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Five Elements Dao Tribulation is over, and the dark clouds that cover 3 ten thousand meters gradually disappear.

The suffocating Tianwei is gradually weakening and relaxing.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was also transformed into a humanoid.

But at this time, he has different changes from before.

The black hair is flying, like a waterfall falling, all the rays of light are restrained, the Five Elements spirit light disappears, unpretentious.

All natural phenomena are gone.

At the moment, Xiao Changfeng is like an ordinary person in the ordinary world, and there is nothing strange about it.

It is like a peerless sword hidden in a scabbard, with a sharp edge and restrainedness.

But if anyone wants to shoot him, he will definitely pay the price of blood.

This sword is just sheathed, not decayed!

The skin, which was originally fair and jade-like, was slightly yellowed at this time and was no longer so eye-catching.

A jade embroidered gold-edged robe also wrapped his body.

It looks like a delicate and pretty youth.

However, if you look closely.

You will find that Xiao Changfeng at this time is like a natural person from beginning to end, collaborating with Heaven and Earth, and having his own way of thinking.

Xiao Changfeng at this time although realm never broke, true Essence Liquid did not increase.

But its strength, compared with before, is very different.

“Five Elements immortal physique, and finally Perfection!”

Xiao Changfeng bowed his head slightly, looking at his body, unemotional in his heart, and he was empty.

At this time, he didn’t need to shoot, he knew how terrifying power he contained within the body.

And his own fleshy body is enough to be comparable to low grade Divine Item!

Although it is only initially comparable, it is also very out of the ordinary.

“Vlying Sword, with this opportunity, became a semi-Immortal Grade.”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness Looking inside, I saw the Flying Sword in the dantian.

This is his Life-Source Magical Treasure.

This time absorbed a lot of divine gold.

It has also improved a lot, reaching the ultimate of top grade magic weapon.

Therefore it can also be called semi-immortal grade.

And want to become a real Immortal Grade.

It is also necessary to go through Immortal Tribulation and accept the baptism and tempering of Immortal Tribulation.

In order to become a fairy, turn into a fairy sword!

apart from this.

Nascent Soul in dantian is also contaminated with Five Elements Qi breath, and it becomes shining and contains a hint of fairy charm.

Once Xiao Changfeng Transcending Tribulation is flying, Nascent Soul will become a fairy baby.

While Xiao Changfeng’s thunderbolt Divine Consciousness did not increase.

But there is also an additional meaning of Five Elements, formidable power is stronger.

The biggest change is the soul of Xiao Changfeng.

Although Xiao Changfeng’s soul was not weak before, it was not strong.

At this time, it was subjected to the baptism of Five Elements Dao Tribulation.

Invincible fighting intent, immortal vitality, immortality, undead heart, and Houjie Zao 5 blessings.

The soul of Xiao Changfeng has become tenacious and powerful.

The only thing that hasn’t changed.

This is Azure Lotus!

This is an Innate Supreme Treasure, and it is only temporarily in the dantian of Xiao Changfeng.

Was not subdued by Xiao Changfeng.

At this time it is still absorbing the Yellow Springs divine liquid that has not been digested.

However, the azure light it overflows is absorbed by Xiao Changfeng, intending to condense one innate breath.

“Congratulations to Elder Xiao on the successful Transcending Tribulation.”

At this time the clouds disappeared, and the Iron Heavenly Venerate also took off, congratulating Xiao Changfeng.

Although he didn’t know what it was, he could feel Xiao Changfeng’s strength.

This is a good thing for him.

However, Xiao Changfeng didn’t smile.

“President Iron, you leave first.”


Iron Heavenly Venerate was a little stunned, somewhat puzzled by Xiao Changfeng’s meaning.

But soon he was complexion changed and suddenly turned his head.

I saw several silhouettes appearing in the east direction, which are rapidly approaching.

There are also people in the west.

This is someone who is attracted by Five Elements Dao Tribulation.

Previously, Five Elements Dao Tribulation was so powerful that they dared not get close.

At this time Dao Tribulation is over, they are also the first time to come and want to see what caused Dao Tribulation this horror.

“Tianyue Demi-God!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate was shocked.

He saw the silhouette of Demi-God, which is fast approaching.

4 months ago, Demi-God and Yaksha King suffered a lot of injuries during the battle.

In the end he had no choice but to escape with fire rune Demi-God and the others.

In the past 4 months, he has recovered his injuries.

Just happened to meet Xiao Changfeng at Five Elements Dao Tribulation.

In addition to Demi-God, there is also fire rune Demi-God.

There are eleven out of powerhouses.

At the time, the battle outside the Divine Gold Treasury left them half dead.

But there are still 3 people surviving, and each of them is powerful.

“It’s the 3 ancient Demonic beasts!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate turned his gaze, looked to the other side, and was shocked again.

I saw the demonic beast, who was seriously injured and dying, but survived.

apart from this Red Eyed White Rabbit and Flame Giant Wolf also appeared.

3 ancient Demonic beasts flying from 3 directions are also attracted by Five Elements Dao Tribulation.

In addition to these two forces, there are other out-of-boundary powerhouses and native creatures.

At a glance, no fewer than 100 people!

After all, the movement of this Five Elements Dao Tribulation is too great, covering 3 ten thousand meters, affecting a square ten thousand meters.

All nearby creatures are naturally sensed.

And those weak or timid creatures dare not come close.

But there are also many powerful or courageous powerhouses who dare to take a closer look.

“En? It’s you!”

Soon, everyone flew to see Xiao Changfeng and Tie Heavenly Venerate standing in the sky.

Many people have complexion changed, and Demi-God and fire rune Demi-God have soared in their eyes.

At the beginning of the mine, Xiao Changfeng clashed with them.

If the army of Yaksha appeared suddenly, there might be an inevitable battle.

At this time, the enemy met each other naturally, and his eyes were red.

“Just the robbery that day, was it from him?”

fire rune Demi-God brows tightly knit, staring at Xiao Changfeng, wanting to see what is going on.

However, can Five Elements immortal physique be seen by ordinary people?

The realm of Xiao Changfeng has not improved.

Because of this fire, Demi-God’s doubts are deeper.

But it is Supreme Treasure that can attract the terrifying apocalypse just now.

And this Supreme Treasure is likely to be on Xiao Changfeng.

“The mine disappeared and sank to the ground again. I thought I would return without success. Didn’t expect to be able to meet you here. It seems that this is really God’s will!”

fire rune Demi-God sneered, Ling Ling’s killing intent glowing in his eyes.

When they recovered and wanted to enter the mine again.

But found that the mine disappeared, disappear without a trace, nowhere to be found.

This filled their hearts with suffocation.

Seeing Xiao Changfeng at this time is also a stronger killing intent.


The rhinoceros Demonic beast suddenly groaned and stared at Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng also holds Supreme Treasure and wants to snatch it.

Gwinter Demi-God, fire rune Demi-God, eleven out-of-world powerhouse, 3 ancient Demonic beasts, or some other powerhouses.

At the moment everything is glare like a tiger watching his prey staring at Xiao Changfeng.

At this moment, with swords drawn and bows bent, the war is on the verge.

However, Xiao Changfeng smiled.

He is the only one, looking around all around, with a faint voice, spreading all over 8 places.

“You, who came to die first?”

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