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From Xiao Changfeng to the rhinoceros Demonic beast fell, but only one minute before and after.

An ancient Demonic beast with Demi-God strength fell.

This result made everyone’s pupils shrink and their hearts tremble.

Before the fall of Luohua Demi-God, it can be said that it was because of the carelessness that he was killed in a close battle with Xiao Changfeng.

But this time everyone was prepared, and it was a joint attack.

However, the Xiao Changfeng 10000 army still killed the rhinoceros Demonic beast.

This is enough to prove that the opponent is not only strong in fleshy body, but also extremely fast.

Ordinary people will be overtaken by him, and he will definitely die.

“Magical Powers: Flame Giant!”

fire rune Demi-God was killed at this time, but he did not dare to get close, and performed the magical powers technique from afar.

I saw no extinguishing soul fierce and violent, condensed into a Flame Giant 800 meters in size.

The fire blazed into the sky and burned everything.

Flame Giant seems to be the Spiritual God who walked out of the myth, which is terrifying and shocking.

Wherever he went, barren, the earth was turned into scorched earth, and the air was burned thinly.

Flame Giant slammed suddenly, enough to destroy the city and destroy the land, killing countless creatures.


Xiao Changfeng turned around and ran Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll.

The Flame Giant suddenly shook violently, like a candle in the wind, swaying endlessly.

The fire rune Demi-God felt even more uncontrollable.

It seemed that the fire control power was taken away.

Finally, the last touch of fire rune Demi-God and Flame Giant was also cut off.

“Cold Flame Fire!”

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng took the control of Flame Giant with Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll.

It is a cold flame fire, which is covered with a layer of flame Battle Armor on Flame Giant.

Immediately Flame Giant turned around and killed towards the others.


The screams came and saw two natives of Heavenly Venerable Realm hit by Flame Giant and burned to death on the spot.

Flame Giant is already powerful, and with the addition of Battle Armor, the formidable power is even stronger.

At the moment, it broke into the crowd, like tiger entering a flock of sheep.

咚dong dong!

The Fashen is still beating the Heaven Shaking Drum.

Drums are dense and affect everyone’s heartbeat.

Although the Heaven Shaking Drum was damaged and the formidable power was greatly reduced, it was impossible to directly shock everyone, but it also caused a great impact.

Coupled with the existence of the veil covering the sky.

Although everyone wanted to hide, there was nowhere to hide.


Xiao Changfeng’s figure shook, turned into a mark, and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he came to a Demi-God powerhouse.

“Not good !”

This is an out-of-boundary powerhouse following Demi-God, and its strength is not weak.

But compared with Luohua Demi-God, it is only birds of a feather.

Even Luo Hua Demi-God was punched and killed by Xiao Changfeng 2, he asked himself that he was not an opponent.

Immediately desperately shot.

But he did not intend to attack Xiao Changfeng, but turned and fled.

He is not as proficient in Sword Art as Luo Hua Demi-God, nor does he have the magic fire like fire rune Demi-God.

But he asked himself that the means of escape was first-rate.

Because he cultivated a weakened version of the divine technique.

Named Jinghong!

Taken from the meaning of Jinghong’s glance, unimaginable speed can erupt in a short time.

And he also used this method to escape many times.

Facing Xiao Changfeng at this moment, he is also exhibiting again.


I saw his silhouette disappeared in place, leaving only a residual image.

When the whole person was astonished, he instantly escaped several thousand meters away.

Without Shenxing boots and mysterious body skills, I am afraid that Xiao Changfeng cannot catch up.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng turned into a track mark, speed to the pinnacle.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with this person, and his speed was faintly faster.

“This is impossible!”

When he saw Xiao Changfeng catching up with himself, the person was shocked and ecstatic.

He stretched out his hand and planned to take out the life-saving pearl.

But Xiao Changfeng’s shot was faster.

And refers to like a sword, Five Elements Sword is full of arrogance, sharp and abnormal, and is almost faster than lightning.

Pu chi.

He chopped off his throat, blood spattered and fell suddenly.

But he didn’t die at all, and he also cultivated the soul.

At this point the soul rushed out of the top of the head and wanted to escape.

“Sword of Divine Consciousness, cut!”

Xiao Changfeng had been prepared for a long time, thunderbolt Divine Consciousness Condensing into a Sword, and he was cut short in the air.

One sword slashed three immortal souls and seven mortal souls.

No. 3 Demi-God powerhouse killed!

“Use God Pearl!”

The fear of fire rune Demi-God was almost overflowing from his eyes and he spoke quickly.

The strength demonstrated by Xiao Changfeng is too strong.

Even if the crowd besieged, he could enter into the unmanned realm with his mysterious body and kill him at will.

In this way, I am afraid that he will be slain one after another sooner or later.

At the thought of this result, everyone is scalp numb.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Suddenly, all the out-of-boundary powerhouses took out the life-saving god beads, activated them all, and hit Xiao Changfeng.

In addition to Demi-God, there are ten out-of-boundary powerhouses.

Therefore, ten life-saving god beads were shot.

Some are hot like fire, some are cold like ice, some are Yin Qi, some are ghost qi.

Each life-saving bead is personally refined by Shenjing powerhouse.

There is a dao divine force inside, formidable power is amazing, can destroy everything.

At this time, ten life-saving pearls emerged, shrouded in all directions, and appeared around Xiao Changfeng.

Hong long long !

The Divine Pearl exploded, and the divine force contained in it suddenly exploded.

It was like ten volcanoes erupting together, and it was like ten meteorites falling down at the same time.

The spread of terror made everyone tremble.

As if the end came, all creatures would die.

This sense of fear shook everyone’s heart and quickly retreated.

This is just the breath that’s all, it is difficult to imagine the Destruction Strength, how terrifying it should be.

The fire is violent, the ice is cold, Yin Qi is monstrous, and the ghost shadow is heavy.

Ten life-saving god beads contain different divine forces, which are intertwined at this time.

A mushroom cloud of 5 colors and 6 colors was formed.

From a distance, it looks like fireworks are blooming and gorgeous.

The space collapsed directly, and even the void could not resist.

Several space storms were even annihilated, and the turbulence of the void could not be affected.

This is the power of God, and mortals are difficult to resist.

That piece of Heaven and Earth, like being completely smashed, needs to be reshaped.

Nothing left!

Looking at the mushroom cloud of 5 colors and 6 colors, everyone was terrified and terrified.

If this blow is hit elsewhere, it is enough to destroy a sea and sink a small land.

“Unless the Shenjing powerhouse comes, no one can resist under the Shenjing, and Xiao Changfeng is dead.”

fire rune Demi-God is confident, relaxed, and relaxed.

Others think so too. After all, the formidable power of the ten life-saving pearls is too strong and no one can stop it.

咚dong dong!

But at this time, the drumbeat of Heaven Shaking Drum still echoed.

This made fire rune Demi-God complexion stiffened and turned his head to look away.

I saw Xiao Changfeng’s 2 dharmakayas, one is beating the drums, the other is fighting with Demi-God, and it has not disappeared.

How can this be?

fire rune Demi-God was horrified, and suddenly turned to look at the mushroom cloud of 5 colors and 6 colors.

I saw a silhouette of Five Colored Spirit Light bathed in a mushroom cloud, rising up into the sky.

Like a god!

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