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There are a total of 3 people including Demi-God, and there are 3 ancient Demonic beasts.

Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, who later joined the battle, also had 8 90 people.

But at this time, only 4 silhouettes were left by Xiao Changfeng.

All other creatures were beheaded by Xiao Changfeng, and no one survived.

Even the four Demi-God powerhouses that urged the cover of the gods to be screened were also bombarded by Xiao Changfeng.

The screen of the god of occultation is unmanned and turned into a curtain again.

However, there are space ban nets and golden light gods.

The 8 parties are still imprisoned, making it impossible for people to escape.

And there are only 4 people left.

They are the fire rune Demi-God, the gluttonous Demi-God and the two ancient Demonic beasts.

However, all four of them were injured. The battle strength is no longer Peak.

“This…this is impossible!”

fire rune Demi-God trembles, teeth tremble, terrified.

Dozens of Demi-God powerhouse and dozens of Heavenly Venerate powerhouse.

It’s amazing that it won’t kill a Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, he was slashed by Xiao Changfeng one after another, and no one lived.

This result exceeded his imagination and broke his cognition.

Let him be overwhelmed by the deep fear.

A body fell from the sky and smashed into the ground.

This is a scene of Asura in hell, horrible to see, amazing fear.

“You shouldn’t provoke me!”

Xiao Changfeng white clothed is stained with blood, black hair is flying, andpupil light is cold, like a Demon God, it is dreadful.

This battle is the first battle after his Five Elements immortal physique Perfection.

It was also a battle in which he understood his previous grudges.

Whether it is fire rune Demi-God or gluttonous Demi-God, he will not let it go.

It’s not just revenge for Iron Heavenly Venerate.

It is for other native creatures.

Otherwise, let them live, there will be more people as prisoners.

“Didn’t expect this solitary world, even a genius like you will be born, but you are too arrogant, really I can’t kill you?”

Glutton Demi-God stared at Xiao Changfeng violently and snarled.

He has been suppressed by Xiao Changfeng’s dharma body.

Helpless to help others.

Although he has not recovered at this time, he knows that he must work hard.

Otherwise, let alone kill Xiao Changfeng, even myself, I am afraid I have to explain it here.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

“I am Heaven’s Chosen of Taotie Race. In the future, I will reappear the first Ancestral God. How can I be defeated in your hands.”

“Xiao Changfeng, you are fortunate enough to see my family’s secret method, which is enough to laugh at 9 Springs!”

Gem Moon Demi-God Sen Leng’s words sounded.

The black light on his body grew thicker and deeper.

An unimaginable horror, suddenly erupted from his within the body.

This fierce prestige is ten times stronger than before.

The Heaven and Earth trembles and 10000 spirits are scared.

The fire rune Demi-God and the red-eyed and white rabbit were all trembling and showing fear.

It seems that there is a peerless ominous beast about to be born, which is going to be a mess.

“Burn my blood and call the souls of ancestors!”

The black light on Demi-God’s body suddenly turned into flames.

This flame burned his body, making his fierce and more terrifying.

At the same time, behind him, a huge shadow appeared.

This shadow can be supported to both heaven and earth, huge and boundless, like the ancient god of splitting heaven and earth apart.

At a glance, it looks like the ants are looking up at Mount Tai.

Gradually, the shadows became stronger and stronger.

A vague face appeared.

It is the gluttonous Divine Beast!

This is the Bloodline that Demi-God burns himself within the body, summoning the soul of his ancestors from the long history.

Although this caused him serious injuries, Bloodline wasted.

But in order to kill Xiao Changfeng, he also used this final hole card.

The gluttonous Divine Beast is one of the 4 fierce.

Able to slaughter gods and extinguish demons, devour the heavens, powerful and invincible.

Although this gluttonous soul has only a hint of breath, but also not ordinary people can resist.

The color of the wind and the clouds changed, and the day and night turned upside down, the time and space were twisted, and the sky was fierce.

this moment.

Gourd Moon Demi-God as if incarnation became a real gluttonous Divine Beast, trembling the gods and frightening 10000 spirits.

It was Xiao Changfeng, and his eyes were deepened.

“Xiao Changfeng, you must die today!”

Just when Demi-God summon gave out the gluttonous soul, fire rune Demi-God suddenly screamed.

The ten Shenzhu did not kill Xiao Changfeng before.

Therefore, even though Demi-God summon has a gluttonous soul, he also feels uninsured.

At this time, the heart will be horizontal, and it is also desperate to play the strongest card.

Vow to kill Xiao Changfeng in one fell swoop.

“Shenhuo Possession, I am Vulcan!”

fire rune Demi-God shouted for a long time, and suddenly did not extinguishing soul. The fire flew out of the three-color god fire fan, and fell into his within the body.

Suddenly, his flame tattoo suddenly lit up.

The whole person became a fireman, and the terrifying temperature also directly burned the space and collapsed.

fire rune Half Divine Physique is special and can use itself as energy to increase the formidable power of Shenhuo.

It’s like lamp oil!

Chi chi!

Suddenly the breath of fire rune Demi-God was violent and fiery, without extinguishing soul, the fire rose to the sky and enveloped half of the sky.

Like the arrival of Vulcan, the entire world is to be burned.

“ao wu! ”

Howl, howling, like a roar of evil spirits.

Flame giant wolf also understands at this time that it is necessary to gather the strongest blow of everyone before they can defeat Xiao Changfeng.

Therefore, when fire rune Demi-God urges not extinguishing soul fire, and incarnation is Vulcan.

He also soared.

The fire of hell rose into the sky and intertwined into a special scene.

I saw karma intertwined, howling ghosts and countless Ghost Messenger.

This is a picture of hell, and it is lifelike and real.

Although not comparable to Lu Wenji’s Eighteen Levels of Hell.

But on formidable power, it is far more than that.

At this moment, the flame giant wolf is also desperately, turning into a hell scene, the whole person is also karma, Death Aura is full.

Karma is hurting it and making its strength stronger.

At this moment.

Flame giant wolf stepping into hell, walking around the industry fire, like a real three headed Hound!


A crisp cracking sounded.

The red-eyed and white rabbit cannot stand idly by now.

Although she also wanted to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

But she knew that if no one else killed Xiao Changfeng.

So leaving only one person is no doubt mortal.

And other people will never let her stay aside and sit as a fisherman.

Therefore, she is also a means of showing the cards.

I saw that the red light in her eyes skyrocketed, and she even dyed her pure white as snow rabbit hair all in red.

The red light skyrocketed and turned into a bloody moon.

A fierce monster qi burst out from her within the body, shocked.

Bloody moon, bloody rabbit!

At this moment, this bloody moon looks like a Divine Eyes.

It contains unimaginable psychedelic power. Once pulled into it, it will sink forever until death.

this moment.

On the left is the fire rune Demi-God transformed into Vulcan, and on the right is the Demon-God of the summon gluttonous soul.

In front is the giant wolf that steps on hell, and in the back is the red-eyed white rabbit avatar of blood moon.

Xiao Changfeng was surrounded, and he was in a situation where he would be killed.

However, Xiao Changfeng was fearless.

Because he also has a hole card.

“Five Elements Fairy Wheel, out!”

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