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After counting 7 colorful belts, Xiao Changfeng spit out one mouthful of impure air.

There were so many treasures in it, which surprised him.

But it is imperative to refining divine gold, immortal physique Perfection first.

“let’s start!”

Eyes shining, Xiao Changfeng made a decision.


Reach out on the 7-color belt.

Suddenly a gorgeous golden light rises, like a round of rising sun, illuminating 8 deserts, shining Heaven and Earth.

The dim gorge all around, at this moment was illuminated brightly.

Let the distant Heavenly Venerate in the distance open to bear, open his eyes and look shockingly here.


Words follow the law, time and space are distorted, obscuring the golden light.

Otherwise, it will attract others’ attention before it begins to retreat.

Golden light is sealed, but divine gold still exists.

At this time, 1000 pieces of divine gold were placed all around Xiao Changfeng, densely packed, full of golden eyes, very dazzling.

The space trembles instantly, as if it can’t bear it.

And the air suddenly became sharp and abnormal.

Taking a breath, it’s like being swallowed by countless knives, so uncomfortable.

The average person cannot afford it.

Even Xiao Changfeng felt tingling all over the body, as if stuck by a needle.

At this time, the golden light was shining brightly, shining Xiao Changfeng’s body into a golden one.

Just like Inextinguishable Golden Body.


Xiao Changfeng reached out and grabbed, suddenly too white divine gold fell in front of him.

Suddenly the golden light became brighter and sharper, and the sharpness became stronger.

between Heaven and Earth seems to have 10000000 invisible swords, destroying this world.

Taibai divine gold has the size of a head, and is the largest divine gold here.

“White Tiger Battle!”

Xiao Changfeng ran the White Tiger warfare, and immediately revealed a golden breath.


There was a roar of tigers, shaking earth and earth, with an invincible fighting intent.

I saw White Tiger Martial Spirit, which appeared behind Xiao Changfeng.

Vigor and prestige, showing the style of the king.

At this time, under the light of golden light, White Tiger Martial Spirit became more and more divine and mighty, as if to jump out of the river of time.

Fight against Heaven and Earth and fight against the gods.

Life is endless, fighting is not stop!


Xiao Changfeng began to refining.

Suddenly, the golden light became brighter and brighter, submerging Xiao Changfeng.

“Elder Xiao is getting stronger and stronger. This Spirit Qi recovery is a disaster for me and others, but for him, it is a flying opportunity.”

In the distance, Iron Heavenly Venerate looked at this side with emotion.

Spiritual Qi is recovering, the powerhouse is coming, and countless people are in a panic.

He also must be in order to the Forge Masters Association to consider that he had to break into this gold mine to find opportunities.

However, Xiao Changfeng not only returned alive, but also very powerful.

For him, this environment is like a fish back in water.

He once thought that Xiao Changfeng wanted to surpass himself, at least ten years.

It’s didn’t expect that this is only a few years.

The strength of the other party makes him only look up.

“When the troubled world comes, I am self-improving. I can’t let Elder Xiao take action every time there is danger. They can become gods, and I will definitely be able to.”

Iron Heavenly Venerate withdrew his gaze, looking at the imitation of the god-shaking hammer and soft gold armor in his hand, and his eyes became more and more firm.

He wanted to become stronger, especially after becoming a prisoner this time.

I understand the weak and sad more.

In the eyes of those outside the powerhouse, he is not a Heavenly Venerable Realm martial artist, nor the president of the Association of Forge Masters.

It is a weak and humble ant that can be kneaded at will.

So he wants to become stronger and change all this.

With this in mind, he settled down and worked hard to cultivate and refining these 2 Divine Item.

golden light is like a sun, gorgeous and dazzling.

The horrible divine gold is transformed into a golden light, which is absorbed by Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was covered with golden light, like a sculpture carved from gold.

In his within the body, internal organs are also dyed golden.

The skeleton changed from the previous jade color to pale-gold.

It became harder and sharper.

Like a leg bone, it is a magic wand, and an arm bone is an Excalibur.

Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, such as glazed gold body, no dust and no dirt.

But compared with Perfection Realm, it is still insufficient.

The so-called Perfection refers to perfect and without blemish, then No Flaws.

This is an extreme and extremely difficult to achieve.

Five Elements immortal physique is already out of the ordinary, and once completely incomplete, it makes the enemy desperate.


The crisp gold-iron symphony sounded within the Chang Xiao’s within the body.

As if the swords were sounding together, the clang sounded.

The majestic divine gold turned into golden light, all submerged in the Xiao Changfeng’s within the body.

In the end, his eyebrows and his hair were all dyed golden.

And within the body.

In addition to internal organs and flesh skeleton.

Among the dantian is the golden light.

Nascent Soul cross-legged in dantian, the golden light gleamed at the moment.

The Flying Sword is cheering excitedly, swallowing these golden lights.

The blade is sharp and is transforming towards Immortal Grade.

Only the door of Azure Lotus swayed slightly, a little unhappy, excluding all golden light.

apart from this.

The soul of Xiao Changfeng was also contaminated by golden light, and from the previous state of nothingness, it was somewhat solid.

The soul is the most fragile thing in the human body.

Many people’s fleshy body is strong, but their soul is fragile, and they are destroyed by a blow to become walking corpse.

So if you want to become stronger, both soul and fleshy body must be strong.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng absorbed the divine gold and tempered the fleshy body and soul at the same time.


All divine gold is exploding, turning into a ray of divine gold, which is absorbed by Xiao Changfeng.

Soon the divine gold of the size of rice grains and the size of soybeans was absorbed and disappeared.

Only the larger divine gold continues to deliver divine gold.

Xiao Changfeng sat cross-legged, and the whole person was immersed in it, constantly refining.

One day, two days, three days …

One month, 2 months, 3 months…

At the time, Xiao Changfeng immortal physique Great Accomplishment took a full six months.

However, Xiao Changfeng at that time also needed to be promoted from Divine Physique to immortal physique.

Coupled with today’s Xiao Changfeng’s strength has increased, more means.

So 3 months later, all the divine gold was swallowed up by Xiao Changfeng.

Even Taibai Divine Gold is alsoappeared.

But Xiao Changfeng’s retreat was not over.

He gleamed with golden light, light and dark as if breathing.

And his breath is sometimes showing off one’s ability, sometimes restrained.

“There won’t be any surprises with Elder Xiao!”

In the distance, Iron Heavenly Venerate has already sacrificed 2 Divine Items.

Even with the help of a divine medicine given to him by Xiao Changfeng, the strength growth has reached Heavenly Venerable Realm 7 weight.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s state also made him worry again.

Cultivation is the most dangerous way.

If there is a slight difference, it will cultivate deviation, signed to eternal damnation.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s state is too strange and puzzling.

Iron Heavenly Venerate is also unable to judge.

In tension and worry, Iron Heavenly Venerate waited another month.

Now the golden light on Xiao Changfeng has completely disappeared, and the whole person has returned to its original state.

But the breath is completely restrained.

If it were still alive, I’m afraid Heavenly Venerate thought he had fallen.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng had not yet recovered.

Iron Heavenly Venerate gritted his teeth and decided to wake up Xiao Changfeng, otherwise there would be a mortal danger.

“Dao Tribulation, here!”

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

I saw the dark clouds over the sky dome, sinking into the sky!

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