like Zi Tian Demi-God generally want to take the opportunity to kill Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, it was caught by Xiao Changfeng.

With a puff, this silhouette fell down in front of Xiao Changfeng.

It is Yu Bai!

At this moment Yu Baiyi gu lu climbed up, did not want to escape, but kowtowed to Xiao Changfeng for mercy.

“Sir Pill Venerable!”

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